/1/ |
Vejledning om kortlægning af jordforurening og kilder
hertil. (Guidelines on mapping soil contamination and sources). Draft Guidelines,
1997, Danish Environmental Protection Agency.
/2/ |
Projektering. Course for Project Managers 2, 6 April 1997.
Amternes Depotenhed.
/3/ |
Vejledning om prøvetagning og analyse af jord. (Guidelines
on sampling and soil analysis) Draft Guidelines, 1997, Danish Environmental Protection
/4/ |
Vejledning om rådgivning af beboer i let forurenede områder
(Guidelines on informing residents living in slightly contaminated areas) Draft
Guidelines, 1997, Danish Environmental Protection Agency.
/5/ |
Kilder til industrikortlægning (Sources of industry
mapping) Elucidation Report U6. Landfill Project 1989.
/6/ |
Statutory Order no.4 of 4 January 1980 on execution of
groundwater wells. Ministry of the Environment.
/7/ |
Vejledning i måling af stoffer i indeluften fra forurening i
jorden (Guidelines for measurement of substances in indoor air from contamination in
soil) Building and Housing Agency 1994.
/8/ |
Vejledning i ingeniørgeologisk prøvebeskrivelse (Guidelines
on descriptions of geological samples) Danish Geotechnic Association Bulletin 1 July
/9/ |
Toksikologiske kvalitetskriterier for jord og drikkevand (Toxicological
quality criteria for soil and drinking water) Danish Environmental Protection Agency
Report no. 12 1995.
/10/ |
Økotoksikologiske jordkvalitetskriterier. (Ecotoxicological
soil quality criteria) Danish Environmental Protection Agency Report no. 13 1995.
/11/ |
B-værdier (B values). Orientation from the Danish
EPA, Orientering no. 15, 1996.
/12/ |
Risikovurdering af forurenede grunde (Risk assessment of
contaminated sites). Environmental Project no. 123. Danish EPA, 1990.
/13/ |
Kemiske stoffers opførsel i jord og grundvand (Behaviour
of chemical substances in soil and groundwater). Project no. 20, Danish EPA, 1996.
/14/ |
Radon og nybyggeri (Radon and new construction).
Building and Housing Agency, 2nd edition, 1993.
/15/ |
Baggrundsværdier for organiske forbindelser i indeluften (Background
values for organic compounds in indoor air). Building and Housing Agency, 1994.
/16/ |
Undersøgelse af lufttæthed i bygningskonstruktioner (Survey
of air-tightness of building constructions). Building and Housing Agency, 1995.
/17/ |
Losseplads gas (Landfill gas). Working Report from the
Danish EPA no. 69, 1993.
/18/ |
Nielsen, G.D. et al, Flygtige organiske forbindelser i
indeluft Stoffer, koncentration og vurdering (Volatile organic compounds in
indoor air). Dansk Kemi 4, 1997.
/19/ |
Begrænsning af luftforurening fra virksomheder (Limiting
air pollution from enterprises) Guidelines from the Danish EPA no. 6, 1990.
/20/ |
Acceptkriterier for mikrobiologisk renset jord (Acceptance
criteria for microbiologically remediated soil). Guidelines from the Danish EPA no. 8,
/21/ |
B-værdier (B values). Orientation from the Danish EPA no.
15, 1996.
/22/ |
General branchevejledning for forurenede grunde (General
sector guidelines for contaminated sites) Guidelines from the Danish EPA no. 5, 1992.
/23/ |
Branchevejledning for forurenende træimprægneringsgrunde (Sector
guidelines for contaminated wood-treatment sites) Guidelines from the Danish EPA no.
4, 1992.
/24/ |
Branchevejledning for forurenede garverigrunde (Sector
guidelines for contaminated tannery sites). Guidelines from the Danish EPA no. 5,
/25/ |
Branchevejledning for forurenede tjære/asfaltgrunde (Sector
guidelines for contaminated tar/asphalt sites). Guidelines from the Danish EPA no. 6,
/26/ |
Boringskontrol på vandværker (Well control at water
works). Guidelines from the Danish EPA no. 2, 1997.
/27/ |
Projektstyringshåndbog for jord- og grundvandsforureninger (Project
management handbook for soil and groundwater contamination). Soil and groundwater
project, Danish EPA no. 5, 1995.
/28/ |
Act No. 216 of 8 June 1966 on tendering etc.
/29/ |
Statutory Order no. 1017 of 15 December 1993 on organisation
of construction sites and similar workplaces. Ministry of Labour.
/30/ |
AB92. (Normal conditions for work and supply at building
and construction enterprises) Ministry of Housing, 10 December 1992.
/31/ |
Barrierer mod udvikling og anvendelse af nye
afværgeteknologier (Barriers to developing and using new remedial technology).
