| Contents |
Sustainable Urban Renewal and Wastewater Treatment no. 38, 2003
Biomass Plantations Irrigated and Fertilised with Wastewaters
Results from a 4-year multidisciplinary field project in Sweden, France, Northern
Ireland and Greece
This report summarises findings from a 4-year European research project "Biomass
Short-Rotation Willow Coppice Irrigated and Fertilised with Municipal Wastewater"
partly financed by the EU FAIR Programme (Project No CT97-3947). The participating
partners were as follows:
| Svalöf Weibull AB, Sweden, represented by Dr. Stig Larsson (Project Co-ordinator) |
| Association pour le Développement des Culture Energétiques, France, represented by Mr.
Christian Cuingnet/Mr. Pierre Clause |
| Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden, represented by Mr. Ingvar Jakobsson |
| Queens University, UK (Northern Ireland), represented by Dr. Malcolm Dawson |
| A & B Backlund ApS, Denmark, represented by Mr. Arne Backlund |
| Agricultural University of Athens, Greece, represented by Prof. George Mavrogianopoulus |
Besides the mentioned participants and representatives above, the project group
Dr. Inger Åhman (Svalöf Weibull AB, Sweden), Prof. Kurth Perttu, Dr. Pär Aronsson
and Dr. Håkan Rosenqvist (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden), Dr. Fiona
Wilson (Queens University, UK), PhD student Drusilla Riddel-Black (Water Research Centre,
UK), Prof. Thor Axel Stenström and PhD student Anneli Carlander (Institute of Infectious
Disease Control, Sweden), and Mr. Kenth Hasselgren (SWECO VIAK AB, Sweden).
The information and results given in this report are based primarily on annual and
final reports on the various activities within the project. To this, all the members of
the project group have contributed. Kenth Hasselgren has been responsible for the
compilation of the final text.
I am deeply grateful for all the efforts and contributions delivered and would like to
thank all members of the group for a fruitful work and a wonderful time together.
Svalöv, Sweden
January 2003
Stig Larsson
Project Co-ordinator
For correspondence:
Stig Larsson, Agrobränsle AB, SE-268 81 Svalöv, Sweden
This report summarises results and experiences gathered from field trials with
recycling of pre-treated wastewater, diverted human urine mixed with water, and municipal
sludge, within plantations of willow species specifically selected for biomass production.
Experimental sites were established in Sweden (Roma), France (Orchies), Northern Ireland
(Culmore) and Greece (Larissa). The project was carried out during a 4-year period with
financial support from the EU FAIR Programme.
The experimental sites were supplied with primary effluent from municipal treatment
plants (Culmore and Larissa), stored industrial effluent from a chicory processing plant
(Orchies), biologically treated and stored municipal wastewater (Roma) and human urine
mixture from diverting low-flush toilets mixed with water (Roma). Application rates of the
wastewaters or the urine mixture were equivalent to the calculated evapotranspiration rate
at each site. Wastewaters were also applied up to three times this value to evaluate any
possible negative effects.
Estimations and evaluations were carried out mainly concerning: biomass growth,
potential biological attacks of the plantations, plant water requirements, fertilisation
effects of the wastewater, plant uptake of nutrients and heavy metals from applied
wastewater, possible soil or groundwater impact, sanitary aspects, and potentials for
removal in the soil-plant filter of nutrients and biodegradable organic material from
applied wastewater.
The results clearly indicated that biomass production in young willow plantations could
be enhanced substantially after recycling of wastewater resources. The impact on soil and
groundwater of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) and heavy metals (copper, zinc, lead
and cadmium) was limited, even when the application of water and nutrients exceeded the
plant requirements. Also, the soil-plant system seemed to function as a natural treatment
filter for pre-treated (primary settled) wastewater, with a treatment rate fully
comparable to a tertiary effluent quality with regard to biodegradable organic material
and eutrophying nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus).
