Appendices 1-18 to: Report on the Health Effects of Selected Pesticide Coformulants

132     Regulations

132.1     Ambient air
132.2     Drinking water
132.3     Soil
132.4     Occupational Exposure Limits
132.5     Classification
132.6     IARC
132.7     US-EPA

132.1     Ambient air

Denmark (C-value):        -

132.2     Drinking water

Denmark:                       -

132.3     Soil

Denmark:                       -

132.4     Occupational Exposure Limits

Denmark:                       5 ppm (20 mg/m3) (At 2002)

132.5     Classification

NMP is classified for irritative effects (Xi;R36/38 - irritating to eyes and skin) (MM 2002).

132.6     IARC


132.7     US-EPA
