Statistik for returpapir og -pap 2003


"Statistics of recycled paper and cardboard 2003" (Statistik for returpapir og -pap 2003) illustrates the development in the market for recycled paper in 2003.

Table 0.1 shows the extent of the Danish paper consumption, the Danish paper production, the collection of recycled paper and the consumption of recycled paper at Danish factories, net exports of recycled paper and the stock increase from 1999 till 2003. Enclosure J, Table 1, gives similar information for the period from 1990 till 2003.

Table 0.1. Consumption and recycling of paper 1999-2003. 1,000 tonnes

  1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Consumption of new paper 1,326 1,347 1,360 1,373 1,345
Danish production 356 413 381 403 392
Collection of recycled paper 711 710 721 572 762
- percentage of consumption of new paper 53.6 52.7 53.0 54.8 56.6
Consumption of recycled paper 420 433 403 424 407
- percentage of Danish production 118 109 106 105 104
Net exports of recycled paper 298 287 316 327 346
Stock increase -6 -9 2 2 8

If the amounts in table 0.1 are converted to kg per citizen [2] the following is obtained for 2003:

  • Consumption of new paper 249 kg
  • Collection of recycled paper 141 kg
  • Consumption of recycled paper 75 kg
  • Net exports of recycled paper 64 kg

"Statistics of recycled paper and cardboard 2003" shows that:

  • compared to 2002, the consumption of new paper has decreased by 27,000 tons, corresponding to 2.0 per cent
  • compared to 2002, the Danish paper production has decreased by 11,000 tons, corresponding to 2.6 per cent
  • compared to 2002, the collection of recycled paper has increased by 10,000 tons, corresponding to 1.3 per cent
  • the collection percentage for 2003 can be assessed to be 56.6 per cent. In 2002, the collection percentage was also estimated at 54.8 per cent
  • the Danish paper production of 392,242 tonnes included 407,499 tonnes of recycled paper. The consumption of recycled paper exceeds the paper production because impurities etc. are sorted out in the reprocessing process.
  • the price charged for recycled paper increased from the first to the second quarter, but decreased again in the third quarter. At the end of the year the price was approx. at the same level as in the beginning of 2003.

The consumption of recycled paper at the Danish factories that use recycled paper as well as the production at these factories have decreased in 2003.


[2] In 2001, the population amounted to 5,397,649 persons /1/.


Version 1.0 Juli 2005, © Miljøstyrelsen.