Integration of Environmental Considerations at Different Levels of Decision Making

Table C1.1

(This includes decisions made by households in the role of an employee)

Parameters Tools/mechanisms Examples
Is this journey necessary?
Availability of alternatives to travel
R & D
new technology for telecommunications
demonstration projects to encourage walking
information systems
Demonstration projects for teleworking villages in the UK
Communications technology
eg teleworking, Internet shopping and banking
Community networking/ co-ordination of local services)
community internet services
support for local shops and facilities
Land use planning guidance and regulations
to reduce the need for travel through encouraging higher densities and mixed development
planning that encourages walking and cycling
eg UK Planning Policy Guidance 13 A Guide to Better Practice: Reducing the nee to travel through land use and transport (currently being revised)
Corporate policy
Employer policies in support of teleworking
development of company transport plans to reduce need for travel
Education and awareness
eg UK Are you doing your bit? - Government led campaign
Consumer advice
What mode of transport should I use?  
Availability of different transport options to required location
regulation of public transport services
standards for public transport coverage and frequency
R & D
to develop alternative technologies and improve transport planning and public transport services
Land use planning regulation and guidance
encourage development in areas with good public transport or that facilitates the use of public transport
support for integrated transport planning
eg Netherlands: Amsterdam Transferium - facility for 2,500 vehicles to direct transfer to public transport
Corporate policy:
Employer policy
eg use of company transport plans, providing interest free loans for public transport season tickets, provision of special buses for large employers
Operator policy
support for development and introduction of alternative technology vehicles
co-operation with large employers to ensure adequate public transport services
Economic incentives
Incentives/ subsidies for transport operators to ensure provision of public transport
eg UK Quality Contracts for buses to ensure exclusive operation of certain routes with financial support
industry collaboration to improve public transport services
commuter plans
car share schemes
development of integrated transport services
eg UK: Nottingham Commuter planners club bringing together 33 organisations actively involved in the development of commuter plans
car pooling
operator and employer collaboration to provide special bus services or ensure public transport services for employees
Economic incentives
fuel tax
NL: variabilisation strategy - higher fuel excise taxes leading to increased fuel prices
road user charging
introduction of road pricing for heavily used roads or for heavy goods vehicles
parking charges
Spain: restriction on long duration parking in many cities
subsidised public transport services
government support for certain public transport routes to ensure services
employer subsidised public transport travel or interest free loans
abolition of fiscal incentives for company cars
eg multi modal travel cards
regulation of public transport charges
special ticketing offers by public transport operators
Suitability - timetabling/facilities
Service design
improving the design of public transport services to encourage use
urban planning to increase reliability of public transport and high occupancy vehicles on roads
low access buses, luggage facilities, bicycle storage areas on trains, easier cleaning
NL: high occupancy vehicle lanes - dedicated road lanes for buses, car poolers
traffic calming
integrated transport services both in terms of timetabling and facilitating interchanges
multi modal information systems
integrated timetabling
NL: Amsterdam transferium
R & D
development of IT systems to provide better information
tracking systems to provide real time information to passengers and to provide feedback to operators to improve the scheduling
UK: ‘Countdown’ real time electronic information displays at main bus stops in London
Widening involvement
passenger consultation programmes
Regulation of public transport services
standards for service provision with financial penalties for poor performance
Service design
improved infrastructure and urban planning to support public transport
bus lanes, zoning for restricting access in urban areas to favour public transport
Regulation, monitoring and enforcement of public transport services
standards for service provision with financial penalties for poor performance
integrated transport services both in terms of timetabling and facilitating interchanges
multi modal real time information systems
effective integrated timetabling
co-ordinated interchanges
Service information
provision of information on service quality
self imposed service standards for operators
operator performance reporting
passenger charters
R & D
development of IT systems to provide better information
tracking systems to provide real time information to passengers and to provide feedback to operators to improve scheduling and service provision
Design and operating standards
design and operating standards with monitoring and reporting
Service information
provision of information on safety performance
operator performance reporting
Perceived attributes eg status/comfort/convenience
improving perception of public transport services and to highlight environmental benefits
  Education/public awareness raising
Government led promotions and campaigns
Service design
improving perception and status of public transport
provision of better facilities for all users on public transport, business or family carriages on trains
Service information
Operator reporting
better information systems
information systems, travel information helplines
Regulation, monitoring and enforcement of public transport services
standards for service provision with financial penalties for poor performance
Should I choose to use a car, what make/model should I buy?  
Availability of different models/ technologies
Economic incentives
Manufacturer/ retailer incentives to produce/supply energy efficient models
market support
R & D to develop to improve energy efficiency and new technologies
Corporate policy
Manufacturer/ retailer environmental policy to develop and support alternative and energy efficient technologies
Agreement between EU and European car manufacturers (ACEA) to reduce CO2 emissions
Regulation of vehicle energy efficiency
prohibition of high energy use cars or energy efficiency standards
Cost - purchase and running
Economic incentives:
differential/ increased purchase tax, road or parking charges for smaller/more energy efficient vehicles
subsidies for energy efficient vehicles
Dk:: high vehicle purchase tax
UK: annual increases in fuel duty of at least 6% above the rate of inflation (no longer in place)
NL: variabilisation strategy
R & D
development of alternative and energy efficient technologies
decreasing production costs of alternative technologies
regulation of vehicle pricing in favour of energy efficient vehicles
industry collaboration on R & D
Product design
vehicle design that incorporates new technologies but is also meet the users everyday needs
Widening involvement
consultation and participation of all stakeholders in development of new technologies
industry collaboration for provision of fuelling infrastructure to support alternative technologies
R & D
Product design
improved safety of new designs
Quality/safety standards
Regulation, monitoring and enforcement in relation to vehicle safety
Product information
inclusion of safety information in product information
manufacturer HSE reports to include product safety information
Perceived product attributes and awareness
Green marketing to highlight energy efficiency and other environmental attributes
eg fuel efficiency rating
Volvo V70 Environmental Declaration
Corporate policy
Retailer policy for staff training in environmental attributes
promotion of environmental benefits of products
staff training to provide environmental information in sales
Product performance standards for new technologies
Producer helplines for consumers and retailers
Public awareness campaigns and education
Product information
Manufacturer corporate environmental reporting
How do I drive my car?    
Regulation and enforcement
reducing speed limits especially in residential and urban areas
enforcement of speed limits
Urban planning
traffic calming schemes in urban areas
Environmentally friendly driving
public information campaign to increase awareness of road safety
Finland and Sweden: Eco Driving scheme to teach safe and environmentally friendly driving
Fuel costs
Enforcement of speed limits
NL: Highway speed limit enforcement programme
to promote and support environmentally friendly driving
Sweden: Eco Driving collaboration between National Road Administration and the Swedish Association of Driving Schools
Economic incentives
government support of eco-driving schemes