Pesticides Research no. 53, 2000 Entomophthorales on cereal aphidsCharacterisation, growth, virulence, epizootiology and potiential for microbial controlContentsPrefaceThis report contains the results of a project conducted at The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University with financial support from the Danish Environmental Protection Agency. The project was carried out from June 1996 to May 1999. The steering committee consisted of: Holger Pedersen, Danish Forest and Nature Agency (Chairman) Bettina Jensen, Danish Forest and Nature Agency Lars Monrad Hansen, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences and Jørgen Eilenberg and Charlotte Nielsen, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University. The authors wish to acknowledge the members of the steering committee for their support and collaboration, and Dorthe Britt Jensen, Kirsten Ploug and Dorte Lunn Jensen for technical assistance. Furthermore, we thank Judith Pell (Rothamsted Experimental Station, England), Ann Hajek (Cornell University, Ithaca, USA), Richard Humber (United States Department of Agriculture, Ithaca, USA) and Urs Tuor, Ann Grundschoeber and Florian Freimoser (all from Eidgenössische Technische Hochscule (ETH), Zürich, Switzerland) for collaboration on the project.
Summary and conclusionsAphids are important pest insects on cereals in Denmark. The three most important species are: the cereal aphid (Sitobion avenae), the bird cherry-oat aphid (Rhopalosiphum padi) and the rose-grass aphid (Metopolophium dirhodum). Insect-pathogenic fungi from Entomophthorales establish natural epizootics in populations of aphids in cereals. The most common species on aphids on cereals are Pandora neoaphidis, Entomophthora planchoniana and Conidiobolus obscurus. The project aimed to evaluate the potential of fungi from Entomophthorales for biological control of aphids in cereals, both for direct control ("biopesticides") and for indirect control (enhancing natural epizootics). The report was written based on results obtained in the experimental work and from literature studies. Morphological, pathobiological and molecular methods were implemented and further developed for characterisation of aphid pathogenic fungi from the genus Pandora. It was shown that a correlation between RAPD-PCR profile and the geographical origin of the isolate was present, while no correlation between host species and profile was seen. These methods can be used to study other insect-fungus systems and furthermore for monitoring of isolates released for biological control. Studies on natural occurrence documented that populations of R. padi on the winter host (bird cherry) were infected by a broader range of fungi than in cereals. The species Neozygites fresenii and Zoophthora phalloides were only found on host insects on their winter host. We consider the interaction between aphid host, summer and winter plant host, and aphids on other host plants as important for the development of epizootics. We found that soil is an important reservoir for winter survival structures of P. neoaphidis and C. obscurus and infection in spring is likely to begin from these structures. Successful isolation and growth of P. neoaphidis was obtained both in vivo and in vitro. For small scale experiments in vivo cultures are sufficient, while in vitro propagation is necessary for experiments where large amounts of inoculum are needed (e.g. for field releases). The in vitro growth experiments focused mainly on the importance of agitation speed. High virulence of P. neoaphidis against S. avenae and R. padi was documented in bioassays. Calculated LC50 revealed that alates were more susceptible than apterae. LT50 for P. neoaphidis infected individuals was strongly dependent on incubation temperature. A biological conceptual model was created to encourage a deeper understanding of a system consisting of S. avenae and P. neoaphidis. Our experimental data and data from the literature were used to develop the model, which then pointed out factors of significance in the development of epizootics. It can be concluded that fungi from Entomophthorales possess great potential for future, biological control of aphids in cereals and other crops. Possible strategies include developing the fungi as biopesticides or using them to enhance natural epizootics. It can be confirmed that particularly P. neoaphidis has potential as a future biopesticide. Further development depends on additional experiments, including technical studies involving production and formulation. Nevertheless documentation of the effects following outdoor release is still required. The potential of a strategy for enhancing natural epizootics was also supported in the project. In particular, the importance of alternative aphid hosts, winter host plants for aphids and the soil was elucidated. Additional studies including factors we now hypothesise are important, e.g. landscape elements, are necessary before an operational strategy is possible.
Sammenfatning og konklusionerBladlus er betydende skadedyr på kornafgrøder i Danmark. De tre vigtigste arter af bladlus på korn er: Kornbladlus (Sitobion avenae), havrebladlus (Rhopalosiphum padi) og græsbladlus (Metopolophium dirhodum). Insektpatogene svampe fra Entomophthorales danner naturlige epidemier i populationer af bladlus i korn. De almindeligste arter på bladlus i korn er: Pandora neoaphidis, Entomophthora planchoniana og Conidiobolus obscurus Projektet sigtede mod at afklare potentialet af svampe fra Entomophthorales til biologisk bekæmpelse af bladlus i korn, både som direkte bekæmpelsesmidler ("biopesticider") og ved indirekte bekæmpelse (understøttelse af naturlig epidemier). Rapporten er skrevet udfra de opnåede resultater samt litteraturstudier af emnet. Morfologiske, patobiologiske og molekylærbiologiske metodesæt blev anvendt og videreudviklet til karakterisering af bladluspatogene svampe fra slægten Pandora. Det kunne påvises, at der var sammenhæng mellem RAPD-PCR data og geografisk oprindelse af isolater, mens der ikke var sammenhæng mellem profilerne og insektart. Metodesættet indarbejdet under dette projekt kan anvendes til andre insekt-svampe systemer samt til monitering af isolater, der er udbragt til biologisk bekæmpelse. Undersøgelser af den naturlige forekomst viste, at havrebladlus på vinterværten hæg angribes af et bredere spektrum af svampe end i korn. Således kunne arterne Neozygites fresenii og Zoophthora phalloides kun påvises på værtinsektet på vinterværten. Samspil mellem bladlus, sommer- og vintervært, bladlusarter på andre værtplanter vurderes som vigtige for udvikling af epidemier. Endvidere blev det vist, at jordbunden er et vigtigt reservoir for de overlevelsesstrukturer af P. neoaphidis og C. obscurus, der starter infektion om foråret. I projektet blev P. neoaphidis isoleret og dyrket både in vivo og in vitro. Dyrkning in vivo er tilstrækkelig til mindre laboratorieforsøg, mens in vitro opformering er nødvendig, hvis større mængder inokulum skal anvendes eksempelvis ved udbringning i marken. Der blev udført forsøg med in vitro kulturer af P. neoaphidis i flydende vækstmedier med fokus på betydningen af omrøringshastigheden. En række bioassay forsøg dokumenterede høj virulens af P. neoaphidis overfor korn- og havrebladlus. De beregnede LC50 værdier viste, at vingede kornbladlus var mere modtagelige end uvingede individer. LT50 for bladlus inficeret med P. neoaphidis var stærkt temperaturafhængig. En biologisk konceptuel model blev opstillet med henblik på en bedre forståelse af et system bestående af S. avenae og P. neoaphidis. Data fra vores eksperimenter samt data fra litteraturen indgik i denne model. Modellen påpegede en række faktorer, der påvirker epidemiudviklingen i populationer af bladlus. Samlet kan det konkluderes, at svampe fra Entomophthorales har et højt potentiale som en del af en fremtidig, biologisk bekæmpelse af bladlus i korn og andre afgrøder. Strategien kan både være, at udvikle svampene som biopesticider til direkte bekæmpelse eller at understøtte de naturligt forekommende epidemier. Projektets data kan bekræfte, at især P. neoaphidis har potentiale som biopesticid. Videreudvikling vil kræve en række yderligere forsøg, tildels af teknisk karakter. Der kræves således forbedrede in vitro produktions og formuleringsmetoder. Men der kræves også en dokumentation af, at svampen virker efter udbringning på friland. Potentialet for en strategi med understøttelse af naturlige epidemier kan også bekræftes af projektets data. Især er betydningen af alternative bladlusværter, bladlusenes vinterværter og jordbunden klarlagt. Der kræves dog også her supplerende undersøgelser, før en samlet strategi med inddragelse af f.eks. landskabelige elementer til støtte for naturlig bekæmpelse af bladlus i korn kan udarbejdes. 1. Introduction
