Indicator Report 5. BiodiversityObjectives In the strategy, the overall goals for biodiversity, nature protection, and access to nature are that Denmark must remain a beautiful country with many lovely natural areas and a good environment. Sustainable development means that we must safeguard nature's potential. Therefore, it is important to have prioritised and targeted preservation of species, habitat types, ecosystems and genetic diversity. At the same time, we must increase areas with nature and forest and limit discharges of nutrients and compounds that are dangerous for the environment. Finally, biodiversity considerations must be integrated into the activities of the sectors involved. Public awareness must be increased in order for people to understand that certain natural assets associated with natural and cultural landscapes, natural habitats and the diversity of species and gene pools are unique and irreplaceable. Denmark must utilise nature in a way that allows future generations access to natural resources to at least the same extent as today. Outdoor recreation and nature experiences are important to people's well being and quality of life. It is important that there is general public support for a sustainable nature and environment policy. Therefore the public must have good access to nature, forests and the open countryside. Developments - a summary Only few species and natural habitats included in the scope of the EEC Habitats Directive have a favourable conservation status in Denmark. In 2000, the total area covered by the natural habitats marshland, moor, meadows and dry grassland extended only to approximately half the area seen in 1950. Since 1950, the area of original forest has also been approximately halved, but has remained stable since 1990. By contrast, the total area of forest has increased, with the main growth occurring since 1990. In 1997, a total of 3,142 species in Denmark were on the Red List. Of these species, 342 have disappeared, 1,608 are acutely endangered or vulnerable, and 1,192 are rare. This development signifies that we know too little about species and natural habitats, and that natural habitats and nature types are strongly affected by nitrogen, the disappearance of wetlands, human interference, and the cessation of extensive farming. The impacts of nutrients can be analysed in several ways. One example would be the transparency of lakes, which is an expression of the amount of light available to bottom flora. It depends on the quantities of plant plankton, which in turn means that it depends on the level of nutrients in the upper waters. Generally speaking, transparency has improved during the period 1989 to 2000, and the most opaque lakes have become clearer. The minimum requirement as regards transparency has been met in approximately 30 per cent of the monitored lakes. The reasons for non-compliance with the minimum requirement are still too high discharges and buildup of nutrients. The high contributions of nutrients also mean that the critical loads for eutrophication are transgressed for many Danish natural habitats. During the 1990s, however, there has been a significant reduction in phosphorus discharges and a smaller reduction in nitrogen discharges into the sea. The reduction in phosphorus discharges is caused by improvements to wastewater remediation. For nitrogen, the impacts from wastewater have also been significantly reduced, as have impacts arising from arable land, which account for by far the greater share of nitrogen. Many initiatives have been launched to strengthen efforts to preserve and recreate habitats for indigenous fauna and flora. One example would be afforestation. The goal is to increase Danish woodland areas so that forests will cover 20-25 per cent of Denmark. From 1950 to 2000, total forest area has increased steadily, whereas the area of deciduous forest has changed relatively little. This is to say that the increase in the forest area has mainly been carried out with imported conifers. The objective is to increase the area of deciduous forest, and the latest surveys show that developments are headed in the right direction. Afforestation also helps protect vulnerable groundwater resources used for drinking water and provides the population with better opportunities for outdoor recreation. Perspectives for development of indicators It would be relevant to assess the opportunities for developing an index as a more comprehensive indicator for biodiversity. It may be relevant to consider the opportunities for developing further indicators in connection with the goal of protecting and restoring habitats for indigenous animals and plants in order to have large viable populations on land and in freshwater and marine environments. Moreover, it may be relevant in the long term to develop indicators which elucidate developments in the quality of nature within standard landscapes and areas with high nature contents, and to include the percentage of unaffected watercourse systems and lakes (overloads in relation to natural nutrient levels) in existing indicators. Finally, it should be considered whether the extent of wet meadows, hedgerows (measured in km), the average size of fields, and the extent of pesticidefree areas can be used as indicators. An action plan for protection of biodiversity in Denmark must seek to render the current efforts more target-specific. In this connection, work must be carried out to develop an indicator which can elucidate interconnectedness of habitats and the opportunities for spreading of species, as well as integration of concern for biodiversity within the relevant sectors. Indicator 5.1: This indicator illustrates developments in relation to strengthening efforts for biodiversity and nature protection and rendering these efforts more target-specific. The uppermost figure shows developments from 1950 to 2000 as regards the area of original forest, deciduous forest, and total forest. The bottom figure shows the development during the period 1950 to 2000 