Integration of Environmental Considerations at Different Levels of Decision Making

Table C1.3 Businesses as providers of transport services

Parameters Tools/mechanisms Examples
Which mode of transport do I offer?  
Education and awareness raising campaigns to encourage greater use of non road transport
Service information
Provision of real time passenger information systems
eg NL TRACE and UK Countdown
Land use/urban planning guidance and regulation
to encourage development in areas with public transport services
Industry collaboration
Integrated transport services in terms of timetabling, interchange and network planning
nodal centres, public transport transfer centres
multi- modal information system
requirements for service provision both coverage and frequency
to support public transport services on certain routes
Marketing to encourage greater use of public transport and overcome poor perception
Widening involvement
Passenger and business consultation
Economic incentives to encourage use of public transport
fuel tax
NL: variabilisation strategy
vehicle purchase tax
road use charges
EU Enurovignette
parking charges
increased charges for retail and work place parking
Provision of mulitmodal travel cards
collaboration between operators and large employers to ensure public transport services are available for staff
Existing transport infrastructure
Land use planning guidance and regulation
to maximise the use of existing infrastructure and encourage public transport services,
eg reducing bottlenecks, provision of transfer facilities, encouraging development in areas with public transport services
Service design
eg provision of bus lanes, extension of rail network
Integrating transport services to maximise use of existing infrastructure
Integrated transport services in terms of timetabling, interchange and network planning to improve all public transport services
restriction on monopolies of public transport services
Regulation including facilitation of future compliance:
voluntary agreements
widening involvement - participation of operators in development of regulations
advice services to operators
Corporate culture/ethics/
Corporate policy
support of environmentally friendly transport services
What price should I charge?  
Education and awareness raising campaigns to encourage greater use of non road transport
Service information
Provision of real time passenger information systems
eg NL TRACE and UK Countdown
Land use/urban planning guidance and regulation
to encourage development in areas with public transport services
Industry collaboration
Integrated transport services in terms of timetabling, interchange and network planning
nodal centres, public transport transfer centres
multi- modal information system
requirements for service provision both coverage and frequency
to support public transport services on certain routes
Marketing to encourage greater use of public transport and overcome poor perception
Widening involvement
Passenger and business consultation
Competitor price charging
Regulation of public transport charging and restrictions on monopolies
Mulitmodal/operator ticketing
Planned investment
Land use/urban planning
to determine need for extension of transport networks to meet needs of new development
minimum service requirements for coverage and frequency
Widening involvement
Passenger consultation in planning public transport services
Economic incentives
subsidisation of public transport network
What route and timetable should I provide?  
Operating cost
Economic incentives
fuel tax
road user charging
subsidisation/financial support
fuel support for public transport services
Provision of mulitmodal travel cards
R & D
Use of IT systems for logistical planning to improve service efficiency and match demand
Education and awareness raising campaigns to encourage greater use of non road transport
Service information
Provision of real time passenger information systems
eg NL TRACE and UK Countdown
Land use/urban planning guidance and regulation
to encourage development in areas with public transport services
Industry collaboration
Integrated transport services in terms of timetabling, interchange and network planning
nodal centres, public transport transfer centres
multi- modal information system
requirements for service provision both coverage and frequency
to support public transport services on certain routes
Marketing to encourage greater use of public transport and overcome poor perception
Widening involvement
Passenger and business consultation
Integrated transport services- timetabling, interchange and network planning
Regulation of public transport charging and restrictions on monopolies
R & D
Use of IT systems for monitoring and tracking of transport networks
Regulation, monitoring and enforcement
Service/product operation and design standards
Regulation including facilitation of future compliance:
voluntary agreements
widening involvement - participation of operators in development of regulations
advice services to operators
What stock/fleet should we use?  
Availability of different models/ technologies
Economic incentives
Manufacturer/retailer incentives to produce/supply energy efficient models
market support
Corporate policy
Manufacturer/retailer environmental policy to develop and support alternative and energy efficient technologies
to require environmental attributes to be a factor in choosing a fleet
Agreement between EU and European car manufacturers (ACEA) to reduce CO2 emissions
Regulation of vehicle energy efficiency
prohibition of high energy use cars or energy efficiency standards
R & D to develop to improve energy efficiency and new technologies
Cost - purchase and running
Economic incentives:
differential/increased purchase tax, road or parking charges for smaller/more energy efficient vehicles
subsidies for energy efficient vehicles
R & D
to reduce production costs of alternative technologies
regulation of vehicle pricing in favour of energy efficient vehicles
Product design to improve capacity
industry collaboration for provision of fuelling infrastructure to support alternative technologies
Product design
eg low access
Widening involvement
consultation with passenger groups
industry collaboration for provision of fuelling infrastructure to support alternative technologies
Corporate policy
eg to require environmental attributes to be a factor in choice of fleet
Perceived product status
Green marketing
fuel efficiency rating
Corporate policy
Retailer policy for staff training in environmental attributes
promotion of environmental benefits of products
manufacturer policy to promote environmental attributes of products
Manufacturer HSE reporting to include product environmental performance
operator policy to support purchase of energy efficient /alternative technologies
staff training to provide environmental information in sales
Product quality standards for new technologies
Education and public awareness campaigns
Producer helplines
R & D
Product design
improved safety of new designs
Quality/safety standards
Regulation, monitoring and enforcement in relation to vehicle safety
Product information
inclusion of safety information in product information
manufacturer HSE reports to include product safety information
How do I drive the fleet/stock?  
Urban planning
traffic calming schemes in urban areas
Corporate policy
employer health and safety policy promoting safe driving
Fuel costs
to promote and support environmentally friendly driving
Sweden: Eco Driving collaboration between National Road Administration , Swedish Association of Driving Schools, public and private sectors
Economic incentives
government support of eco-driving schemes for transport operators
Driver delivery schedule
R & D
Use of IT systems for tracking and monitoring to increase efficiency of logistics and load optimisation