1.1 BackgroundCereal aphids Aphids (Homoptera: Aphididae) are among the most important pest insects in agriculture in the temperate climatic zones (Minks & Harewijn, 1988). Although more than 40 species of aphids are associated with cereal (Vickerman & Wratten, 1979), only three species are of economic importance in Denmark: the English grain aphid Sitobion avenae (F.), the bird cherry-oat aphid Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) and the rose-grass aphid Metopolophium dirhodum (Walk.). In this report the three common species are designated cereal aphids. Life cycle Cereal aphids are holocyclic, which means that during a year both agame and gamogane generations occur. S. avenae are monoecious on cereal and grasses (Gramineae), and R. padi and M. dirhodum are heteroecious between bird cherry (Prunus padus) and Gramineae in the first case and roses and Gramineae in the second case (Vickerman & Wratten, 1979). All species overwinter in the egg stage and in spring fundatrices hatch from eggs and later they start to produce parthenogenetic offspring. For the two heteroecious species R. padi and M. dirhodum, an increasing number of individuals will develop wings and usually after two to three generations they will migrate from their primary (winter) to their secondary (summer) host (Dixon, 1973; Vickerman & Wratten, 1979; Hansen, 1995). The emigrants colonise Gramineae on which several generations are produced (Dixon, 1973, Hansen 1995). On wheat, S. avenae prefers the upper leaves and then ears once these have emerged, M. dirhodum feeds on the leaf, and R. padi feeds primarily near the leaf bases and behind the leaf sheets (Dean, 1974). The relative abundance of the three species varies in both space and time (Hansen, 1995). When aphids are overcrowded, alate individuals develop and fly off to colonise other grass plants (Dixon, 1973; Vickerman & Wratten, 1979). In autumn, alate gynoparae and alate males are produced in response to short day length and low temperature, and the gynoparae are always produced before the males (Dixon & Glen, 1971). R. padi and M. dirhodum fly to their primary host, while S. avenae remains on grasses where the gynoparae give birth to oviparae. After mating, the oviparous females lay the overwintering eggs (Dixon, 1973; Vickerman & Wratten, 1979; Hansen, 1995). Natural enemies A range of natural enemies such as predators, parasitoids and pathogens regulates aphid populations in cereal fields. Among the pathogens, all of the most prevalent and widely encountered species belong to the order Entomophthorales (Dean & Wilding, 1973; Dedryver, 1983; Feng et al., 1991). The species of entomophthoralean fungi identified from aphids belong to five genera: Conidiobolus, Entomophthora, Pandora, Neozygites and Zoophthora (Latgé & Papierok, 1988). Epizootics caused by these fungi are often observed in cereals (Dean & Wilding, 1973; Dedryver, 1983; Feng et al., 1991; Steenberg & Eilenberg, 1995). Prevalence of infection may in some periods exceed 80%, indicating the possibility of utilising entomophthoralean fungi in microbial control of aphids either by developing a strategy for augmentation based on one of the fungi or by manipuling the environment so that the natural occurrence of fungi is favoured. Before augmentation or manipulation can be realized however, a better understanding of the epizootiology is necessary. However, most attention so far has been given to the effects of entomophthoralean fungi in cereal crops during the summer months. Thus knowledge concerning their effects during winter, spring and autumn and the possible interactions with other ecosystems is very limited. 1.2 Life cycle of EntomophthoralesEntomophthorales The order Entomophthorales belongs to the subdivision Zygomycotina in the class Zygomycetes. Most Entomophthorales are pathogens to insects, however a few species are also saprophytes in soil. Life cycle In the aphid system all Entomophthorales have the same overall pattern of life cycle (figure 1.1). From the infected aphids, primary conidia are forcibly discharged. Primary conidia produce secondary conidia, which like the primary conidia are either forcibly discharged or are produced on long, slender conidiophores. Once the conidia land on a susceptible host under favourable conditions they will produce a germ tube that directly penetrates the insect cuticule (or first produce an appressorium and then penetrate the cuticle). Both enzymatic and physical processes are involved in the penetration. Once the fungus has penetrated the cuticle it will start to multiply and, after a period, the fungus will have invaded all the host tissues and the insect dies. The life cycle of the fungus can then follow one of two paths (1): An asexual path where conidiophores emerge through the insect integument and conidia are formed, or (2): A path where zygo- or azygospores (resting spores) are formed (Tanada & Kaya, 1993). Figure 1.1 Epizootiology Before infection of an aphid can occur, it is necessary with contact between the infective unit and the aphid. Tanada & Kaya (1993) reported that the spread of disease depends on both densities of the host and the infective unit. An increase in one or both pools enhances the probability for contact between conidia and aphids. In addition to the contact between conidia and aphids, suitable temperatures and relative humidities are necessary for sporulation, germination of conidia and for penetration of the aphid integument (Benz, 1987). Humidity and precipitation are often mentioned particularly as key factors (Missonnier et al., 1970; Dean & Wilding, 1971, 1973; Wilding 1975; Dedryver, 1983; Benz, 1987). 1.3 Project objectivesProject aim The aim of the project was to clarify the potential of insect pathogenic fungi for better microbial control of cereal aphids. Emphasis was on fungi belonging to the order Entomophthorales, particularly Pandora neoaphidis (Remaudière & Hennebert) Humber and S. avenae and R. padi. A number of biological parameters have been investigated to assess which control strategy has the greatest potential. This report contains both the results of our experimental work and extracts from the literature. 1.3.1 Specific project objectivesSpecific objectives The specific objectives of this project were as follows:
2. Characterisation of EntomophthoralesThe order Entomophthorales The order Entomophthorales (subdivision: Zygomycotina) is characterised by a sporangium that has been reduced to a single conidium and is usually discharged forcibly at maturity. Primary conidia may produce secondary conidia. Fungi from Entomophthorales produce thick-walled resting spores (zygospores or azygospores). Most species are parasitic on insects and in a few cases on other animals and plants, or they live saprophytically in soil and dung (Webster, 1970; Humber, 1989; Tanada & Kaya, 1993). The mycelium of Entomophthorales is coenocytic, however it may become divided by septae into segments. Somatic protoplasts are common in the order. In some species the mycelium fragments into hyphal bodies (Alexopoulos et al., 1996). Generally the characterisation of Entomophthorales into families, genera and species is based on classical mycological features. 2.1 Characterisation by morphological and pathobiological methodsFamilies Within the order Entomophthorales, family characteristics include nuclear cytology: relative nuclear size and appearance and the quantity and distribution of condensed chromatin during interphase, morphology of mitotic chromosomes, the relative placement of the spindle at metaphase and the fate of the nuclear envelope during mitosis (Humber, 1989). Knowledge concerning the modes of formation and germination of resting spores and the nature of vegetative growth and development is also used to separate families (Humber, 1989). The following five families are recognised within the Entomophthorales: Completoriaceae (Humber), Meristacraceae (Humber), Ancylistaceae (Fisher), Entomophthoraceae (Winter) and Neozygitaceae (Ben-Zeev & Kenneth). Only the latter three contain entomopathogens (Humber, 1989; Keller, 1999). Genera The classification of genera in the Entomophthorales has over the years undergone revision (McCoy et al., 1988). At present primarily three systems are normally used, referred to as Humbers classification, Kellers classification and Ba»azys classification. According to Keller (1991; 1994) the following characters should be used to define the genera: mode of discharge of primary conidia, number of nuclei per conidium, shape of primary and secondary conidia, mode of formation of secondary conidia and finally pathobiology (e.g. host symptoms). Humber (1989) further focused on the nature of the conidial wall and morphology of the primary conidiophores and / or conidiogenous cells but not the morphology of the secondary conidia and the pathobiology. However, Humber (1989) includes the presence and morphology of cystidia and rhizoids, types of secondary conidia formed and the pathobiology if these are correlated to characteristics of the primary conidia. Ba»azy (1993) agrees with Keller (1991; 1994) and Humber (1989) concerning most points, but includes Neozygites in Entomophthoraceae and includes all species with one nucleus per conidium in the genus Zoophthora. The current classifications for entomopathogens within Entomophthorales are shown in table 2.1. In this report the system proposed by Humber (1989) will be cited. Humbers features for classification are illustrated in figure 2.1. Table 2.1 Look