for the natural habitats mentioned. From 1950 to 2000, total forest area has increased steadily, whereas the area of deciduous forest has changed relatively little. We also see that the area of original forest has fallen throughout the entire period from 1950 to 1990. The difference between the total area and the area of deciduous forest is primarily imported conifers, particularly common spruce. The bottom figure shows that all three of the open natural habitats have dwindled in extent during the period 1950 to 2000. Indeed, the total area of the three natural habitat types covered only half as much land in 2000 as it did in 1950. The goal is to increase the extent of Danish woodland areas so that forests will cover 20-25 per cent of Denmark. As illustrated above, this development is ongoing. At the same time, the objective is to increase the area of deciduous forest and to retain the area of original forest. The latest inventories show that the area of deciduous forest is once again on the rise. The intention is also to increase the area accounted for by the open habitats meadow, dry grassland, and moor. This has not, however, yet had a discernible impact in the latest inventories. Indicator 5.2: This indicator elucidates the conservation status for species and natural habitats which fall within the scope of the EC Habitats Directive. The Habitats Directive covers 61 natural habitats believed to exist in Denmark. Of these, a total of 13 habitat types have a special priority status in the Directive. In addition to this, the overview is based on 79 species that also fall within the scope of the Habitats Directive and which have proven to be good indicators for the conservation status of Danish species. The figure shows that only few habitats and species can be said to enjoy a favourable conservation status. This is a sign that we know too little about species and habitats, and that habitats and nature types are strongly affected by nitrogen, the disappearance of wetlands, and human interference. No conclusions on factual developments can be drawn, as this figure is the first status report. The status will be monitored regularly in connection with reporting under the Habitats Directive. In 2003, the Government will prepare an action plan for protection of biodiversity with a view to having Denmark meet the requirements and expectations outlined in the UN Biodiversity Convention and EU requirements with regard to nature. This is to be done by e.g. safeguarding existing natural areas of high quality and by developing a network of protected natural areas (the NATURA 2000 network in accordance with the EC Habitats Directive). Indicator 5.3: This indicator illustrates developments in relation to the objective of intensifying efforts to protect and restore habitats for indigenous animals and plants. The figure shows the extent of plant and animal species on the red list in relation to the Danish habitat types. The inventory of endangered plants and animals in Denmark, the Red List 1997, comprises 3,142 species. Of these species, 342 have disappeared, 1,608 are acutely endangered or vulnerable, and 1,192 are rare. An increase in the number of species on the Red List is a sign that living conditions are deteriorating for the species in question, e.g. as a result of structural developments within agriculture. Half of all species on the Red List inhabit or have inhabited forests, which is a natural consequence of the fact that Denmark was originally a forest country. Dry grasslands feature the largest number of species per area unit. The changes in the cultivation of dry grasslands, which for hundreds of years have been used for continual grazing with no use of fertilisers, have brought about considerable negative impacts for the plants and animals which have adapted to dry grasslands and use them as habitats. Registration of the extent of plant and animal species on the Red List in relation to Danish habitat types can contribute to more target-specific efforts to protect and restore habitats for indigenous animals and plants in order to have large viable populations on land and in freshwater and marine environments. Indicator 5.4: This indicator elucidates efforts to preserve and restore habitats for indigenous animals and plants. The figures provide an overview of the annual efforts made with funding from State nature management funds. The uppermost diagram shows the extent of the areas acquired by the State for nature management, measured in hectares. The area acquired per year, measured in hectares, is an indicator of the physical efforts made and their relative distribution within the areas nature restoration, afforestation, outdoor recreation, and historical environments. Note that the extent of the areas is less relevant to projects involving outdoor recreation and historical environments, which are carried out in areas that have been acquired for afforestation and nature restoration or in other areas managed by the Danish Forest and Nature Agency. The bottom diagram illustrates the prioritisation of the action areas found within State nature management divided into nature restoration, afforestation, outdoor recreation, and historical environments measured in per cent of the total funds allocated for nature management. Up until 1998, the aim was to spend 40 per cent of these funds on nature restoration, 40 per cent on afforestation, and 20 per cent on outdoor recreation. After 1998, the aim is to distribute the funds as follows: 40 per cent on nature restoration, 30 per cent on afforestation, 20 per cent on outdoor recreation, and 10 per cent on historical environments. Deviations can be made from this distribution in connection with relevant projects and changes in the annual allocations of funds. From 1999, a significant part of the annual funds have been earmarked for the Skjern River Project, which means that nature restoration accounts for a high percentage of the total annual expenditure from 1999 onwards. The level of acquisitions of areas for nature