Integration of Environmental Considerations at Different Levels of Decision Making

Table D1.6
Municipalities as Regulators

Parameters Tools / Mechanisms Examples
Should chemical(s) be regulated/monitored?
Compliance / Liability
Regulations setting out role and responsibilities of municipalities, together with provisions for resources, enforcement and liability in cases of negligence
Pressure from Local Community, NGOs, Citizens
Widening involvement
Participatory/discursive forums
Legal rights i.e. granting ‘standing’ to citizens, NGOs to bring court action
Freedom of Information
Pollution Registers
Potential ecological and health damage
Scientific knowledge/research into chemical, health and environmental effects
Precautionary Principle
Risk Assessments of chemicals (especially persistent, bioaccumulative, high volume) by industry and/or government
Company co-operation, track record and behaviour
Corporate Policy
Effective EMS with compliance as a minimum plus more ambitious targets
In-house monitoring
Verified environmental reporting
Monitoring and enforcement
records of company environmental performance
EC EMAS scheme
How should chemical(s) be regulated/monitored?
Availability and effectiveness of alternatives to traditional regulation procedure
Tools to encourage company co-operation/action - see previous
R&D into alternative methods
Work on prevention not cure via raising awareness of regulations amongst SMEs, offering advice/ guidance/ information / workshops
Mandatory reporting on certain aspects e.g. for pollution register
Report procedures for citizens and NGOs
Legal standing of citizens and NGOs


Research into conditions for success of voluntary agreements

Environment Agency in GB moving towards facilitation approach

Effectiveness and efficiency of existing tools
Discharge, emission, abstraction consents
Fines (level determines deterrent effect but due consideration needed for SMEs)
Monitoring and Enforcement
Recycling/hypothecation of funds from successful court cases.
GB regulation enables funds from certain fines to be allocated to the Environment Agency for enforcement activities
R&D into ‘intelligent’ monitoring equipment e.g. automatic/non-staffed, tamper proof, cost-effective