9.3.   Other uniform regulations on pesticides and industrial chemicals

Council Regulation 2455/92 regulates the export and import of certain dangerous chemicals. The Regulation encompasses 24 extremely dangerous substances, e.g. DDT, PCB and PCT. The main idea is that export of these substances to a third party country (i.e. outside the EC) may only take place with that country’s prior informed consent. In Denmark the Regulation 2455/92 is administered by the Danish EPA.

With a view to evaluating and controlling the risks of existing substances, the EC has through Council Regulation 793/93 issued a number of regulations concerning the duty of notification prevailing upon the manufacturer or importer of a substance. In short, they are required of their own accord to forward to the Commission information on the quantities involved and on how dangerous the substance is. In addition, the Regulation distributes the workload between Member States such that each State as Reporting State assumes responsibility for evaluating some of the substances. The Reporting State can require the manufacturer or importer to undertake further studies to elucidate the dangerousness of the substance. The Reporting State submits a proposal for possible intervention in respect of the evaluated substance and this is considered by the Commission and the Committee set up in accordance with the Regulation 793/93. Denmark has so far assumed responsibility for evaluating 1 substance.