AMAP Greenland and the Faroe Islands 1997-2001

Disko Bay 1994-96 Disko Bay 1997 Cord/maternal 1994-97 total n 160 70 Hg 24.7: (0.9-180) 1.94 Pb 27.7: (9.8-143) 0.80 Cd Not measured Not measured Not measured Aldrin Nd Nd beta HCH 0.04: (0.01-0.23) 0.04: (0.01-3.4) 0.24 Sum of chlordanes 0.39: (0.05-3.7) 0.34 (0.05-2.0) 0.20 DDE 0.99: (0.14-7.7) 0.91: (0.18-4.7) 0.26 DDT 0.03: (0.02-0.29) 0.02: (0.01-0.08) 0.21 DDE+DDT 1.02: (0.16-7.9) 0.93: (0.18-4.76) Hexachloro Benzene 0.24: (0.04-1.77) 0.20: (0.05-0.95) 0.26 Mirex 0.016: (0.01-0.09) 0.014: (0.01-0.07) 0.19 PCB, 14 congeners 1.17: (0.30-7.63) 1.03: (0.2-3.97) 0.21 Aroclor 1260 3.22: (0.66-21.8) 2.7: (0.5-11) 0.23 Toxaphenes, 4 congeners 0.09: (0.01-0.47 0,15 DDE:DDT 30.5: (10-254) 38.4: (8-220) 1.05