here! Figure 2.1 Look
here! Species Species are identified on the basis of host insect species and morphological features, primarily the size and shape of the primary conidia and the number of nuclei per conidium. Keys for identification of species are given by Ba»azy (1993). Keys for the species found in Central Europe are given by Keller (1987, 1991). A key to all species of Neozygites is given by Keller (1997b) and an overview of all species of Eryniopsis is given by Keller & Eilenberg (1993). Finally an overview of the Entomophthora muscae (Cohn) Fresenius complex is given by Keller et al. (1999). An overview of morphological features for species infecting aphids is given in Appendix A. Strain and isolate Characterisation methods based on morphology and pathobiology are insufficient to distinguish between different strains and isolates of the same species. However, for studies on the development of epizootics it is essential to differentiate between strains. For monitoring the establishment and spread of a released fungus it is essential to identify the released isolate from naturally occurring strains. Methods based on either biochemical reactions or DNA are therefore used for that purpose. In this report the term strain is used for a group of clonally related species and the term isolate is used for the culture itself (Hawksworth et al., 1995). 2.2 Characterisation by biochemical methodsBiochemical data have been used to assess intraspecific and interspecific variation amongst isolates. The most used methods are electrophoretic mobility of enzymes and isozymes as well as fatty acid composition (May et al., 1979; Milner et al., 1983; Latgé & Boucias, 1984; Glare et al., 1987; Wilding et al., 1993). Interspecific variation In general, gel electrophoresis of enzymes and fatty acid compostion are suitable for distinguishing between species though not between isolates of the same species (May et al., 1979; Milner et al., 1983; Glare et al. 1987; Wilding et al. 1993). As an example Wilding et al. (1993) identified entomophthoralean fungi in aphid hosts to species level using gel electrophoresis of enzymes. They found that among the thirteen tested enzymes three of them were able to distinguish between the two aphid pathogens P. neoaphidis and Conidiobolus obscurus (Hall et Dunn) Remaudière & Keller but not between isolates of the same species. Intraspecific variation Electrophoresis of isozymes is in contrast useful for investigating intraspecific variation between species. Latgé & Boucias (1984) examined the intraspecific variation of C. obscurus using electrophoresis of isozymes. They demonstrated that isoenzyme banding patterns were independent of host species, geographical origin, mycelia age and culture medium among 30 isolates of C. obscurus. However, the isolates allowed a clustering based on their ability to produce resting spores, sporulate and infect aphids. Similarly, Silvie et al. (1990) demonstrated using isoenzyme analysis that a strain of P. neoaphidis released in a greenhouse experiment for controlling aphids was gradually replaced by naturally occurring strains of the same fungus species. 2.3 Characterisation by DNA based methodsThe characterisation of fungi using DNA based techniques has during the last ten years become increasingly important. The methods are used for studies in evolutionary ecology, population genetics and systematics. DNA based methods has several significant advantages over alternatives such as morphological and biochemical characterisation because the genotype rather than the phenotype is assayed (Dowling et al., 1996). Furthermore, some methods are able to distinguish between isolates of the same species, and methods can be applied based on analysis of only a small amount of tissue. PCR Over the years different polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based methods have been developed. In table 2.2 some of the commonly used techniques and their applicability to different problems relevant to entomopathogenic fungi are listed. Table 2.2 Look
here! 2.3.1 Molecular and morphological variation in Pandora neoaphidisObjective The objective of our studies was to obtain information about the diversity of P. neoaphidis isolated from different hosts and geographical origins using both classical characterisation methods (conidial morphology) and molecular techniques (PCR). RAPD Random amplified polymophic DNA-PCR (RAPD) was the technique chosen for analysing the geographical variation among P. neoaphidis isolates. As can be seen in table 2.2, RAPD is one of the techniques that is useful for studies of geographical variation. RAPD-PCR analysis involves amplification of random segments of genomic DNA. Usually 10 base oligonucleotide primers are used to amplify the DNA. A DNA amplification product is generated for each genomic region that happens to be flanked by a pair of 10 base priming sites. The DNA fragments generated in the RAPD reactions are separated electrophoretically on an agarose gel and visualised by ethidium bromide staining. Under standardised conditions, individuals of the same genotype can be expected to show identical RAPD fragment profiles that are likely to differ from those of other genotypes. The protocol used in our experiments is included in appendix B. Morphology Length and width of conidia were measured. Isolates Sixteen isolates of P. neoaphidis were selected from the ARSEF collection of entomopathogenic fungi. The isolates were selected to cover as many geographical regions in the world as possible. Isolates from either Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harr.), Brevicoryne brassicae (L.) or S. avenae were chosen primarily. For comparison, other species of Pandora isolated from aphids were selected for the study (Pandora nouryi (Remaudière & Hennebert) Humber and Pandora kondoiensis (Milner in Milner, Mahon & Brown) Humber). In addition two species of Pandora isolated from other insect families were included (Pandora bullata (Taxter & MacLeod in Humber) Humber and Pandora delphacis (Hori) Humber). Finally two isolates from the genus Conidiobolus isolated from aphids were included as outgroups. A list of the isolates included in our study is given in table 2.3. Table 2.3 Look
here! Results RAPD-PCR was implemented and further developed for this system. Ten out of fourteen primers amplified multiple DNA fragments for all isolates included in this study. A total of 568 discrete bands were scored from photographs using the ten primers. Phenetic similarity was calculated (UPGMA using Jaccards coefficient) by using the statistical software NTSYSpc (V.2.01e). The tree generated by the analysis is shown in figure 2.2. All P. neoaphidis isolates shared more than 40% of the scored bands while sharing virtually none with other species, even other Pandora species isolated from aphids. Among the P. neoaphidis isolates, RAPD grouping could be related to geographical origin. No relationship between host insect and RAPD groups was seen. Figure 2.2 Look
here! Isolates representing different groups in the RAPD-PCR analysis were selected for measurement of length and width of the primary conidia from in vitro material. Results are shown in table 2.4 and figure 2.3. Conidia length, width and length / width ratios were subjected to analysis of variance by Tukeys multiple comparison procedure. Analysis of variance showed a significant effect of isolate for both length and width measurements and for ratio of length to width (length: F12, 259 = 268.0, P<0.0001; width: F12, 259 = 145.5, P<0.0001; L/W F12, 259 = 77.3, P<0.0001). Differences between P. neoaphidis isolates were small compared to other Pandora species. However conidia from the isolate originating from Chile were significantly longer and conidia from the Australian isolate of P. neoaphidis were significantly broader. These two isolates were also those which differed the most from the rest of the P. neoaphidis isolates in the analysis of RAPD-PCR data. However measurements fell in all cases within the species descriptions. Analysis of the RAPD-PCR data and the conidia measurements showed that the two species P. kondoiensis and P. nouryi possess huge variation. Table 2.4
Figure 2.3 2.4 ConclusionsBoth morphological and DNA based methods have been used for characterisation of P.
neoaphidis isolates, and our results proved that P. neoaphidis consists of
several phenotypes and genotypes. Analysis of data showed that among the P. neoaphidis isolates
RAPD grouping could be related to geographical origin whereas no clear conclusions could
be drawn based solely on classical morphological measurements. No relationship between
host insect and RAPD groups was observed.
