The Bichel Committee 1999

Report from the Bichel Committee - Organic  Scenarios for Denmark

Report from the Interdisciplinary Group of the                Bichel Committee 

To provide a basis for assessing the consequences of total
restructuring for organic production in Denmark, the report describes six 100% organic scenarios with a 30-year time horizon.  A time horizon of 30 years has been chosen because of the extensive structural changes that would have to be made in all cases. Total restructuring for organic production in Denmark would be possible, although the level of production would be lower than it is today. However, the expected consequences would depend on how organic farming might look and thus on the assumptions on which it is based

Abstract in Danish
For at give et grundlag for en vurdering af  konsekvenserne af en total omlægning til økologisk  jordbrug i Danmark beskriver rapporten 6 forskellige scenarier, der skal dække mulighederne for, hvordan 100% økologisk jordbrug kan tænkes at se ud på 30 års sigt.  Tidshorisonten for scenarierne er valgt til 30 år, fordi det vurderes nødvendigt med omfattende strukturelle ændringer. En total omlægning til økologisk jordbrug i Danmark kan generelt gennemføres, om end ved et lavere produktionsniveau end i dag.  De forventede konsekvenser for jordbruget vil dog afhænge af, hvordan økologisk jordbrug tænkes at se ud, og  hermed hvilke antagelser der er forudsat.

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