restoration and afforestation has fallen since 1998. This is partly due to the fact that a significant number of the annual naturemanagement funds have been earmarked for the Skjern River Project during the period 1999 to 2001. The nature restoration projects help fulfil international obligations, e.g. in connection with the EC Bird Protection Directive, the EC Habitats Directive, and the Biodiversity Convention. Afforestation supports national political goals and helps to protect vulnerable groundwater resources used for drinking water. The efforts made provide the public with better opportunities for outdoor recreation and communicate the historical dimension of the Danish landscape. Indicator 5.5: This indicator elucidates efforts to preserve and restore habitats for indigenous animals and plants. The uppermost figure shows the development in the number of watercourse stations with a biological watercourse quality corresponding to fauna class 5 or better in accordance with the Danish watercourse fauna index (the DVFI system). Class 5 is normally regarded as sufficient to meet the fishing waters target (salmon fishing waters) for watercourses. The bottom curve illustrates the development in transparency in monitored lakes during the period 1989 to 2000. Transparency is an expression of the amount of light available to bottom flora. It depends on the quantities of plant plankton, which in turn means that it depends on the level of nutrients in the upper waters. Generally speaking, transparency has improved during the period 1989 to 2000, and the most opaque lakes have become clearer when considered on an annual basis. For watercourses, the percentage of stations with an acceptable watercourse quality has grown significantly from 37 per cent in 1994 to 45 per cent in 2000. The target for a given lake is only deemed to have been met if e.g. a set minimum requirement on transparency is met. Approximately 30 per cent of all targets have complied with the targets during the period illustrated. The reason for noncompliance with the minimum requirement is still excessive discharges and build-up of nutrients. The reasons behind unsatisfactory biological watercourse quality often involve poor physical conditions due to severe maintenance and regulation, and in some cases reduced water volumes due to water catchment. In addition to this, wastewater discharges from individual properties and localise ochre pollution may also be part of the reasons why the target has not yet been met. Indicator 5.6: This indicator illustrates developments in relation to the objective of intensifying efforts to protect and restore habitats for indigenous animals and plants. The figure shows the relative proportion of natural areas in Denmark where the critical loads for acidification and/or eutrophication have been transgressed for moors (42 per cent), dry grasslands (57 per cent), dune heaths (7 per cent), water meadows (11 per cent), lobelia lakes (100 per cent), upland moors (100 per cent), deciduous forests (63 per cent), and coniferous forests (94 per cent). Acidification is caused by air pollution, e.g. SO2 emissions. Eutrophication is caused by nutrient enrichment of freshwater environments in the form of nitrogen and phosphorus. The proportionate areas have been analysed by means of a 1 x 1 km grid. White cells mean that the area in which transgressions can be found is smaller than one hectare. In the case of dry grasslands, moors, dune heaths, lobelia lakes, and upland moors, the transgressions are attributable to eutrophication, i.e. to impacts from nitrogen oxides and ammonia. Almost half of the forests feature transgressions for acidification as well as eutrophication, more than half of them suffer exclusively from eutrophication, and a few per cent suffer exclusively from acidification. A small percentage of the Danish water meadows also suffer from transgressions due to acidification. Generally speaking, it is estimated that the transgressions of the critical loads will be mitigated as the result of agreements already entered into on reductions of air pollution. There are, however, areas in Denmark where dense livestock populations cause the background load to be so high that sensitive natural areas remain unprotected. Indicator 5.7: This indicator illustrates developments in relation to the objective of intensifying efforts to protect and restore habitats for indigenous animals and plants. The curves show the total annual quantities of freshwater, nitrogen, and phosphorus discharged via watercourses and point sources from Denmark and into the sea. The data shown cover the period 1990 to 2000. The average annual discharges are approximately 93,000 tonnes of nitrogen and approximately 3,500 tonnes of phosphorus per year. There is a definite correlation between water runoffs and substance runoffs when considering individual years. This correlation is particularly apparent for nitrogen runoffs. During the 1990s there has been a significant reduction in phosphorus discharges and a smaller reduction in nitrogen discharges into the sea. Analyses of the trends regarding nitrogen runoffs have been carried out on the basis of data which have been corrected for variations in water runoffs. The reduction in phosphorus discharges is caused by improvements within wastewater remediation. For nitrogen, the impacts from wastewater have also been significantly reduced, as have impacts arising from arable land, which account for by far the greater share of all nitrogen. The general target is a halving of nutrient contributions from watercourses and point sources into the sea compared to 1980s levels. For phosphorus, this target was reached in 1996-97 due to improved wastewater remediation. For nitrogen, the target has not yet been reached, as the reductions seen so far account only for approximately 30 per cent. More initiatives have been launched in recent years to reduce contributions from agriculture, and so it is expected that the target for nitrogen will also be met in the long term.