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Malaysian-Danish Country Programme for Cooperation in Environment and
The Malaysian - Danish Country Programme for Cooperation in Environment and Development
(2002 - 2006) aims to consolidate the achievements of the environmental cooperation 1994 -
2001. The programme is based on the Rio Declaration, Malaysian environmental
priorities as stated in the 8th Malaysia Plan and the Danish strategies for environmental
assistance to developing countries and will assist Malaysia in achieving sustainable
development through the implementation of environment and natural resource management
projects. The programme focuses on the urban and industry sector, the energy sector
and multiple forest use and biodiversity.
Abstract in Danish
Miljøsamarbejdsprogrammet mellem Malaysia og Danmark (2002 - 2005) skal konsolidere det
hidtidige samarbejde 1994 - 2001. Programmet tager udgangspunkt i Rio Deklarationen,
Malaysia's miljøprioriteringer som defineret i den 8. Malaysia Plan samt de danske
strategier for internationalt miljøsamarbejde og skal bidrage til en bæredygtig
udvikling gennem miljøprojekter samt projekter indenfor energi og naturforvaltning.
Programmet prioriterer indsatsen indenfor byer og industri, bæredygtig energi samt skov
og biodiversitet.
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