Appendices 1-18 to: Report on the Health Effects of Selected Pesticide Coformulants

84     Regulations

84.1     Ambient air
84.2     Drinking water
84.3     Soil
84.4     Occupational Exposure Limits
84.5     EU Classification
84.6     IARC
84.7     US-EPA

84.1     Ambient air

Denmark (C-value):        0.04 mg/m3 (MST 2002)

84.2     Drinking water


84.3     Soil


84.4     Occupational Exposure Limits

Denmark:                       20 ppm (98 mg/m3) H (At 2002)

ACGIH:                         20 ppm (98 mg/m3) skin (ACGIH 2001)

Germany:                        20 ppm (98 mg/m3 H (MAK 1998)

84.5     EU Classification

EGBE is classified for acute toxic effects (Xn;R20/21/22 – harmful by inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed) and for irritative effects (Xi;R36/38 – irritating to eyes and skin) (MM 2002).

84.6     IARC


84.7     US-EPA

Because of the uncertain relevance to humans of the tumour increases observed in the NTP inhalation studies, that EGBE is generally negative in genotoxic tests, and the lack of human data to support the findings in rodents, the human carcinogenic potential of EGBE, in accordance with the recent ’Proposed Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment’, cannot be determined at this time, but suggestive evidence exists from rodent studies. Under existing EPA guidelines, EGBE is judged to be a possible human carcinogen, Group C. (EPA 1999).