3. Natural occurrence of entomophthoralean fungi infecting aphids
Epizootiology Natural occurrence and dispersal of Entomophthorales is an important part of epizootiology (Tanada & Kaya, 1993). Emphasis thus far has been on the natural occurrence on pest insects. Only limited knowledge concerning the effects of other insects, soil, plants and air on dispersal and early development of epizootics of Entomophthorales is available. The aim of this chapter is to review the natural occurrence of Entomophthorales in different habitats such as aphids, soil and air. In chapter 4 this information will be used to discuss overwintering of the fungi, and chapter 7 will use this information to review the dispersal and development of epizootics of P. neoaphidis. 3.1 Occurrence on aphidsA number of publications document the natural occurrence of entomophthoralean fungi infecting aphids in Europe (Dean & Wilding, 1971; Veronina, 1971; Remaudière et al., 1981; Keller & Suter, 1980, Feng et al. 1990, 1991; Ba»azy, 1993; Si ev, 1992; Steenberg & Eilenberg; 1995), in USA (Feng et al. 1991; Steinkraus et al. 1995) and in Australia (Milner et al., 1980). Altogether sixteen species of Entomophthorales have been described to infect aphids (table 3.1). High prevalences Worldwide, P. neoaphidis, Entomophthora planchoniana Cornu and in a few cases also C. obscurus are the most dominant pathogens on aphids feeding on annual crops with prevalences up to 80% (Dean & Wilding, 1971; Veronina, 1971; Remaudière et al., 1981; Feng et al. 1990; Si ÿ ev, 1995; Steenberg & Eilenberg; 1995). In aphid populations feeding on perennial crops however, Neozygites fresenii (Nowakowski) Remaudière & Keller is often the dominating fungus species (Steinkraus et al. 1995; Nielsen et al., in press). 3.2 Occurrence on cereal aphidsIn cereals In Denmark aphids were surveyed during three years for the natural occurrence of Entomophthorales. Cereal aphids were sampled from both their primary and secondary hosts. Four entomophthoralean fungi were documented on cereal aphids when feeding on cereals: P. neoaphidis, E. planchoniana, C. obscurus and Conidiobolus thromboides Drechsler (table 3.2). Only P. neoaphidis and E. planchoniana caused epizootics. Prevalences of up to 50% were measured (Steenberg, Eilenberg & Nielsen, unpub.) This is in accordance with observations for cereal aphids in the United Kingdom, France and USA where these two fungi have also caused epizootics (Dean & Wilding, 1971; Remaudière et al., 1981; Feng et al. 1990; Si ev, 1995; Steenberg & Eilenberg; 1995). Table 3.1 Look
here! On primary hosts For aphids sampled on their primary hosts no infection could be documented during spring despite very intensive sampling from particularly bird cherry, the primary host for R. padi (table 3.2). However, an infection experiment showed that R. padi sampled from bird cherry in spring could easily be infected with P. neoaphidis under laboratory conditions (lethal time four to six days at 17oC). This means that R. padi feeding on bird cherry does not come into contact with inoculum in spring. In autumn all of the four species mentioned above were found on aphids sampled from primary hosts. Moreover N. fresenii and Zoophthora phalloides Batko were also found on R. padi (table 3.2) (Steenberg, Eilenberg & Nielsen, unpub.). Table 3.2 Look here! Natural occurrence of Entomophthorales on cereal aphids feeding on different hosts in Denmark (Steenberg, Eilenberg & Nielsen, unpub.). 3.3 Occurrence in soilLatteur (1977) documented the presence of active inoculum of P. neoaphidis and C. obscurus in soil immediately following an epizootic, while Corremans-Pelseneer et al. (1983) additionally documented Condiobolus coronatus (Costantin) Batko and Conidiobolus sp. Other than these studies, no information was found in the literature. Occurrence in Denmark In this study we investigated the occurrence of Entomophthorales infecting aphids by baiting soil samples with S. avenae. Infection of S. avenae by P. neoaphidis, C. obscurus and Conidiobolus sp. from soil was documented. 3.4 Occurrence in airHamilton (1959) was the first to estimate the aerial concentration of entomophthoralean fungi. It was found that the concentration of Entomophthorales conidia was highest between July and September. Diurnal periodicity was also measured and the maximum conidial number occurred between 5:00 a.m and 1:00 p.m. However the results were based on a small number of entomophthoralean conidia and were never determined at the species or even genus level. Wilding (1970) also measured the diurnal periodicity of the occurrence of Entomophthorales and found the largest concentration of Entomophthorales conidia in the air typically between 5:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. and furthermore that the concentration was correlated with humidity and sunrise. The smallest concentration occurred between 2:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m., when the air was usually driest. Steinkraus et al. (1996) found generally found the same diurnal periodicity for primary conidia of N. fresenii in the air over a cotton field during epizootics in the cotton aphid Aphis gossypii Glover. 3.5 ConclusionsThis chapter highligted current knowledge from our studies and from the literature on the natural occurrence of Entomophthorales infecting aphids with emphasis on cereal aphids in particular. With respect to basic observations of such occurrences, much information is available in the literature, however only limited detailed data are found. Based on our studies in particular, we may conclude:
4. Survival of entomophthoralean fungi during winterCereal aphids are only present each year from May through October in Denmark. This means that Entomophthorales which attack cereal aphids must survive in the environment for at least six months out of every twelve. 4.1 Survival structuresSurvival structures The fungus may survive either as (1) resting spores (Burger & Swain, 1918; Batko, 1964ab; Remaudière & Hennebert, 1980; Remaudière & Keller, 1980; Keller, 1987,1991; Ba»azy, 1993), (2) hyphal bodies (Keller, 1997a; Feng et al., 1992), (3) conidia or loriconidia (Weiser & Batko, 1966; Latteur & Randall, 1986) or (4) in anholocyclic aphid populations (Byford & Reeves, 1969; Wilding, 1973). The survival strategy depends on the fungus species (table 4.1). Table 4.1
4.2 Resting sporesResting spores Among the aphid pathogenic fungi resting spores have been described as occurring in vivo for all species except P. neoaphidis, P. kondoiensis, Z. phalloides and Neozygites lageniformis (Thaxter) Remaudière & Keller (Thaxter, 1888; MacLeod & Müller-Kögler, 1973; Remaudière & Keller, 1980; Keller, 1987; Keller, 1991; Ba»azy, 1993). Only limited information is available for the last species mentioned, and resting spores may occur. 4.2.1 Development of resting sporesA variety of factors are found to promote the development of resting spore, including abiotic parameters such as temperature (Shimazu, 1979; Milner & Lutton, 1983; Glare et al., 1989; Hajek & Shimazu, 1996, Thomsen 1999), light (Thomsen, 1999), humidity (Glare, et al., 1989) and biotic factors such as the fungal isolate (Glare et al., 1989; Hajek, & Shimazu 1996; Thomsen, 1999), fungal density (Glare et al., 1989; Hajek & Shimazu, 1989) host (Ben Zeev & Uziel, 1979), host age (Wilding & Lauckner, 1974; Shimazu, 1979; Steinkraus & Kramer, 1989; Hajek & Shimazu, 1989) and sex of host (Thomsen, 1999) 4.2.2 Resting spore germinationThe timing of resting spore germination, which can take place over a longer period seems to be correlated with host, pathogen, temperature, humidity and light (table 4.2). Often a period of cold is required. Nonetheless the exact requirements for initiating germination have not been completely elucidated. Resting spores can remain infective for several years under field conditions. Table 4.2
4.3 Hyphal bodiesHyphal bodies Under cool and dry conditions it is possible for P. neoaphidis to survive for several months as hyphal bodies in cadavers without affecting the virulence of the conidia produced when the cadavers are moved to warmer and more humid conditions (Wilding, 1973; Courtois & Latteur, 1984; Latteur et al., 1985). Humidity and temperature in Denmark will probably never be consistently low enough during autumn and winter to ensure survival as hyphal bodies. However in cadavers of the pea aphid A. pisum, Feng et al. (1992) observed a special kind of hyphal bodies occurring late in the season. The hyphal bodies were spherical and clearly distinguishable from the regular hyphal bodies. While the appearance of these spherical hyphal bodies increased late in the season Feng et al. (1992) suggested that this kind of hyphal body may function as an overwintering form in the life cycle of P. neoaphidis. Therefore, Feng et al (1992) concluded that P. neoaphidis survives the winter months in the form of hyphal bodies on plant substrates rather than in the soil. For E. planchoniana Keller (1997a) observed thick walled hyphal bodies in populations of Drepanosiphum acerinum (Walker). The proportion of infected aphids developing thick walled hyphal bodies instead of conidial infections was shown to increase during fall. Keller (1997a) also showed that in spring it was possible to infect healthy aphids with E. planchoniana from aphids containing thick walled hyphal bodies. 