Introductory analyses of the costs of a wastewater irrigated willow plantation for
bio-fuel production indicate that the benefits of the wastewater treatment per se appear
to be greater than the benefits from the increased production of wood chips. The risks of
contamination via faecal micro-organisms of animals and humans seem possible to reduce or
eliminate if proper precautions are taken. The awareness of the hygienic aspects is among
the most important issues to deal with concerning the public acceptance.
The gathered opinion from the members of the multidisciplinary project team is that the
concept of recycling wastewater or fractions of wastewater within willow plantations for
combined energy production and wastewater treatment would be worth developing on a wider
scale. Experiences from a few full-scale facilities in Sweden are well in accordance with
the findings outlined here. The fact that wastewater could be treated at reasonable costs
might encourage the municipal sector as well as the energy and agricultural industry in
Europe to further expand the concept with increased willow plantation areas as a
consequence. This would increase the opportunities for an over all better environment for
generations to come.
The project has resulted in a quantity of information on wastewater use and treatment
in willow biomass plantations. The following conclusions and recommendations have been
extracted from our findings.
| Wastewater, urine mixture or sludge could stimulate wood biomass production
(willow stem growth) substantially and could replace conventional fertilisers to a large
extent. In general, growth levels after a first 3-year rotation were higher compared with
non-irrigated and pure water irrigated plants, as well as those reported from commercial
willow plantations in Sweden. |
The biomass production increased to some extent with increased wastewater application
rates, especially at Larissa. This was likely a result of increased fertilisation rather
than increased water supply. Plants supplied with the human urine mixture developed best
and showed the highest growth. Although attacks from leaf beetles and rust were observed
on some of the plantations, the effects on the biomass production seemed relatively
| The water requirement of willow plantations was assessed as being close to
the theoretical potential evapotranspiration (PE) rate, independent of site location.
Wastewater application up to three times the PE was proven to increase biomass growth to
some extent, especially at Larissa, where the climate normally supports high
evapotranspiration. However, with regard to economising with water and nutrient resources
as well as minimisation of the operational costs, the total water application rates should
not exceed the expected evapotranspiration rate to a considerable extent. |
| The nutrient content of the wastewaters (N, P and K) varied due to their
origin and pre-treatment level. The primary municipal effluent at Larissa and the stored
industrial effluent at Orchies were fairly well balanced but resulted in higher
applications of nutrients than the total requirement. The primary municipal effluent at
Culmore contained N and K amounts similar to the plant requirement but almost 10 times the
level of P required. At Roma the biologically treated and stored municipal effluent had N
and P contents similar to the stem uptake, while K was in excess. The urine mixture
contained a fairly balanced nutrient solution although the P content was low compared with
the long-term plant requirement. |
| The annual uptake of nutrients in willow stems at the
different sites varied within 18-73 kg N/ha, 3-9 kg P/ha and 6-27 kg K/ha. Average P/N-
and K/N-ratios of analysed stems were low at Larissa indicating that some disturbances in
plant nutrition may have occurred. At Roma, N concentrations of stems were low, probably
as a consequence of the markedly low N content in the applied wastewater. At Culmore, the
plants seemed fairly well supplied with nutrients. |
| Application of heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb) with the wastewaters
exceeded, in general, plant uptake rates except for Zn at the sites at Roma and Culmore.
No obvious correlations were found between plant uptake of metals and soil or wastewater
content of metals. In a long-term perspective, added metals should balance with metals
removed by the crop (harvested stem wood after defoliation) in purpose to avoid
accumulation of metals in the soil. Source control of applied wastewater and selection of
willow clones with abilities to assimilate specific metals are possible methods of meeting
the "balance criteria". |
| A general pattern was that the groundwater quality was not specifically
affected by the various treatments compared with the controls. At Larissa and Culmore, the
concentrations of total N and NO3 in superficial groundwater appeared higher
after low than high application rates. This was likely caused by better prerequisites for
denitrification in treatments with higher hydraulic loads resulting in temporary anoxic
conditions. |
Metal concentrations in groundwater beneath the urine treatment were lower compared to
other treatments at Roma including the control treatment. This could probably be explained
by the relatively low concentrations in the applied urine mixture.
