6.7.   Airports

The EC does not regulate airport noise.

The greatest single source of noise pollution in Denmark is Copenhagen International Airport at Kastrup. It subjects a large number of neighbours to noise levels that exceed the guide levels in the Danish EPA’s Guidelines on noise from airports. Airports are listed enterprises, and in principle are therefore subject to the usual rules on authorization and injunctions. The same applies no matter whether the airport is military or civil. In Denmark the military - except for the hazard and EIA rules (Directives 82/501 and 85/337) - has to comply with the same environmental requirements as civilian activities.

The circumstances of Copenhagen International Airport at Kastrup are somewhat special, however, as a 1980 Act stipulates that the airport should be where it is and should be expanded in order to secure its position as an international airport. At the same time it is a goal that noise should be kept within the limits set in 1976, and that as far as possible it should be reduced in accordance with that level. Consideration for air traffic has the highest priority, though. By way of compensation the neighbours were offered support for noise abatement measures, an o ffer that was accepted by approx. 80% of the nearest neighbours.

Intervention by the environmental authority takes the form of injunctions issued to the airport. An example is an injunction against using reverse thrust during landing except when necessary for reasons of safety. However, the airport has problems in making the airlines comply 100% with the environmental requirements.

Progress as regards the environmental regulation of airports can be summarized as follows: At Copenhagen International Airport environmental requirements have taken the edge off the problem, but there are still many noise plagued neighbours and there are constantly conflicts with them. At the other airports implementation of the recommended requirements has been somewhat easier, and there have been no obvious conflicts.