Entomophthorales on cereal aphids


Summary and conclusions
Sammenfatning og konklusioner
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Life cycle of Entomophthorales
1.3 Project objectives
1.3.1 Specific project objectives
2 Characterisation of Entomophthorales
2.1 Characterisation by morphological and pathobiological methods
2.2 Characterisation by biochemical methods
2.3 Characterisation by DNA based methods
2.3.1 Molecular and morphological variation in Pandora neoaphidis
2.4 Conclusions
3 Natural occurrence of entomophthoralean fungi infecting aphids
3.1 Occurrence on aphids
3.2 Occurrence on cereal aphids
3.3 Occurrence in soil
3.4 Occurrence in air
3.5 Conclusions
4 Survival of entomophthoralean fungi during winter
4.1 Survival structures
4.2 Resting spores
4.2.1 Development of resting spores
4.2.2 Resting spore germination
4.3 Hyphal bodies
4.4 Conidia and ’loriconidia
4.5 Anholocyclic aphid populations
4.6 Soil as environment for survival of Pandora neoaphidis
4.7 Conclusions
5 In vivo and in vitro isolation and growth of entomophthoralean fungi
5.1 Introduction
5.2 In vivo isolation and growth
5.2.1 In vivo culturing of Pandora neoaphidis infecting aphids
5.3 In vitro isolation and growth
5.3.1 Isolation
5.3.2 Nutritional requirements for in vitro growth
5.3.3 Physical requirements for in vitro growth
5.3.4 Vegetative growth of Pandora neoaphidis in liquid cultures
5.4  Formulation and application
5.5 Conclusions
6 Virulence of Pandora neoaphidis against Sitobion avenae and Rhopalosiphum padi
6.1 Bioassay methodology
6.2 Bioassays against Sitobion avenae and Rhopalosiphum padi
6.3 Conclusions
7 Dynamics of Pandora neoaphidis epizootics in Sitobion avenae populations
7.1 Definitions of some model terms
7.2 A biological conceptual model for the dynamics of Pandora neoaphidis in Sitobion avenae populations
7.2.1 Stage variable
7.2.2 Effect of abiotic factors on development rates
7.3 Conclusions
8 General discussion and conclusions
8.1 Background
8.2 General Perspectives
9 References
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D