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Forurening og formering af mitter i Egeløkke Lung

6. Litteraturliste

Akey, D. H., Luedke, A. J. & Osburn, B. I. (1989): Development of hypersensitivity in cattle to the biting midge (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). – Misc. Publ. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 71: 22-28.

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Barnard, D. R. & Jones, R. H. (1980): Culicoides variipennis: Seasonal abundance, overwintering, and voltinism in Northeastern Colorado. Enviromental Entomology 9: 709-712.

Birley, M. H. & Boorman, J. P. T. (1982): Estimating the survival and biting rates of haematophagous insects, with particular reference to the Culicoides obsoletus group (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae) in Southern England. – J. Anim. Ecol. 51: 135-148.

Braverman, Y. & Galun, R. (1973a): The medical and veterinary importance of the genus Culicoides (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae). – Refuah Veterin. 30: 62-68.

Braverman, Y. & Galun, R. (1973b): The occurrence of Culicoides in Israel with reference to the incidence of blue tongue. – Refuah Veterin 30: 121-127.

Braverman, Y. & Linley, J. R. (1988): Parity and voltinism of several Culicoides spp. (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in Israel, as determined by two trapping methods. – J. Med. Entomology 25: 121-126.

Brodskaya, N. K. (1994): An influence of economical activity on the fauna of biting midges of the genus Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in the vicinity of St. Petersburg. – Parasitologija 28: 452-457 (på russisk).

Campbell, J. A. & Pelham-Clinton, E. C. (1960): A taxonomic review of the British species of »Culicoides« Latreille (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae). – Proc. R. Soc. Edinburgh 67(3): 181-302.

Downes, J. A. (1950): Habits and life cycle of Culicoides nubeculosus (Mg.). – Nature 166: 510.

Edwards, F. W. (1939): Nematocera, i: Oldroyd, H. & Smart, J. (eds.): British blood-sucking flies. – British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London: 1-156.

Fyns Amt, Natur- og Vandmiljøafdelingen (1997): Kort notat om: Vandkemi samt mængde og beskaffenhed af slam i Egeløkke Lungs midterste og østlige bassin – Odense. 6pp.

Gutierrez, A. P. (1996): Applied population ecology. A supply-demand approach. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., New York. 300 pp.

Hesselholt, M. & Agger, N. (1977): Sommereksem hos hest. – Dansk vet. Tidsskrift 60: 715-720.

Holst, N., Axelsen, J. A., Olesen, J. E. & Ruggle, P. (1997): Object oriented implementation of the metabolic pool model. Ecological Modelling (In press).

Isaev, V. A. (1975): Photoperiodic induction of the diapause of the egg phase in the bloodsucking midge Culicoides pulicaris putictatus Mg. (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae). – Parasitologija 9: 501-506 (på russisk).

Isaev, V. A. (1979): Ecological and morphological principles of Diptera systematics (Insecta). Contribution to a symposium (13.-15. september, 1978, Voronetzh). Zoological Institute of the Academy of Science of the USSR, Leningrad, 1-121 (på russisk).

James, M. T. & Harwood, R. F. (1969): Herms's medical entomology - Macmillan, London. 484pp.

Jespersen, J. Brøchner (1981): Økologiske studier over insektfaunaen på sortbrogede (SDM) kvier, med særligt henblik på indkredsning af potentielle vektorer for sommermastitis (smitsom yverbetændelse). Specialerapport, Zoologisk Institut, Aarhus Universitet. 70pp.

Jones, R. H. (1959): Culicoides breeding in human sewage sites of dwellings in Texas. – Mosquito News 19: 164-167.

Kettle, D. S. (1984): Medical and veterinary entomology – Croom Helm, London – Sydney. 658pp.

Kettie, D. S. & Lawson, J. W. H. (1952): The early stages of British biting midges Culicoides Latr. (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae) and allied genera. – Bull. ent. Res. 43: 421-467.

Kremer, M. (1965): Contribution à l'étude du genre Culicoides Latreille particulièrement en France – Faculté de Médecine de Strasbourg. Année 1961, No. 39: 1-299.

Mullens, B. A. (1989): A quantitative survey of Culicoides variipennis (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in dairy wastewater ponds in Southern California. – J. Med. Entomology 26: 559-565.

Mullens, B. A. & Rodriquez, J. L. (1988): Colonization and response of Culicoides variipennis (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) to pollution levels in experimental dairy wastewater ponds. – J. Med. Entomology 25: 441-451.

Nielsen, B. Overgaard (1963): The biting midges of Lyngby Åmose (Culicoides: Ceratopogonidae). – Natura Jutlandica 10: 1-46.