| Calculations of wastewater treatment effects using a mass balance
technique over the willow-soil systems at Culmore resulted in removal rates of BOD, total
N and total P within 67-74 %, 52-75 % and 90-98 %, respectively. In general, the highest
removal rates were found in the most loaded systems. The results clearly indicate that
wastewater purification of primary effluent in willow plantations could be substantial and
fully comparable to tertiary effluent qualities. |
A hydraulic load up to three times the evapotranspiration rate from the system did not
influence wastewater treatment capacities as exemplified with data from Culmore. Thus,
managing a system with wastewater irrigation according to water and nutrient requirements
of a willow biomass plantation seems possible without negative environmental impacts with
regard to oxygen demanding substances and eutrophying components.
| The potential transmission routes for pathogens to animals and humans
after wastewater irrigation are via aerosols (depending on the type of irrigation
equipment installed), transportation via the groundwater zone to production wells or
transportation via surface run off to surface waters. A general recommendation concerning
elimination of the aerosol problem is to install equipment based on solid-set sprinklers
operating at low pressures with a short throwing distance or pipes laid on the ground and
equipped with drip emitters. The risk of contamination of surface waters increases with
high hydraulic loads and low soil permeability in combination with the actual slope of the
terrain. |
The risk of groundwater contamination primarily depends on the soil permeability and/or
the distance to the saturated groundwater zone or actual production wells. In this study
was found that the number of indicator microorganisms in superficial groundwater indicated
a contamination risk to the groundwater at the Culmore site. Probable explanations could
be that the unsaturated zone was shallow (varied between 0.5 m and 2.5 m) and that the
soil profile was relatively permeable (sandy loam). The concentration of indicators
increased with the wastewater application rates.
| Economic calculations regarding willow growing in Northern Ireland show that 9
tonnes of biomass (dry matter basis) per hectare is required to achieve a positive income
from the land. The outcome from a willow plantation could be competitive with
grassland-based enterprises. In connection with wastewater treatment, the possibilities of
reducing costs, compared to conventional nutrient removal from wastewater, is more
important than the reduced costs for the farmer in savings from purchasing fertiliser.
Factors for keeping costs low in a willow bio-filter system are high concentrations and
applications rates of nutrients, an extended irrigation season (since fixed costs are much
higher than running costs), short pumping distances and large areas of willow plantations
to be irrigated. |
| Recycling of resources and production of environmentally sound biofuels are integral
parts of sustainable development and thus are promoted by the political society.
Nevertheless, the public acceptance of the use of wastewater, urine or
sludge in willow biomass systems, as in other projects with possible environmental impact,
is most important and must be treated with the same consideration as anything else in the
realisation phase of a project. Any fear the public may feel has to be met with openness
and confidence. |
In most European countries the environmental laws include obligatory parts where any
plaintiff or citizen with appropriate authority has the right of objecting before any
permission or licence can be accepted and approved. In Sweden, some facilities with
wastewater irrigation of willow plantations have been in operation since 1997. Before
approval, the Swedish environmental authorities required the municipalities to carry out
risk assessments on the possibility of infectious diseases spread, to inform the public
via posters at the site, and to use ground based irrigation equipment for elimination of
aerosols. No complaints from the citizens or others have been reported from the Swedish
An irrigation pipe lateral placed in a double-row of a willow plantation.
(Photo: Stig Larsson)
Human wastes have been used on land since ancient times. One of the first land
treatment facilities documented in the literature was situated at Bunslaw, Germany (Reed
and Crites, 1984). A sewage irrigation system commenced here in 1531 and was in operation
for over 300 years. Many "sewage farms" existed in the latter half of the 19th
century and during the first few decades of the last century. They were replaced gradually
by in-plant alternatives starting round 1920 when the activated sludge process and other
biological treatment methods were introduced.
