BAT Best Available Techniques
BOD5 Biological Oxygen Demand in 5 days
BS British Standard
CFC Chlorofluorocarbons
CO Carbon monoxide
CO2 Carbon dioxide
COD Chemical Oxygen Demand
DKK Danish crowns (1.7.95: DKK 100 = USD 18.5 = DEM 25.6 = ECU 13.9)
EC European Communities (see also EU)
EEA European Environment Agency
EFCU Environmental and Foodstuff Control Unit
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
EU European Union
GD General Directorate (in the Commission)
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GDPf Gross Domestic Product at factor cost
GMO Genetically Modified Organism
N Nitrogen (in the form of nitrates)
NO2 Nitrogen dioxide
NOx Nitrogen oxides
P Phosphorus (in the form of phosphates)
PE Person Equivalents (1 PE = 60 g BOD5/day = 21.6 kg BOD5/year)
PJ Picajoule (1 PJ = 23,900 tonnes oil equivalents)
PPP Polluter Pays Principle
SO2 Sulphur dioxide
VOC Volatile Organic Compounds