Laboratory Evaluation of Annoyance of Low Frequency Noise

Foreword and acknowledgements

The project described in the present report was initiated by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency and made possible by a collaboration contract between the Agency and The Department of Acoustic Technology at The Technical University of Denmark in Lyngby, Denmark.

We would like to thank all test subjects for collaboration and patience during the time consuming – and sometimes boring - listening tests. Especially the four persons who are suffering from low frequency noise in their daily life are thanked for their willingness to participate in the investigation.

DELTA, Lyngby, provided sound recordings for the listening tests.

The Danish Environmental Protection Agency has followed the investigation with great and encouraging interest during all parts of the project.

Tina Hjort is thanked for providing contact to the special group of test subjects and for a continued interest in the investigation and the results.


Lyngby, May 2001


Torben Poulsen