Appendices 1-18 to: Report on the Health Effects of Selected Pesticide Coformulants

100     Regulations

100.1     Ambient air
100.2     Drinking water
100.3     Soil
100.4     Occupational Exposure Limits
100.5     Classification
100.6     IARC
100.7     US-EPA

100.1     Ambient air

Denmark C-value:           0.02 mg/m3 L (L means that the C-value is based upon the odour) (MST 2002).

100.2     Drinking water


100.3     Soil


100.4     Occupational Exposure Limits

Denmark:                       100 mg/m3 (At  2002).

ACGIH:                         -

Germany:                        100 mg/m3 (as a vapour) (DECOS 1996).

The Dutch Expert Committee on Occupational Standards recommends an occupational exposure limit of 50 mg/m3 (DECOS 1996).

100.5     Classification

DEGBE is classified for irritant properties (Xi;R36 – irritating to eyes) (MM  2002).

100.6     IARC


100.7     US-EPA