4.4 Conidia and loriconidiaConidia Studies of conidial survival have primarily been concentrated on P. neoaphidis due to the lack of resting spores in this species. On fresh oilseed rape leaves Schofield et al. (1995) showed that conidia of P. neoaphidis remain infective of up to 32 days after incubation at 5oC and 85% r.h. and only up to 16 days after exposure to winter field conditions. It is therefore unlikely that conidia on leaf surfaces are the only overwintering mechanism. Nevertheless, conidia left on the surface of the soil are probably able to remain infective for a longer period. On the surface of soil under wet and dark conditions Latteur & Randall (1986) documented that primary conidia were able to produce replicate conidia for 24 days at 20oC and for 6 - 8 months at 5oC. They concluded that this must be the way that P. neoaphidis survives during winter. Morgan (1994) found in agreement with Latteur & Randall (1986) that primary conidia of P. neoaphidis were able to produce secondary conidia for 16 days at 18oC and for at least 8 months at 5oC on soil kept at a water holding capacity of 50%. However, Morgan (1994) also ran the experiment at 10oC and found that replicate conidia were only produced for one month. Morgan (1994) concluded that at least in Britain the winter temperature is not consistently low enough for the survival of P. neoaphidis as conidia. For C. obscurus it has been shown that conidia showered onto the surface of nonsterile soil can produce replicate conidia for several months and that these conidia can actually infect aphids (Latteur, 1980). Loriconidia Weiser & Batko (1966) observed in their studies of Conidiobolus destruens (Weiser & Batko) Ben-Zeev & Kenneth thick walled external conidia and descibed them as 'loriconidia'. They suggested that this structure was an alternative way of winter survival for Entomophthoralean fungi. To investigate the survival structure of P. neoaphidis we incubated non-sporulating cadavers of S. avenae on sterilised soil in darkness at 5oC. After one month we examined the cadavers. In addition we examined conidia produced in vitro on solid media after approximately three months of storage. Around the stored cadavers we observed conidia similar to those Weiser & Batko (1966) earlier described as 'loriconidia' for C. destruens. From the stored in vitro cultures, thick walled conidia were observed as well. Thick walled hyphal bodies were not observed in this study. 4.5 Anholocyclic aphid populationsAnholocyclic aphid Finally it has been suggested that P. neoaphidis survives in anholocyclic aphid populations via continuous conidial infections (Byford and Reeves, 1969; Wilding, 1973). Byford and Reeves (1969) found in spring that the peach-potato aphid, Myzus persicae Sulz. and the mangold aphid, Rhopalosiphoninus staphylae Koch, were infected with P. neoaphidis at their overwintering place, beet clamps. They concluded that P. neoaphidis was able to survive on aphids in clamps prior to dispersal in spring. In anholocyclic aphid populations in northern littoral France P. neoaphidis has been observed throughout the year even during winter (Remaudière et al., 1981). However winter temperatures are much higher there than in Denmark. 4.6 Soil as environment for survival of Pandora neoaphidisObjective The environment for survival, independant of the survival structure, may be either soil, leaves, trunks or in anholocyclic aphid populations. In this study we surveyed soil as a natural source of inoculum for Entomophthorales infecting aphids, particularly with reference to the winter survival of P. neoaphidis. Methods During 1997, 1998 and 1999 soils were sampled before immigration of aphids to their summer hosts. Soil from the surface was sampled underneath bird cherry in an organically grown beet field with winter wheat as the previous crop, and in permanent grass. Bioassays were conducted to evaluate infection of S. avenae by Entomophthoralean fungi in the soil samples. For each bioassay between 40 and 50 petri-dishes with soil samples were used for screening of fungi once or twice per week for four weeks. Between each bioassay soil samples were incubated at 17oC and 12:12 L:D, until the next bioassay began. For each bioassay twelve 3rd-4th instar S. avenae nymphs were placed on the soil samples for 18 hours and then transferred to winter wheat seedlings and incubated at 20oC. The aphids were monitored daily for one week to detect infection with entomophthoralean fungi (for more detailed information concerning materials and methods see Appendix C). Entomophthoralean fungi present in soil The percentage of soil samples (data from all localities are pooled) containing inoculum, as evidenced by S. avenae infection, is shown as a function of days after sampling in table 4.3. This study documented that P. neoaphidis and C. obscurus were present in soil from different ecosystems prior to immigration of cereal aphids in spring. Since the aphids were not always infected immediately following sampling of the soil, it is likely that the inoculum is dormant or quiescent during the winter. The breaking of dormancy or quiescence is thought to be a very complex process controlled by the fungus species as well as by temperature and humidity. Table 4.3
1 Days after sampling refer to the day when aphids were in contact with the soil.- = Soil not tested. 4.7 ConclusionsThe population interaction between aphids and fungi from Entomophthorales is complex. The fungi need winter survival structures and the fungi must furthermore adapt to the aphid population biology, which may include alternating summer and winter hosts. The initiation of infection during spring, however, is very important since it may be the determinant for the spring and early summer prevalence levels in cereal aphid populations. In summary, we may conclude:
5. In vivo and in vitro isolation and growth of entomophthoralean fungi5.1 IntroductionInformation concerning factors important for in vivo and in vitro isolation and growth is important for both basic studies and the host-pathogen relationship as well as for the development of mass production methods. 5.2 In vivo isolation and growthIsolation For some of the entomophthoralean fungi the only means for growing the fungus is by using living host insects. The first step in running such an in vivo culture of any Entomophthorales involves identification and isolation. Usually one cadaver is placed over a glass slide under humid conditions to allow sporulation. The fungus is then identified while it is ensured that only one fungus species has invaded the insect tissue. Thereafter the cadaver can be used to start an in vivo culture. Preferably a culture is always initiated from a single cadaver to obtain an isolate which is as homogeneous as possible. Growth Methods for in vivo culturing of Entomophthorales are described for example in Entomophthora schizophorae Keller & Wilding in Keller infecting flies (Kramer & Steinkraus, 1981; Eilenberg, 1987) and Neozygites floridana (Weiser & Muma) Remaudière & Keller infecting mites (Smitley et al., 1986). The principle is to permit conidia produced from sporulating cadavers to fall into a cage with healthy insects or onto plant material and then later add healthy insects. After some days, depending on temperature, host species and fungus, some of the insects exposed to condia die as a result of the fungus and begin to sporulate. A new cycle of disease can then be started from these insects. 5.2.1 In vivo culturing of Pandora neoaphidis infecting aphidsPandora neoaphidis The method for maintaining an in vivo culture of P. neoaphidis on S. avenae developed in this project is illustrated in figure 5.1. Figure 5.1 Between one and four sporulating cadavers of S. avenae were fixed with vaseline to the lid of a 25-ml plastic cup with 3% water agar in the bottom to keep humidity high. Six to ten healthy aphids were then transferred to a straw of winter wheat placed in the water agar. The cup was closed and incubated at 17-20oC. From day four following inoculation the aphids in the cup were checked daily and infected aphids were removed and used to establish a new cycle of disease. One of the most important matters in this system is to maintain humidity close to 100% (Wilding, 1969). 5.3 In vitro isolation and growthIsolation The first attempts to cultivate entomophthoralean fungi in vitro were done by discharging conidia from a cadaver into different kinds of media (Sawyer, 1929; Müller-Kögler, 1959; Gustafsson, 1965). Rockwood (1950) was the first to isolate P. neoaphidis by transferring sporulating hyphae to an egg medium as early as 1934. MacLeod (1956) developed a new method for isolating Entomophthorales where he surface sterilised non-sporulating cadavers and transferred the whole insect to the medium (figure 5.2). For small insects such as aphids this method is still recommended (Keller, 1994; Papierok & Hajek, 1997). Figure 5.2 Isolation from surface sterilised resting spores formed inside a cadaver has also been reported (Tyrell & MacLeod, 1975; Papierok & Hajek, 1997). Finally in vitro isolation has been carried out from the vegetative stages such as protoplasts or hyphal bodies by collecting small amounts of haemocoel with a syringe from an infected but still living insect (Papierok & Hajek, 1997). For isolation both liquid and solid media have been used. Some species, eg. E. muscae, are best isolated in liquid media (Eilenberg et al., 1992). 