In the United States, land treatment methods in general, especially irrigation
applications, have regained respect in recent years as cost-effective and competitive
alternatives to conventional wastewater treatment processes in combination with recycling
of wastewater nutrients. This result is mainly due to the pioneering and extension work
carried out at the Penn State University in the 1960s and the early 1970s (Sopper and
Kardos, 1973). In many countries throughout the world where water resources are scarce,
reclaimed wastewater is used in agriculture as a replacement for natural water supplies.
Cultivation of selected species of willows (Salix spp.) for energy purposes has
rapidly increased in Sweden. About 15 000 hectares of short-rotation energy forestry have
been established (Larsson, 2002). The total cost of chip production from willow biomass
plantations by known technique amounts to 12-13 Euro/MWh (Melin, 2001), which figure is
comparable to the price of chipped residuals from conventional forestry. Further
development within the area of plant breeding and cultivation technology would most likely
reduce the cost of biofuels from Salix plantations.
Fertiliser costs are of great importance and corresponds to 15-20 % of the total chip
production cost (Rosenqvist, 1997). As a complement or alternative to manufactured
fertilisers recycling of waste products rich in nutrients, e.g. municipal or
industrial wastewater, sewage sludge, leachate from sanitary landfills, and ashes from
various combustion processes, have been discussed (Hasselgren, 1992; Aronsson and Perttu,
1994). In Sweden there are a few full-scale facilities where willow plantations are
irrigated with pre-treated wastewater (Carlander et al., 2002). The first one began
operation in 1997.
The project background has bearing on both energy and agricultural policies within the
EU member states. The stated need for replacement of fossil fuels by sustainable energy
sources is well documented and bio-fuels take a central position in this respect. The
development of alternative crops in European agriculture is being promoted partly due to a
general over-production of cereals. Energy crops are on the agenda. A third aspect is that
wastewater treatment in soil-plant systems combined with reuse of wastewater resources
(water, organic material and nutrients) for crop production has potentials for saving
finite resources in terms of manufactured fertilisers and less use of chemicals and energy
compared with traditional wastewater treatment.
The project group consisted of scientists and professionals with backgrounds in
wastewater and/or willow applications that saw synergetic benefits in coupling together
the two disciplines. The basic expected benefits were:
| Willow plantations - as an alternative energy source - do not contribute to the increase
of carbon dioxide (green house gas) in the atmosphere, as the plantations assimilate the
same amount of carbon dioxide as is discharged by combustion. |
| Wastewater can supply a major part of the nutrition for the willow crop. Divrted urine
from domestic wastewater can supply nutrients in an even more balanced way. |
| The willow crop provides an active bio-filtration system for the wastewaters
content of oxygen demanding organic material and eutrophying nutrients such as nitrogen
and phosphorus. |
The aims of the 4-year project, based primarily on small-scale field experiments in
four countries, were evaluations of:
| The growth and biomass production of willow coppice irrigated with pre-treated
wastewater and a urine mixture. |
| The effectiveness in removal, from the wastewater, of biodegradable organic material and
eutrophying nutrients by the soil-plant system |
| The contribution of wastewater application to the overall nutrient and water
requirements of the willow crop. |
| Some economic, environmental, social and legal aspects of wastewater recycling in a
willow-to-energy system. |
Experimental fields were established in Sweden, France, Northern Ireland (UK) and
Greece. The experimental sites were located in the vicinity of wastewater treatment plants
at Roma on the isle of Gotland (Sweden), at Orchies near to Lille (France), at Culmore
near to Londonderry (UK), and at Larissa 300 km north of Athens (Greece), see Fig. 1.
Figure 1.
Location of the experimental fields.
