About the author

Mogens Moe was born in 1944. He graduated from Copenhagen University as candidatus juris in 1968 and obtained his Ph.D. in law in 1974.

From 1968-1974 he held a postgraduate research position at Copenhagen University and later a lectureship at Roskilde University.

From 1974-94 he held a number of positions at the Danish Ministry of Environment and Energy, from 1985-94 as the head of the Supervision and Legislation Division of the Danish Environmental Protection Agency.

Since 1994 he has been head of the Environmental Law Department of Koch-Nielsen & Grønborg, one of the leading Danish business law firms.

As an External Lecturer at Copenhagen University, Mogens Moe has taught both administrative law (1980-83 and 1986-90) and environmental law (1990-).

He is the author of "Miljøret - Miljøbeskyttelse" (Environmental Law - Environmental Protection) (2nd edition 1994), a widely regarded Danish textbook on environmental law.