5.3.2 Nutritional requirements for in vitro growthFirst attempts to grow Entomophthorales in vitro Classical media, such as Sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA) or Sabouraud maltose agar (SMA), are not suitable for the majority of Entomophthorales. Sawyer (1929) and later Müller-Kögler (1959) both recommend coagulated egg yolk from hens as the best substrate for in vitro cultivation. Müller-Kögler (1959) also succeeded to in growing an unidentified species of Entomophthoraceae on milk agar, oat milk agar, beef extract, peptone yolk agar and potato pieces, however growth was never as significant as on the coagulated egg yolk media. Media based on coagulated egg yolk are still very common for isolation and growth of many species of Entomophthorales. Studies on the influence of the different lipid and protein fractions of egg yolk on the growth of several species of Entomophthorales proved that egg yolk does not contain any specific nutrients qualitatively required for Entomophthorales (Latgé & Bièvre, 1976; Latgé et al. 1978). Later Latgé (1982) concluded that Entomophthorals primarily grow well on egg yolk because it is highly concentrated in nutrients with a water content of only 50% and furthermore because highly concentrated carbon is not linked to high osmotic pressure. Carbon Glucose has primarily been used as the carbon source, although maltose, fructose, thalose and glycerol have also been shown to be acceptable whereas sucrose is not (Latgé, 1975; Latgé et al., 1978). In some cases sources other than glucose have been shown to be superior. This is for example the case for Batkoa apiculata (Thaxter) Humber and Erynia curvispora (Nowakowski) Remaudière & Hennebert (Gustafsson, 1965). Other carbon sources may be used in some cases. Latgé and Bièvre (1976) reported that C. obscurus, C. thromboides and others were able to use fatty acid as the carbon the source. Nitrogen Optimum growth is obtained on complex media of amino acids or protein hydrolisates as nitrogen sources. (Latgé, 1975). No species are able to utilise nitrate as the nitrogen source (Gustafsson, 1965; Latgé, 1982). Vitamins and salts Latgé & Sanglier (1985) showed for C. obscurus that Mg and to lesser extent Zn and Mn stimulated the formation of azygospores. They also showed that sulphur must be added in a reduced or oxidized form and phosphate must be present in the culture medium. Vitamins do not seem to have a significantl impact on growth (Dunphy & Nolan, 1982). Serum For some Entomophthorales, fetal serum has been shown to be essential, especially for those fungi which are growing as protoplasts. (Dunphy & Nolan, 1979; 1982). Insect haemolymph Grundschober et al. (1998) showed that insect haemolymph was mandatory for sustained growth of Neozygites parvispora (MacLeod & Carl) Remaudière & Keller, a pathogen to many thrips. This means that for some entomophthoralean fungi at least one putative growth factor is present in the haemolymph. The growth factor however has not yet been found. The nutritional requirements for in vitro growth of insect pathogenic Entomophthorales are summarised in figure 5.3. Figure 5.3 Solid contra liquid media Routine in vitro culturing depends on the developmental stage of the fungus required. Hyphal bodies grow both on solid and in liquid media while protoplasts only grow in liquid media (Papierok & Hajek, 1997). Entomophthoralean species growing only in vitro as protoplasts are necessarily kept in liquid media. Other species, which represent the majority, can be maintained on solid media. Temperature Gustafsson (1965) determined the temperature cardinal points for Pandora dipterigena (Thaxter) Humber, P. nouryi, P. neoaphidis and Conidiobolus thromboides on solid media and found that growth for all species was better at 21oC and 24oC than at 5 oC, 10 oC and 28oC. At 28oC the growth of all strains of P. neoaphidis was either very poor or absent. It is however remarkable that P. neoahidis grew even at 5oC. Robinson (1986) determined that the optimal temperature for colony radial growth of P. neoaphidis was 20oC. pH In general Entomophthorales are tolerant of pH levels between 6 and 7 with an optimum of approximately 6.5 for the species investigated so far. At pH below 5 and above 8 growth is remarkably depressed (Gustafsson, 1965; Latgé et al. 1977; Dunphy & Nolan, 1979; Latgé & Sanglier, 1985; Robinson, 1986). For P. neoaphidis the fastest growth rate has been obtained between pH 6.0 and 7.0 (Gustafsson, 1965; Robinson, 1986). The optimal pH corresponds well with the pH usually found in insect haemolymph. Gustafsson (1965) concluded that P. neoaphidis has a relatively narrowly limited pH optimum compared with species from the genus Conidiobolus. 5.3.4 Vegetative growth of Pandora neoaphidis in liquid culturesBackground Earlier studies have shown that it is possible to cultivate P. neoaphidis in vitro on both solid media and submerged in liquid media for most of the media mentioned above. For commercial use of P. neoaphidis, liquid media are preferable due to faster and more homogeneous growth of the fungus compared to solid cultures. However, many problems are still to be resolved before the fungus can be used as a biopesticide. One of the most significant problems of growing P. neoaphidis in liquid media is the formation of pellets and / or heavy wall growth on the culture flasks (Robinson, 1986; Gray, 1990). The factors, which are supposed to influence the uneven growth are both mechanical and physiological. Gray (1990) suggested that an increasing oxygen concentration dissolved in the media decreases the degree of pellet formation. Formation of pellets can also be prevented by disruption of the inoculum in the flasks (Gray, 1990). This may be done either by using baffles in the culture flasks or by increasing the agitation speed. This may simultaneously increase the amount of dissolved oxygen in the media. Finally the source/morphology of the inoculum may play a significant role. Objectives The primary objective of this investigation was to elucidate the effects of mechanical stress by using baffles and different agitation speeds (60, 120, 180, 240 rpm). Furthermore, the effects of inoculating liquid media with different sources of inoculum (conidia, hyphal fragments from a liquid culture or homogenised pellets from a solid culture) were also investigated. Methods The effects were measured as weight of biomass after different times of growth, glucose concentrations in the filtrate mentioned above, measurements of length of hyphal bodies, ability to sporulate and finally a visual determination of wall growth and pellet formation. One isolate of P. neoaphidis (KVL 98-11) was chosen for these experiments. The isolate was isolated from R. padi in Copenhagen, Denmark, in the summer of 1998 and maintained in vitro since. In all experiments liquid cultures were grown in YEMG containing 1.6% (w/v) glucose (BioChemica), 1.0% (w/v) yeast extract (Oxoid) and 10% (v/v) pasteurised semi-skimmed milk (Coop). All cultures were grown at 20oC in constant darkness. Results To elucidate the effects of the source of inoculum liquid media was inoculated with conidia, hyphal fragments from a liquid culture or homogenised pellets from a solid culture. Best results with respect to fast and homogeneuos growth were obtained when the liquid culture was inoculated from another liquid culture. When inoculating with conidia, growth started very slowly and it took more than a week before growth was detectable. When inoculating with homogenised pellets from a solid culture, many fungal cells were destroyed indicating that much more inoculum must be used in order to obtain good and fast growth. Furthermore, growth was not more homogeneuos than when using liquid culture for inoculation. The effect of baffles was a greater speed of growth at all four agitation speeds (Figure 5.4), however very heavy wall growth occurred particularly at the highest agitation speeds. After 180 hours of growth at 240 rpm the wall growth reached the lid of the flasks. This suggests that other types of baffles should also be tested. For flasks without baffles speed of growth was very slow at 60 and 120 rpm, whereas the speed of growth was acceptable at both 180 and 240 rpm. As shown in table 5.1 agitation speed also had a significant effect on sporulation when measured as number of conidia per mm2 over 24 hours. During the 144 hours that the experiment took place no remarkable changes in the distribution of length of hyphal fragments were observed (figure 5.5). Table 5.1
Figure 5.4 Look
here! Figure 5.5 Look
here! 5.4 Formulation and applicationThe use of P. neoaphidis for augmentative biological control by dispersing sporulating cadavers or infected aphids gave mixed results (Wilding, 1981; Wilding et al., 1990). Another and probably less laborious method is to use in vitro produced material. Latteur & Godefroid (1983) and later Sylvie et al. (1990) conducted a number of experiments where unformulated hyphal bodies were sprayed to control aphids. However, in none of the cases was adequate control obtained. Very recently a Swiss group of insect pathologists began working on formulating Entomophthorales, primarily P. neoaphidis. They found that encapsulating hyphal bodies into sodium alginate beads gave promissing results concerning conidiation and infectivity against aphids in the laboratory (Shah et al. 1998). Glasshouse experiments carried out by the same Swiss group have shown promising results concerning biological control of the potato aphid (Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas) with alginate formulated P. neoaphidis (Tuor et al., 1999). 5.5 ConclusionsIn summary, we may conclude:
6. Virulence of Pandora neoaphidis against Sitobion avenae and Rhopalosiphum padi
