Guidelines on remediation of contaminated sites


1 Introduction
2 Strategy
2.1 Division of efforts into phases
2.2 The initial survey
2.3 The investigation phase
2.3.1 Objective
2.3.2 Preliminary investigations
2.3.3 Supplemental investigations
2.3.4 Risk assessment
2.4 The remediation phase
2.5 Operation and evaluation phase
2.6 Strategy for distribution of information
3 Initial survey
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Previous and current land use
3.3 Surface water recipients and soil and groundwater conditions
3.4 Reporting
4 Site investigations
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Sampling soil and water
4.2.1 Location of soil borings
4.2.2 Execution of borings/excavations
4.2.3 Soil sampling
4.2.4 Water sampling
4.2.5 Execution of pump tests
4.3 Air sampling
4.3.1 Measurements of organic and inorganic gases in soil gas
4.3.2 Landfill gas
4.3.3 Indoor air
4.4 Methods of analysis
4.4.1 Field methods
4.4.2 Laboratory analyses
4.5 Collection of data regarding buildings
4.6 Geology, hydrogeology, and hydrology
5 Risk assessment
5.1 Definitions, procedures and data requirements
5.2 Land use
5.2.1 Definitions
5.2.2 Exposure
5.2.3 Acceptance criteria and remediation principles
5.2.4 Assessment of soil contamination
5.3 Evaporation, including landfill gas
5.3.1 Outdoor air
5.3.2 Indoor air
5.3.3 Landfill gas
5.4 Groundwater
5.4.1 General remarks on groundwater risk assessment
5.4.2 Stepwise risk assessment method
5.5 Surface-water recipients
6 Quality criteria for soil, air and groundwater
6.1 Background and objectives
6.2 Quality criteria for soil
6.3 Cut-off criteria for soil
6.4 Criteria for soil from other sources
6.5 Quality criteria for groundwater
6.6 Quality criteria for air
6.7 Use and limitations of quality criteria
7 Reporting
7.1 Preliminary investigations
7.1.1 Report outline
7.1.2 Figures and tables
7.1.3 Appendices
7.2 Supplemental investigations
8 Design
8.1 General conditions
8.2 The Outline Project
8.3 The detailed project
8.4 Invitations to tender and tender documents
8.4.1 Tender and contracting
8.4.2 Tender documents
8.5 Supervision
8.6 The work environment and the external environment
8.6.1 The work environment
8.6.2 The external environment
8.7 Project and quality control
8.8 Completion of project
9 Remedial Measures
9.1 Clean-up objectives
9.1.1 Remedial measures in relation to land use
9.1.2 Remedial measures for groundwater and recipients
9.2 Remedial measures for soil contamination
9.2.1 Overview of remedial methods
9.2.2 Excavation
9.2.3 Treatment methods for excavated soil
9.2.4 Soil vapour extraction
9.2.5 Treatment methods for extracted air
9.2.6 Bioventilation
9.2.7 Forced leaching
9.2.8 Immobilisation
9.2.9 Bioremediation
9.2.10 Other in-situ methods of soil remediation
9.2.11 Running-in soil remediation installations
9.3 Remedial methods for groundwater contamination
9.3.1 Overview of remedial methods
9.3.2 Pump-and-treat
9.3.3 Discharge and treatment of the abstracted groundwater
9.3.4 In-situ remediation methods for contaminated groundwater
9.4 Remedial methods for contaminated soil gas
9.4.1 Buildings on contaminated areas
9.4.2 Construction technology measures
9.5 Remedial methods for landfill gas
9.6 Residual contamination under houses
10 Operation and evaluation
10.1 Introduction and objectives
10.2 Evaluating excavation
10.2.1 Evaluating excavated soil
10.2.2 Documentation of residual contamination
10.3 Evaluation of in-situ remediation of soil contamination
10.3.1 Evaluation of the operating period
10.3.2 Stop criteria and the final compliance
10.4 Evaluating groundwater remediation
10.4.1 Evaluating pump-and-treat
10.4.2 Evaluating in-situ remedial methods
10.5 Evaluating soil gas remediation
10.6 Controlling measures for landfill gas
11 References