AMAP Greenland and the Faroe Islands 1997-2001

Mean Median SD Range Birth weight (g) 3,743 3,750 473 2,450 – 5,400 Gestational age (completed weeks) 40.1 40 1.2 37 – 42 Gestational age (days) 283.2 283 8.0 260 – 300 Apgar score at 1 min 9.2 9 1.0 3 – 10 Apgar score at 5 min 9.9 10 0.4 6 – 10 Corrected age at NOS (days) 16.9 16 5.8 -1 – 34 Chronological age at NOS (days) 13.7 13 7.0 3 – 35