6.1 Bioassay methodologyPathogenicity and virulence Pathogenicity of an insect pathogen is defined as the ability to produce disease in insects (Lacey, 1997). The proof of pathogenicity is the first step towards studies on virulence. The virulence of an insect pathogen is defined as the quality or property of being virulent (Lacey, 1997). Assessment of the virulence of an insect pathogen requires quantitative studies on dose-response relationships. LC50 and LD50 In studies of dose-response relationships, the terms LC50 and LD50 are the most common expressions of virulence. LC50 is the concentration of a given insect pathogen required to kill 50 % of the test insect population within a given period of time, whereas LD50 expresses the dose required to kill 50% of the population. With respect to fungi from Entomophthorales, LC50 is the appropriate term since the methodology only allows an estimate of the concentration used and not the dose actually received by the test insects (Papierok & Hajek, 1997). LT50 The term LT50 is defined as the time period required to kill 50 % of the test insect population when subjected to a given concentration or dose of an insect pathogen. The term is often used a quantitative expression of the virulence of fungi from Entomophthorales. The shorter the lethal time documented for a fungus against the test insect, the higher the virulence. Furthermore, the term LT50 provides much of the information needed to understand the dispersal of the disease in the insect population and the dynamics of the host-pathogen system. In several cases, both LC50 and LT50 were measured for a host-pathogen system using a fungus from Entomophthorales as the pathogen and aphids as the test insect (Papierok & Hajek, 1997). Bioassay methodology Bioassays with Entomophthorales can be performed in different ways. The most common method is the conidia shower method (Papierok & Hajek, 1997, Eilenberg, 1999). The test insects are subjected to a conidial shower (sporulating cadavers or conidia from in vitro cultures). The concentration of conidia is expressed as number of conidia per mm2 or similar. Using insect cadavers, less precise expressions such as number of cadavers are sometimes used to express the concentration of conidia. Conidial showers from cadavers or in vitro cultures do in any case reflect the natural route of infection, although studies using Entomophthorales may suffer from limited replicability. Injections into the insect haemolymph of protoplasts or hyphal bodies have also been used to assess virulence (Papierok & Hajek, 1997). This method gives high replicability but does not reflect the natural route of infection. 6.2 Bioassays against Sitobion avenae and Rhopalosiphum padiLC50 of P. neoaphidis against S. avenae Our experimental determination of the LC50 of P. neoaphidis against S. avenae was carried out using an in vitro isolate of P. neoaphidis and the conidia shower method. Cohorts of ten aphids from two clones (green or brown alates or apterous) were subjected to a conidial shower. We varied the time under conidial shower (0, 5, 10, 15, 25, 35, 50, 80, 120, 150 and 180 minutes) to obtain different concentrations of conidia, and the number of conidia per mm2 was calculated. Incubation took place at 18oC and mortality was recorded after seven days. Data are shown in table 6.1. There was no significant difference between the two clones. For both clones the LC50 values for alates were significantly lower than for apterae. Table 6.1
LT50 of P. neoaphidis against S. avenae The experiments to assess LT50 were performed using a similar methods as in the LC50 studies. All test insects were however subjected to conidia for 60 minutes before being placed in different temperatures. Data from the experiments using green alates are shown in figure 6.1. Figure 6.1 Look
here! As seen in figure 6.1, lethal time is highly dependent on temperature. At 25oC, the lethal time is approximately 4 days, while incubation at 5oC results in a lethal time of 12-14 days. A comparison of the lethal time at 18oC for S. avenae subjected to P. neoaphidis is seen in table 6.2. The calculated lethal times varied between 6.6 and 7.5 days between the morphs and clones, though the differences were not significant. Table 6.2
Virulence of P. neoaphidis against R. padi Similar experiments were carried out using R. padi as the receptor. These data are included in table 6.3. Table 6.3 LT50 data on aphids/ Entomophthorales
Table 6.3 shows our data on LT50 along with the literature data for P. neoaphidis or other fungi from Entomophthorales and different aphid species. The three fungus species are the most common species on cereal aphids. As can be seen in the table, the generel tendency is that at incubation temperatures above 20oC the lethal time is 3-5 days, whereas it is much higher at lower temperatures. Our data on S. avenae give precise information on this relationship and also contributes to knowledge concerning the general understanding of aphid/fungus relationships. 6.3 ConclusionsDiscussíon and conclusions The bioassay methodologies used for Entomophthorales were modified in order to obtain precise data on S. avenae and R. padi. The method allowed a comparison between different morphs and clones for the aphids, and the data obtained were satisfactory with respect to reproducibility. A comparison of our data with the literature data (table 6.3) demonstrated that aphids are quickly killed by fungi from Entomophthorales, but there are differences in the measured LT50 data depending on aphid species, aphid morph, fungus species or even isolate and incubation temperature. In summary, we may conclude:
7. Dynamics of Pandora neoaphidis epizootics in Sitobion avenae populations7.1 Definitions of some model termsModels An understanding of the dynamics of fungal diseases of insects is critical to the development of epizootiological theories as well as potential prediction of infection levels for pest management purposes (Hajek et al., 1993). A typical integrated pest management (IPM) system model consist of three parts: (1) a biological-conceptual model developed from the literature, (2) a mathematical representation of that framework, and (3) a computer program implementing the mathematics (Brown, 1987). However, the dynamics of fungal epizootics are poorly understood, and factors necessary for the development of epizootics have only been identified for very few host-pathogen systems (Hajek, & St. Leger, 1994). As far as we know, only one IPM model takes entomopathogenic fungi into account, namely a system consisting of the cotton aphid (A. gossypii) and N. fresenii in Arkansas, USA (Steinkraus, 1998) which is a system quite different from the cereal system in Denmark. 7.2 A biological conceptual model for the dynamics of Pandora neoaphidis in Sitobion avenae populationsA biological conceptual model The dynamics of P. neoaphidis in populations of S. avenae are illustrated using a flow diagram in figure 7.1. In the figure both the aphids and the fungus are divided into three stage variables each according to the principle phases of the disease. These stage variables are connected with several development rates. The development rates are dependent on abiotic factors such as temperature, moisture and solar radiation (forcing variables). Moreover the forcing variables may determine whether an infection can occur (Benz, 1987; Carruthers & Hural, 1990). Since most of the processes are occurring in a cereal field, the crop development as well as agricultural practices must be included as forcing variables in the model. Some pesticides have shown to have a negative impact on the development of epizootics (Zimmerman, 1978; Wilding & Brobyn, 1980). As discussed in chapter 4, soil is important as a reservoir of P. neoaphidis and thus for early development of epizootics with P. neoaphidis. Figure 7.1 Look
here! 7.2.1 Stage variableAphids Aphids are divided into the following categories: susceptible healthy aphids (S), infected aphids (D) and sporulating cadavers which spread the infective conidia (I). The sporulating cadavers only exist long enough to release the infectious units and will then disperse from the system. In other models the insect population has been divided into as many as five categories according to the development of the disease within the insect (eg. Schmitz et al., 1993; Ardisson et al., 1997). However, the categories described here are those which can usually be estimated from field data. In this model it is assumed that all host stages and morphs are equally susceptible to aphid pathogens. This is however a simplification since results analysed in this project demonstrated a difference in prevalence between alate and apterous S. avenae within cereal fields (Appendix D). Bioassays were conducted and it was shown that this difference in prevalence was due to differences in susceptibility rather than differences in behaviour. To keep the model as simple as possible, however this is not taken into account and may not be important for the dynamics since most alate aphid probably emigrate before they die from the disease. Fungus The pathogen is divided into survival structures (O), primary conidia (P) and secondary conidia (Q). The cadavers produce either conidia, or survival structures or both. The conidia are disharged actively from cadavers and cause secondary infections among the aphids. Whether the primary and / or the secondary conidium is the infective unit is still not known. However, for E. muscae it has been proven that secondary conidia are about 200 times as infective as primary conidia (Bellini et al., 1992) and the same can be true in our system. As mentioned in chapter 4 the question of how P. neoaphidis survive is poorly understood. The fungus must however, overwinter in some stage and initiate primary infections in spring. 