Den teknologiske udviklings mulige miljøkonsekvenser

6 Litteratur

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Christiansen, J.L. (2002). 11 holdninger til fremtidens afgrøder, Biotekcenter, 89 pp.
Coates, J.F.; Mahaffie, J.B.; Hines, A. (1997). 2025: Scenarios of US and Global Society Reshaped by Science and Technology, Oakhill Press, 500 pp.
Dannemand Andersen, P.; Jørgensen, B.H.; Rasmussen, B. (2001). Sensor Technology Foresight, Risø-R-1292(EN), 56 pp. + appendices.
De Marchi, B.; Ravetz, J.R. (1999). Risk management and governance: a post-normal science approach, Futures, 31, 743-757.
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DMU (2001). Natur og Miljø 2001. Påvirkninger og tilstand, Faglig rapport fra DMU nr. 385, Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser, 368 pp.
ECOTEC (2002a). Analysis of the EU Eco-Industries their Employment and Export Potential, ECOTEC Research & Consulting Limited, 103 pp.
ECOTEC (2002b). Renewable Energy Sector in the EU: its Employment and Export Potential, ECOTEC Research & Consulting Limited, 61 pp.
Erhvervsfremme Styrelsen (1998). Sensorteknologi - Revideret rapport oktober 1998, 22 pp.
Erhvervsfremme Styrelsen (2000). Erhvervsudsigten. Trends der vil påvirke dansk erhvervsliv de kommende 10 år, 180 pp.
Erhvervsfremme Styrelsen (2001). Kompetenceklynger i dansk erhvervsliv - en ny brik i erhvervspolitikken, Erhvervsministeriet, 103 pp.
Etzkowitz, H.; Leydesdorff, L. (2000). The dynamics of innovation from National Systems and "Mode 2" to a Triple Helix of university-industry-government relations, Research Policy, 29, 109-123.
Forskningsministeriet (1998). National delstrategi for bioteknologisk forskning,
Forskningsministeriet (1999). National strategi for materiale forskning, 28 pp.
Gibbons, M. (1999). Science’s new social contract with society. Nature 402: supp c82-c84.
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Hansen, O.E.; Holm, J.; Søndergaard, B. (1999). Technological innovation and environmental policy in Denmark – On technology oriented environmental policy and environmental oriented technology policy, National macro report, ENVINNO, Roskilde University.
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Hemmelskamp, J.; Rennings, K.; Leone, F. (eds.) (2000). Innovation-oriented Environmental Regulation. Theoretical Approaches and Empirical Analysis, Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung, Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag.
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IPTS (1999). Life Sciences and the Frontier of Life Panel Report, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies. European Commission. EUR 18743 EN, 66 pp.
IPTS (2000). The IPTS Futures Project. Synthesis Report. Institute for Prospective Technological Studies. European Commission. EUR 19038 EN, 54 pp.
Jørgensen, M. S.; Pöyry, S.; Huisingh, D.; Borup, M.; Leskinen, A. (1996). Inventory on Cleaner Production. Education and Training, Helsinki: UETP-EEE, UNEP.
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KOM (2001). Grønbog - På vej mod en europæisk strategi for energiforsyningssikkerhed, 109 pp.
KOM (2002a). Rapport fra kommissionen. Miljøteknologi og bæredygtig udvikling, 23 pp.
KOM (2002b). Biovidenskab og bioteknologi - En strategi for Europa, 36 pp.
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Loveridge, D.; Georghiou, L.; Nedeva. M. (1995).United Kingdom Technology Foresight Programme. Delphi Survey. PREST. The University of Manchester. 543 pp.
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Meyer-Krahmer, F. (ed.) (1998). Innovation and Sustainable Development. Lessons for Innovation Policies, Series of the Frauenhofer-Institut for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI), Vol. 6, Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag
Moore, G.F.; Arkinson, H.; Lane, R.; Eng, W.S.F, (1997). Sensing the Future. Sensors in Manufacturing and Materials, A Report by the Foresight Sensors Action Group, Department of Trade of Industry, 22 pp.
National Research Council (2001). Materials in the New Millennium. Responding to Society’s Needs, Proceedings of the 2000 National Materials Advisory Board Forum, National Academy Press, 54 pp.
Nowotny, H.; Scott, P.; Gibbons, M. (2001). Re-Thinking Science. Knowledge and the public in an age of uncertainty, Polity Press, 278 pp.
OECD (1998). Biotechnology for clean industrial products and processes. Towards industrial sustainability, 200 pp.
OECD (2001). Environmental Outlook. 327 pp.
Pendrill, L. (2000). Forskningsnätverk för tillämpad sensorutvickling och mätteknik, Sveriges Provnings- och Forskningsinstitut, SP RAPPORT 2000:12
RAND Europe (1998). Technology radar. Global views on strategic technologies.(50 pp.) Technology radar. Main report and executive summary. (115 pp.). Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs.
Ravetz, J.; Funtowicz, S. (1999). Post-Normal Science - an insight now maturing, Futures, 31, 641-646.
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Schubert, U.; Sedlack, S. (2001). Towards an Integration of Environmental and Environment-oriented Technology Policy: Stimulus and Response in Environment-Related Innovation Networks, ENVINNO-Synthesis Report, EU.
SJVF (2002). Strategiplan 2003-2007. Statens Jordbrugs- og Veterinærvidenskabelige Forskningsråd, 30 pp.
Smith, K. (2002). Environmental innovation in a system framework, paper for the Blueprint workshop, Brussels, January 2002, Maastricht: UNU/Intech.
Stevens, C. (2000). OECD Programme on Technology and Sustainable Development, [In:] Hemmelskamp et. al. 2000.
STVF (1998). Teknisk Videnskabelig Forskning - Strategiplan 1998-2002, Statens Teknisk Videnskabelige Forskningsråd.
Sveriges Industriförbund (2000). Teknisk framsyn. Det framsynta samhället. Syntesrapport från teknisk framsyn, 56 pp. + 8 panelrapporter. Kungl. Ingenjörvetenskapsakademien, Närings- och teknikutvecklingsverket. Stiftelsen för Startegisk Forskning.
Takker, A.; Haag, E.; Eder, P. (2000). Eco-design; European state of the art. Part I: Comparative analysis and conclusions, ESTO project report, Joint Research Centre Seville, EUR 19583 EN, 68 pp.
Teknologirådet (2002). Borgernes Idékatalog. Resultater fra tre borgerhøringer om ‘Bæredygtig vækst - hvordan’, 54 pp.
Vollenbroek, F.A.; Weterings, R.A.P.M.; Butter, M. (1999). Technology options for sustainable development, Technology foresight and sustainable development: Proceedings of the Budapest workshop 11 Dec 1998, DSTI/STP/TIP(99)8/FINAL, p. 83-93.
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