Climatic conditions varied between the four experimental sites (Table 1) and could be
characterised as:
| Northern European local-maritime climate with relatively low, evenly distributed
precipitation, and a high amount of sunshine hours (Roma) |
| Central European local-continental climate with evenly distributed precipitation
(Orchies) |
| Typical western European maritime climate with mild, wet winters and relatively cool
summers (Culmore) |
| Typical Mediterranean climate with dry, hot summers and rainy winters (Larissa) |
Table 1.
Normal values (averages 1961-1990) of air temperatures, precipitation, and sunshine
hours at the four experimental sites. The values on the two last lines indicate the Penman
evaporation in mm and the sunshine hours in % of the annual maximum possible (i.e. from
sunrise to sunset without any clouds), respectively.
Look here!
Due to the different needs of water supply during the growing season wastewater
irrigation regimes were adapted for the specific sites. The water requirement to fill the
gap up to a theoretical potential evaporation was calculated by using available normal
climate variables from the sites. The irrigation requirement figures are given as daily
average values for the actual months of growth (Table 2). The range of irrigation in
mm/day during the growing season varies considerably between the sites showing an
interesting range of extremes. Similarly, plant requirements of macronutrients (N, P, and
K) were calculated from empirical data from the Swedish willow projects (Table 3). The
average annual production level was estimated from practical and experimental cultivation.
Table 2.
Comparison of requirement for irrigation given as daily mean values per month at the
four experimental sites.
Required irrigation
(mm/day) |
Orchies |
Larissa |
Roma |
Culmore |
April |
- |
0.8 |
0.1 |
- |
May |
0.4 |
2.5 |
1.3 |
0.4 |
June |
0.9 |
5.3 |
2.6 |
0.7 |
July |
1.7 |
7.7 |
2.8 |
0.2 |
August |
1.8 |
8.1 |
2.3 |
- |
September |
2.7 |
5.6 |
0.4 |
- |
October |
0.7 |
2.3 |
- |
- |
Table 3.
Wastewater irrigation requirement (1 PE level) and corresponding estimated nutrient
application (assuming the nitrogen content of wastewater is 27 mg/l and the proportion
between N/P/K is 100/13/65) compared with optimal removal of N with stem wood harvest.
Estimated stem growth,
optimal conditions
(t DM/ha/year) |
Irrigation requirement
(mm) |
Application of N, P, K
via irrigation
(kg/ha) |
Removal of N by stem harvest
(kg/ha) |
Orchies |
12 |
248 |
68, 9, 44 |
72 |
Larissa |
18 |
965 |
260, 34, 169 |
108 |
Roma |
9 |
285 |
77, 12, 59 |
54 |
Culmore |
12 |
40 |
11, 1.5, 7 |
72 |
The information from Tables 1-3 was used during the starting period of the project in
order to be able to design proper levels of irrigation and nutrient supply to the willow
2.1.2 Plot design
Willows were planted on an area of up to 5 hectares at each experimental site.
Within the experimental field, sub-plots were placed with different treatments randomised
in each of three replicates. The sub-plots were planted with the Svalöf Weibull AB
variety "Jorr" (Salix viminalis). Guard rows, to give at least a 20 m
buffer zone between each plot, were planted at the same density with the same clone
(Sweden and France) or a mixture of S. viminalis clones (Culmore). Guard areas in
Greece were left in grass.
Three replicates resulted in 12 to 18 plots in total per site. The plot size was 16 m x
25 m = 400 m2 resulting in plot width of 7 double-rows (7 x 2.25 m = 15.75 m)
and the length equivalent to a row of some 40 plants. The total number of plants was
approximately 600 per plot. The treatment set-up for each site based on a randomised block
design is shown in Table 4.
The experimental fields at Roma, Culmore and Larissa were all irrigated with municipal
wastewater. The wastewater used at Roma was biologically treated in oxidation ponds after
primary settling and then stored. At Culmore and Larissa the wastewater was primary
effluent taken from the outflow of primary clarifiers. The wastewater at Orchies was a
stored industrial effluent from a chicory processing plant. The willow plantations were
supplied with wastewater via drip irrigation systems at Larissa, Roma and Orchies and with
a low-level sprinkler system at Culmore. The human urine mixture (urine + flush water),
used at Roma, was mixed with water before application to the crop.