7.2.2 Effect of abiotic factors on development ratesAbiotic factors do not act independently but as a complex of processes. Therefore, analysis of single environmental factors on the epizootics of fungal diseases is not always successful. Moreover, true quantitative values are difficult to obtain in nature since the microenvironment of an insect and/or a pathogen may differ considerably from the average measurable conditions of the environment (Benz, 1987). The effects of abiotic factors on the dynamics of disease development are discussed in greater detail below. Birth rate (a) In spring S. avenae migrate to cereal fields when accumulated day degrees reach 1150-1250Do (above a threshold of 0oC) and they begin to reproduce (Hansen, 1995). The reproduction rate is primarily temperature dependent. Because only horisontal transmission of fungus diseases occurs, both susceptible and infected hosts produce susceptible nymphs which moult through a normal sequence of nymph instars and finally become adults. The fecundity decreases for an infected aphid compared to a healthy one. The closer the aphid gets to death the larger the decline in fecundity (Schmitz et al., 1993). Migration rate (b) It is assumed that the migration rate for infected aphids follows the migration rate for healthy aphids since information in the litterature concerning change in migration behaviour is found. Infection rate (c) Before infection of an aphid can occur, contact is necessary between the infective unit and the aphid. Tanada & Kaya (1993) reported that the spread of disease depends on both densities of host and infective unit. An increase in one or both pools enhances the probability of contact between spores and aphids. In contrast, Wilding (1975) found that aphid density had only minor importance in the transmission of infection. Missionnier et al. (1970) similarly concluded that epizootics were independent of host density. An analysis of Danish data has shown that density of aphids only has an impact when the density is low and that a threshold value probably exists. In addition to contact between spores and aphids, suitable temperatures and relative humidities are necessary for germination of spores and for penetration of the aphid integument (Benz, 1987). Conidia of P. neoaphidis require a humid environment to be able to germinate and penetrate the integument. At high temperatures, a shorter time with free water is required to ensure optimal germination and penetration (Milner & Bourne, 1983). Germination occurs at any temperature between 10 oC and 20oC (Milner & Bourne, 1983), and outside of this interval no results have been found in the literature. Lethal time (e) Our experiment showed that the lethal time increased as temperature decreased for aphids infected with P. neoaphidis. The relationship between lethal time and temperature can be expressed by the equation:
Production rate 1 (f) Dromph et al. (1998) demonstrated a positive correlation between dry weight of S. avenae cadavers and total production of P. neoaphidis primary conidia at 18oC. The relationship can be expressed as:
Climatic factors, particularly humidity and temperature act on conidia discharge (Benz, 1987). Dromph et al. (1998) demonstrated that temperature had a significant impact on sporulation, particularly on total production, which increased with temperature. At 18oC most conidia were produced within the first twelve hours following death of the aphid. Wilding (1969) proved that P. neoaphidis only sporulated when RH was at least 90 %. Within this range, the numbers of spores increased with increasing humidity. Light apparently does not affect the sporulation of P. neoaphidis (Milner, 1981). Production rate 2 (g) It is assumed that climatic factors, particularly humidity and temperature act on the capacity of secondary conidia production in the same way as in primary conidia. Production rate 3 (h) No quantitative data have been collected concerning the initiation of the survival structure. Temperature and nutritional conditions may play an important role (Latgé & Papierok, 1988) and probably the day length too. Production rate 4 (i) For some entomophthoralean fungi a dormancy period is required prior to germination (Latgé & Papierok, 1988). Our data suggest that quiescence or dormancy for the survival structure of P. neoaphidis is broken a long time before the aphids arrive to the field. Infection can thus start as soon as the aphids arrive. Conidia death rate (j) P. neoaphidis loses the infectivity at a rate dependent on humidity and temperature (Wilding, 1973; Brobyn et al., 1987). Inoculum on leaves near the base of the plants remained infective longer than on leaves near the top (Broby et al., 1985) probably as a result of less solar radiation. 7.3 ConclusionsIn summary, we may conclude
8. General discussion and conclusions
8.1 BackgroundThe background for this work was the need to develop alternative methods for pest insect control. Due to a general wish from the society to minimise the use of chemical pesticides, biological control may offer a sound, environmentally friendly alternative. Choice of system The cereal aphid/fungus system was chosen as a model system based on: 1) The importance of cereals in Denmark, 2) The difficulties in controlling aphids in cereals without chemical pesticides, and 3) Knowledge of the natural occurrence of entomopathogenic fungi obtained in an earlier project. Aphids will in the future still be significant pest insects, and the desire to minimise the use of chemical pesticides has certainly not diminished during the project period (eg. the "Bichel Report" to the Ministry of Environment 1999). The project proceeded in three ways: 1) New scientific information was obtained during the project period based on the specific experimental work, 2) Relevant literature was reviewed, and 3) A high level of information exchange was maintained with other research groups (in Denmark and internationally) during the period. The report contains both specific new data from our studies, a compilation of data from the literature, and the newest available data from other research groups, including the most recent findings reported at conference in August 1999. 8.2 General PerspectivesThe national dimension For the Danish cereal system, the set of data obtained represents a solid basis for future work directly addressing biological control. Two types of biological control are potentially possible: 1) A direct release of Entomophthorales as biopesticides and 2) An enhancement of the natural control of aphids with Entomophthorales. Both strategies were given attention in our studies. With respect to 1), the fungus P. neoaphidis has the highest potential at present. We were able to characterise, isolate and grow this fungus in vivo and in vitro, perform bioassays and develop parts of a model for this species in relation to cereal aphids. However, before the fungus can be used directly as a biopesticide, a range of further experiments must involve: more efficient growth in vitro, formulation, release in the field, and evaluation of field release. Our studies have shown that the fungus should be subjected to further investigation in order to develop outdoor biological control. Our attention on the winter survival of Entomophthorales provided us with significant information for a deeper understanding of the plant-aphid-fungus system. Based on the results we do not hesitate to propose that future use of Entomophthorales to control aphids should not solely be based on the biopesticide approach, but that strategy 2) should certainly also be seriously considered to enhance natural control (eg. earlier initiation of epizootics). Additional experimental work should in such cases include more in depth studies on the importance of cropping systems, surrounding hedges and other landscape structures for the development of epizootics. The European dimension During the project period, attention on Entomophthorales as biocontrol agents of aphids has increased significantly. In particular, the group at ETH, Switzerland, and the group at Rothamsted Exp. Station, UK, should be mentioned. We maintained close contact with these groups and performed experimental work in co-operation (e.g. growth in vitro). The increased attention on Entomophthorales has led to a European network cooperation from year 2000 (COST Action 842). Results from the Danish studies on cereal aphids contributed to the success of the application. In the coming years, we plan to use the European network to ensure that our results will be used by the scientific society to assist in well-designed experiments for both the cereal aphid-Entomopthhorales system and for other insect-fungus systems as well. In summary, conclusions from the project as a whole are as follows
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Samples were then centrifuged at 13000 rpm at 5oC for 20 minutes and ammonium acetate was added to a concentration of 5.0 M. DNA was precipitated overnight at 20oC with 2.5 vol cold 95% ethanol, centrifuged at 13000 rpm and washed twice with 70% cold ethanol. DNA was resuspended in filter sterilised distillated water and quantified by UV spectrophotometry. RAPD Amplification reactions were performed in 1.5 ml centrifuge tubes with a total volume of 30 ? l. Each reaction contained 1x supplied PCR Buffer (10mM Tris-HCl, 10mM KCl, Gibco BRL), 3 mM MgCl2, 200 ? M each of dATP, dCTP,dGTP and dTTP (Boeringer Mannheim), 0.5 ? M primer, 5 ng genomic DNA and 3 units Taq polymerase (Gibco BRL). Reactions were overlaid with 30? l mineral oil and amplifications were performed in a MJ Research PTC-100 thermocycler with the following cycle parameters: an initial denaturisation of 2 min at 93oC; 40 cycles of 1 min at 93oC, 1 min at 36oC; 2 min at 72oC; a final extension of 7 min at 72oC. Amplification products were separated by electrophoresis in 1.4% agarose gels with 1x TBE buffer at 44 v for 18 hours and detected by staining with ethidium bromide. For each tested primer two replicates were carried out. Lengths of DNA fragments were measured and scored from photographs of the gels. Differences in intensity were not taken into account and products not appearing in both replicates were disregarded. Data was recorded as a binary matrix and phenetic similarity was calculated (UPGMA using Jaccards coefficient) by use of the statistical software NTSYSpc (V.2.01e). Appendix CSOIL - A NATURAL SOURCE OF ENTOMOPHTHORALEAN FUNGI INFECTING APHIDSReprinted with permission from the International Organization for Biological and Integrated Control of Noxious Animals and Plants Appendix DPoster presented at Society for Invertebrate Pathology 29th Annual Meeting, September 5, 1996. Cordoba, Spain. |