
Environmental Project no. 512  2000

Toxicological Evaluation and Limit Values for Nonylphenol, Nonylphenol Ethoxylates, Tricresyl, Phosphates and Benzoic Acid

Abstract in English:
In this report the toxocological documentation for the setting of limit   evalues for nonylphenol and nonylphenol ethoxylates, tricresylphosphates and benzoic acid are presented.  The principles upon which the Danish Environmental Protection Agency bases the health based limit values for chemical substances are briefly outline.

Abstract in Danish:
Denne rapport præsenterer de humantoksikologiske vurderinger, der ligger til grund for fastsættelse af grænseværdier for nonylphenol, nonylphenoletoxylater, tricresylfosfater og benzoesyre. Rapporten indeholder endvidere en kort beskrivelse af principperne for de toksikologiske vurderinger, der danner grundlag for grænseværdier

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