The soil type can be described as follows:
Roma: |
loam / clay-loam / sandy-clay-loam |
Culmore: |
sandy loam |
Larissa: |
loam / clay-loam / sandy-clay-loam |
Orchies: |
silt / silt-clay |
Table 4.
Treatment set-up for each site.
Site |
1 PE WW |
2 PE WW |
3 PE WW |
1 PE
PW |
1 PE
Urine/PW |
Sludge |
Control |
Roma |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Orchies |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Culmore |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Larissa |
X |
X |
X |
X |
PE = Potential evapotranspiration, i.e. site-specific rate applied according
to historical data on monthly basis. Thus, monthly irrigation rates are equivalent to a
multiple (1, 2 or 3 times) of the corresponding calculated potential evapotranspiration
WW = Wastewater used at each site.
PW = Pure water refers to potable water from the public water supply system,
"clean" river water, groundwater outside the field, or other proper non-polluted
water source.
Urine = Human urine was collected from a school close to Roma with low-flush
diverting toilets collecting urine and faeces separately, and a water flushing urinal. The
urine solution was mixed with pure water to a rate of 1 PE before application. Information
from studies on different types of diverting toilets and waterless urinals and contents of
material in collected urine/urine mixture can be found in Backlund (2002), Backlund et
al. (2002) and Holtze and Backlund (2002a, 2002b and 2002c).
Sludge = Sludge from the primary clarifier of the wastewater treatment plant at
Culmore was applied at approximately 100 t/ha as a once-off treated to sludge
plots at the start of the experiment.
Control = Non-irrigated and non-fertilised treatment. Control treatment was
assessed not meaningful in Larissa since drought was expected to cause plant die-off.
2.1.3 Sampling and analyses Water
Samples of wastewater and human urine for chemical analyses were taken once a month
during the irrigation period for chemical analyses, i.e. 5-9 analyses per year
depending on local conditions. Analyses were carried out concerning pH, COD, BOD, Total N,
NH4-N, NO3-N, Total P, PO4-P, K, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd and Cl-.
Chemical analyses of pure water and rainwater were performed where applicable.
A plastic groundwater pipe with slits was installed centrally in each plot with the
bottom end placed below the known or assumed lowest groundwater table. The upper 0.5 m
around the pipes was sealed with bentonite (impermeable volcanic clay) or common clay to
prevent short-circuit flow of wastewater or rainwater along the pipes. Sampling of
superficial groundwater from these pipes was carried out year round bimonthly (BOD, NH4-N,
NO3-N, PO4-P and Cl-) or three times per year (pH, COD,
Total N, Total P, K, Cu, Zn, Pb, and Cd). Groundwater levels were measured with a plumb
bob twice a month during the irrigation periods and once a month rest of the year. Soil
Soil sampling, primarily for analyses of nutrients and heavy metals, was carried out at
the start (in winter 1998/99) and at the end of the experiment (in winter 2001/02). The
objective of this sampling was twofold. First it enabled description and characterisation
of soil properties at the four locations and secondly it allowed detection of changes in
soil properties due to the various treatments.
In each plot 10 soil cores were taken from topsoil (0-30 cm) and subsoil (30-90 cm),
respectively. The soil samples were mixed to form pooled samples from each plot and level.
The soil was classified according to the FAO-system.
Test pit for soil characterisation at the experimental site at Roma.