Nielsen, B. Overgaard (1964): Mitter og mitteplagen i Lyngby Åmose. - Naturens Verden, september 1964: 257-265.

Nielsen, B. Overgaard (1971): Some observations on biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) attacking grazing cattle in Demnark. – Ent. Scand. 2: 94-98.

Nielsen, B. Overgaard (1978): Udledning af husholdningsspildevand i ferskvand og masseudvikling af mitter (Dipt., Ceratopogonidae, Culicoides). – Norw. J. Ent. 25: 81.

Nielsen, B. Overgaard & Christensen, O. (1975): A mass attack by the biting midge Culicoides nubeculosus (Mg.)(Diptera, Ceratopogonidae) on grazing cattle in Denmark. A new aspect of sewage discharge. – Nord. vet.-Med. 27: 365-372.

Nielsen, B. Overgaard & Nielsen, S. Achim (1978): Forureningen har lagt grunden til fremtidens mitteplage. – Forskningen og Samfundet 4: 8-9.

Nielsen, B. Overgaard & Nielsen, S. Achim (1981): Saprobity of running waters and distribution of Culicoides larvae. – Israel J. Ent. 15: 113.

Nielsen, B. Overgaard, Nielsen, S. Achim & Jespersen, J. (1987): The fly fauna of heifers and the transmission of summer mastitis in Denmark. – I: Thomas, G., Over, H. J., Vecht, U. & Nansen, P. (eds.): Summer Mastitis. – Current Topics in Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science 45: 116-120.

Nielsen, B. Overgaard, Nielsen, L. Brunberg & Elmegaard, N. (1996): Pesticider og agerjordens fauna af tovingede insekter. – Bekæmpelsesmiddelforskning fra Miljøstyrelsen, nr. 16: 1-51.

Nielsen, S. Achim & Nielsen, B. Overgaard (1979): Mitter. – Kaskelot 38: 18-23.

Nielsen, S. Achim, Siewertz-Pouisen, K. E. & Nielsen, B. Overgaard, 1980: A time-sorting insect light trap. – Emtomologiske Meddelelser 48: 29-32.

Nielsen, S. Achim (1982): Systematiske og økologiske undersøgelser over mitter (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae: Culicoides Latr.) med særligt henblik på vektorproblematikken – Ph. D. Thesis, Aarhus Universitet.

Nielsen, S. Achim, Nielsen, B. Overgaard & Jespersen, J. (1986): Effekt af vandløbskvalitet på hyppigheden af kvægmyg- og mittelarver (SimuIiidae & Ceratopogonidae). – Flora og Fauna 92: 69-74.

Rambøll & Fyns Amt, Miljø- og Arealafdelingen (1996): Forureningsundersøgelse. Egeløkke Lung og Bøstrup Gl. Mejeri, Tranekær Kommune, Langeland. 24pp + Bilag 1-6.

Riek, R. F. (1954): Studies on allergic dermatitis (Queensland itch) of the horse: The aethiology of the disease. – Aust. J. Agric. Res. 5: 109-129.

Riek, R. F. (1955): Studies on allergic dermatitis (Queensland itch) of the horse: The origin and significance of histamine in the blood and its distribution in the tissues. – Aust. J. Agric. Res. 6: 161-170.

Rowley, W. A. (1967): Observations on larval habitats and the winter bionomics of some common species of Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in the Central Columbia Basin. – Mosquito News 27: 499505.

Schmidtmann, E. T., Jones, C. J. and Gollands, B. (1980): Comparative host-seeking activity of Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) attracted to pastured livestock in Central New York State, USA. – J. Med. Entomology 17: 221-231.

Schmidtmann, E. T., Mullens, B. A, Schwager, S. J. & Spear, S. (1983): Distribution, abundance and a probability model for larval Culicoides variipennis (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) on dairy farms in New York State. – Enviromnental Entomology 12: 768-773.

Standfast, H. A. & Dyce, A. L. (1968): Attacks on cattle by mosquitoes and biting midges. – Austr. Vet. J. 44: 585-586.

Svendsen, U. Gerner & Nielsen, B. Overgaard (1985): Mitter og mitteplage. - Ugeskrift for Læger 147: 1830-1833.

Svendsen, U. Gerner & Nielsen, B. Overgaard (1992): Mitter og mitteplage. -Lægemagasinet 6: 22-26.

Wall, R. & Shearer, D. (1997): Veterinary Entomology – Chapmann & Hall, London. 439pp.

Walker, A. R. (1977): Adult lifespan and reproductive status of Culicoides species (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in Kenya, with reference to virus transmission. - Bull. ent. Res. 67: 205-215.

Wittmann, E. (1997): Climate change and the transmission of arbovirus by Culicoides biting midges. – Antenna 21: 134-135.

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