Soil and groundwater project, Danish EPA no. 4, 1995.
/32/ |
Erfaringer med in-situ afværgeforanstaltninger (Experience
with in-situ remedial measures). Soil and groundwater project, Danish EPA no. 7, 1995.
/33/ |
DS 415. Contamination Norms. Danish Society of
Engineers, 1984.
/34/ |
Forurenet og renset jord på Sjælland og Lolland Falster.
Vejledning i håndtering og bortskaffelse (Contaminated and treated soil on Zealand and
Lolland Falster). Local Authorities of Frederiksberg and Copenhagen, Counties of
Frederiksborg, Roskilde, Storstrøm and West Zealand.
/35/ |
Beckett, G.D, Huntley, D.. Characterisation of Flow
Parameters Controlling Soil Vapour Extraction. Groundwater, March-April 1994.
/36/ |
Hinchee, R.E., Ong. S.K., Miller, R. N., Downey, D. C.,
Frandt, R. Test Plan and Technical Protocol for a Field Treatability Test for Bioventing.
US Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence, Brooks Air Force Base, Texas, USA.
/37/ |
Bioremediation of Contaminated Soil. Working Report Danish
EPA no. 4, 1995.
/38/ |
Forureningsbekæmpelse med mikroorganismer (Combating
contamination with microorganisms). Theme Report from the DMU, 1996.
/39/ |
Electrokinetic Remediation of Heavy Metal Polluted Soil.
Working Report from the Danish EPA no. 67, 1994.
/40/ |
Design, indkøring og drift af afværgepumpning (Design,
running in and operation of remedial pumping). Soil and groundwater project, Danish
EPA no. 1, 1995.
/41/ |
Udnyttelse og rensning af forurenet grundvand (Use and
treatment of polluted groundwater) Soil and groundwater project, Danish EPA no. 2,
/42/ |
DS 432. Norms for drainage installations. 2nd
edition, 1994
/43/ |
Air sparging from horizontal soil borings. Working Report
from the Danish EPA no. 9, 1997.
/44/ |
Gillham, R.W. In Situ Reactive Barriers for Plume Control.
Diagnosis and Remediation of DNAPL Sites. Waterloo. DNAPL Course. ATV, Vingsted, 6-8 May
/45/ |
Restforureninger under huse. (Residual contamination under
houses) Soil and groundwater project, Danish EPA no. 22, 1996.
/46/ |
L. Ramsay. Stopkriterier for in-situ oprensninger (Stop
criteria for in-situ remediation). Vand og jord 1995.
/47/ |
Statutory Order no. 921 of 8 October 1996 on quality
requirements for aquatic areas and requirements for emissions of certain hazardous
substances to waterways, lakes, or the sea.
/48/ |
Statutory Order no. 310 of 25 April 1994 on waste water
permits etc.
/49/ |
Statutory Order no. 75 of 30 January 1992 on limit values for
emissions of certain hazardous substances to waterways, lakes and the sea (List 1
/50/ |
Statutory Order no. 181 of 25 March 1986 on limit values for
cadmium with waste water from certain industrial plants.
/51/ |
Statutory Order no. 520 of 8 August 1986 on limit values for
mercury in emissions from certain industrial plants.
/52/ |
Statutory Order no. 6 of 1974 from the Danish EPA. Guidelines
for provisions on emissions of waste water.
/53/ |
Økotoksikologiske jordkvalitetskriterier (Ecotoxicological
soil-quality criteria). Working Report from the Danish EPA, no. 83, 1997.
/54/ |
Diffusionsforsøg, betongulv (Diffusion tests, concrete
floors). Danish Housing and Building Agency, 1992.
/55/ |
Modværdien i danske kroner af EU udbudsdirektivernes
tærskelværdier for perioden januar 1996 til 31. December 1997. (Equivalent values in
DKK of threshold values in EU tender directives from January 1996 to December 1997).
/56/ |
Kjærgaard, M., Ringsted, J.P., Albrechtsen, H.J. and Bjerg,
P.L. 1998. Naturlig nedbrydning af miljøfremmede stoffer i jord og grundvand (Natural
degradation of xenobiotic substances in soil and Groundwater). Report by the
Geo-technical Institute and DTU for the Danish EPA.
/57/ |
Wiedemeier, T.H. et al. 1995. Technical Protocol for
Implementing Intrinsic Remediation with Long-Term Monitoring for Natural Attenuation of
Fuel Contamination Dissolved in Groundwater. Air Force Center for Environmental
Excellence, Technology Transfer Division, Brooks Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas.
/58/ |
Wiedemeier, T.H. et al. 1995. Technical Protocol for
Evaluating Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Solvents in Groundwater. Draft
revision 1, Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence, Technology Transfer Division,
Brooks Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas.
[Tilbage] |