(Photo: Stig Larsson) Vegetation
Biomass estimations were based on non-destructive measurements each year during
1999-2001 and a destructive weighing after a final harvest during the final winter,
For non-destructive biomass measurements, the mean weight of 10 randomly selected
living stools (plants) in each net plot was estimated. The net plot was allocated as the
centre of each plot and had a width of 3 double-rows (6.75 m) and a length of 10 m (15-17
plants), or in total about 100 plants. On each randomly selected stool, the diameter of
all living shoots was measured to the nearest tenth of a millimetre using a calliper. The
diameter was measured at the 55 cm height of the shoot, i.e. 55 cm along a straight line
from the ground at the point where the shoot is attached to the stump, distance
"A" in Fig. 2. Dead shoots and shoots shorter than 55 cm were not included. If
the shoot was branching below 55 cm, the main shoot that showed apical dominance was
measured. Plant shoots shorter than 55 cm were not measured, but still regarded as living.
For calculation of the relation between shoot diameter and shoot dry weight an
exponential function describing the relationship was established for each location and
each year. For this purpose 20-25 shoots were destructively sampled. The diameter was
measured at the 55 cm point and the stem cut at 10 cm above the ground surface,
corresponding to the cutting height of mechanised harvesters, distance "B" in
Fig. 2.
The fresh weight of each shoot was determined separately to the nearest tenth of a gram
(0.1 g), dried at 85 °C until constant weight occurred (48 to 72 hours), and the dry
weight measured. The best data for calculation of the relationship between dry weight and
diameter were obtained by (selectively) collecting shoots of all diameter sizes
represented in the stand.
During the final winter (2001/2002), a final harvest was performed in each plot. All
stools in the net plots were included in the harvest and weighed in the field. A
representative sample of 20-30 shoots was also weighed separately, oven dried to a
constant weight (105 °C, 48 h), and weighed again. The dry matter percentage was
calculated and used for calculating the dry matter content of the total harvested biomass.
Stems were also sampled for chemical analyses at the final harvest. Chemical analyses
of stem biomass were carried out concerning N, P, K, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd and chloride. Samples
were weighed fresh, air-dried a day or two, milled/finely divided, dried in the oven at 85
°C for 3 days. After decomposition with acid solution, the sample solutions were
Figure 2.
Location of diameter measurement (A) and shoot for weight measurement (A-B).
Some problems with weeds in the plantations were apparent. Weeds were controlled
with herbicides, mechanically or by hand before plantation and during the establishing
year. After the first year it was assessed that all field trials were well established.
At the start of the second irrigation season at Culmore some difficulty was experienced
with problems caused by solid particles in the irrigation system. The amount of suspended
solids in the wastewater led on some occasions to clogging of the sprinkler heads. To help
overcome this, a filter was installed in line after the pump in the irrigation system. The
problems decreased but the spray units still needed to be checked frequently. The
following season, a finer steel mesh cylinder was placed around the outside of the filter
cylinder. With this system it was only necessary to clean the filter once a week. A water
meter was installed in order to monitor the actual irrigation rates.
At Larissa no significant difficulties were experienced during the project. However,
from December 2000 onwards, an unexpectedly deep water table (below the well bottom)
prohibited sampling of the ground water.
At Roma problems arose with clogged filters due to sediments and growth of algae. As a
result of this, it was decided to invest in a sand filter. Water gauges were installed in
order to measure more precisely the water flow. The injection of human urine worked
properly during the irrigation season except for some minor problems of mechanical nature.
At Orchies parts of the willow plantations suffered from drought and leaf beetle
Occasionally there were also problems with heavy precipitation incidents making the
ground in the lower parts of the plantation wet and flooded. The soil was very compact,
which decreased the transportation of air and water into the soil horizon.
Most of the problems that occurred were normal disturbances for these kind of studies
and acceptable within the frame of project. However, the rather poor trial conditions at
Orchies, which were not obvious before the project started, limited the delivery of test
results from this site.
