Integration of Environmental Considerations at Different Levels of Decision Making

Table B1.3 Households

Parameters Tools / Mechanisms Examples
What Type of house is purchased (energy efficient or not)?
Availability of energy efficient old and new housing
Targets for Energy efficiency/m2 of housing
R&D on energy efficient materials
Building standards regulations
Collaborative industry efforts -
Danish Building Code 1995

industry codes for energy efficiency

Awareness of energy efficiency issues.
Educating houseowners, renters, building managers
Energy audits of housing before sale
Energy labelling of new housing
Since 1981 a scheme requiring home owners to audit existing buildings and identify measures with <8-10 years pay back and implement them and gain a green certificate before selling their home has operated. Audits are undertaken by special state authorised energy consultants.

Heating inspection is a subsidised option. The provision of heating inspection report or an energy certificate has been mandatory when a building changes hands (although no sanctions were implied.) Audits and labelling

Cheaper mortgages for energy efficient housing
Grants or tax breaks for insulation materials; offsets against income or property taxes; financing against savings in bills
Information on cost benefit ratio between insulation costs and operational savings
Subsidies for pensioners and also for government offices in Denmark
More clearly itemised energy bills for households
What type of fuel or electricity is used?
Availability (infrastructure for renewables, district heating etc)
Targets for market share of renewables and CHP
Energy Company environmental policies
Green Electricity labelling
Policy targets set for renewables, CHP and district heating
Utility financing of energy efficiency measures
Municipal Green Accounts, Denmark
US and UK examples of labelling, Danish scheme
Targets for market penetration supported by indicators
Investor incentives for renewables (eg tax free investment)
Subsidised interest rates for renewables
Green investment trusts
sustainability ratings
consumer organisation reports
Energy company environmental reporting requirements
Housebuilder/energy company marketing and awareness raising initiatives
Energy awareness days, Council for Sustainable Energy, Denmark
energy nutrition labels on electricity bills, California
Tax breaks for private investors in windturbines, Denmark
EcoFunds UK and US energy companies
Ecoratings, UK energy companies
FOE green ratings reports, UK
Municipalities, Denmark; reporting to regulator Holland and UK
FOE Climate savers programme UK aiming at these actors


Fossil fuel taxes, Carbon energy tax
Subsidised tariffs for green electricity
Government watchdog re price fixing
Market guarantees for market share of renewables and CHP
Carbon Energy taxes in operation or proposed across Europe
California Energy Commission subsidies
Obligations to buy at fixed prices operate in many EU Member States
Reliability of supply
Minimum Service standards
Certification of green electricity - labelling
Requirement for electricity companies to offer green electricity
Dutch Quotas and Groenlabel tradeable certificates for renewables production
Labelling of most energy efficient products awarded on annual basis for consumer products, Denmark
Minimum quality and performance standards
Habit/Established behaviour/Inertia
Product information - provision and promotion
Marketing - producer and/or retailer
NGO campaigns/organised boycotts
Public environmental awareness campaigns encouraging individual responsibility and action
Product information
Consumer advice
Which type of appliance to buy (low energy products)?
Retailer environmental policies
Retailer incentives to develop energy efficient products
Regulations: prohibition/restriction of high energy use products
Ecolabel standards becoming minimum standards over time
Minimum energy efficiency standards for some products (boilers, air conditioning, freezer and fridges etc)
Incentives (green taxes, tax breaks, price subsidies etc)
Taxes on high energy products
Special offers (rebates for low energy products offered by Danish Government 1999)
Perceived product attributes eg value added, environmental benefits
Green marketing (producer & retailer)
Retail staff advice / training
Eco-labels, Energy labelling
Consumer organisation reports/product tests
Public environmental awareness campaigns/education
Green procurement



procurement policies to favour energy efficient appliances, light bulbs etc Danish housing Associations, local authorities etc

How much energy is used?
Awareness and appliance information
Leaflets and Articles
In-store demonstrations


Energy use labels
Opportunities for sharing facilities
Pooled appliances in apartment blocks/tenants associations etc
VAT on fuel, carbon energy taxes
rebates for energy efficient households
Carbon energy taxes