The amount of water used for irrigation was initially calculated using the normal
climate values from adequate nearby meteorological stations. In order to control the
irrigation regimes the evapotranspiration data was continuously updated during the trial
period using most recent measured data. Irrigation rates and precipitation at the four
sites are shown in Table 5. The plots were only irrigated during the growing season and
when the weather was appropriate, i.e. the irrigation was stopped on major rain
occasions. The application of wastewater at Orchies was reduced due to limited supply of
wastewater and also sometimes due to clogged emitters. For instance, irrigation during
2001 amounted to approximately half the calculated values.
Table 5.
Wastewater application and precipitation at the four sites.
Year |
(mm/year) |
Precipitation (mm/year) |
(mm/year) |
1 PE WW |
2 PE WW |
3 PE WW |
1 PE WW |
2 PE WW |
3 PE WW |
Larissa |
1999 |
718 |
1354 |
2214 |
314 |
1032 |
1668 |
2528 |
2000 |
736 |
1524 |
2278 |
257 |
993 |
1781 |
2535 |
2001 |
1072 |
1797 |
1797 |
274 |
1346 |
2071 |
2071 |
Roma |
1999 |
352 |
704 |
1056 |
482 |
834 |
1186 |
1538 |
2000 |
480 |
960 |
1440 |
565 |
1045 |
1525 |
2005 |
2001 |
533 |
1066 |
1599 |
473 |
1006 |
1539 |
2072 |
Orchies |
1999 |
186 |
372 |
558 |
752 |
938 |
1124 |
1310 |
2000 |
226 |
452 |
678 |
1023 |
1249 |
1475 |
1701 |
2001 |
183 |
366 |
549 |
719 |
902 |
1085 |
1268 |
Culmore |
1999 |
308 |
615 |
923 |
731 |
1039 |
1347 |
1655 |
2000 |
451 |
901 |
1352 |
766 |
1216 |
1667 |
2118 |
2001 |
581 |
1162 |
1742 |
618 |
1199 |
1779 |
2360 |
The water requirement in Salix plantations has been studied e.g. by Lindroth
and Halldin (1988). They simulated evapotranspiration within a 15-year period from
hypothesised stands under optimum access to water and nutrients in south Sweden. The
evapotranspiration rate was estimated to be ca 700 mm during the growth period,
corresponding to an average rate of about 4 mm/d. Lindroth and Båth (1999) measured
maximum evapotranspiration rates of 7 mm/d in southern parts of Sweden.
Some studies have indicated that the total water loss to the atmosphere (evaporation,
interception and transpiration) from a willow biomass plantation could exceed the
potential evapotranspiration according to the Penman formula, which refers to a water
saturated and mowed grass area (Penman, 1956). For instance, Persson and Lindroth (1994)
compared actual water losses from irrigated and well-established willow stands with Penman
evapotranspiration. They reported ratios of 0.7-1.0 in the beginning, 1.2-1.6 in the
middle and ca 2.0 at the end of the growing season, indicating the importance of water
access when the leaf canopy is fully developed.
Lindroth and Båth (1999) estimated the difference between actual and potential
evapotranspiration to be ca 1 mm/d, resulting in 200 mm per season in southern Sweden.
Calculated differences between precipitation and potential evapotranspiration according to
Penman gave water surpluses in the western part of south Sweden of ca 200 mm and deficits
of about 50 mm for the southeastern part of Sweden. A conclusion was that for optimum
biomass growth it could be assumed that a general water deficit, by and large, prevails in
normal years in the southern parts of Sweden. Hence, irrigation of plantations would most
likely enhance biomass production in that area.
It is obvious that the plant water requirement was reached at the sites already after 1
PE wastewater application (except, possibly, for Orchies during 2001) indicating that
water availability was probably not a growth limiting factor.
By the non-destructive method, dry weight of biomass in tonnes per hectare was
calculated each year (Fig. 3). According to these estimations the urine treatment (Roma)
gave the highest biomass production. At Culmore and Larissa the productivity increased
with increased load of wastewater. However, this was not the case at Roma and Orchies
where the highest productivity after wastewater irrigation occurred when the load was 2 PE
In December 2001 net plot areas were harvested. According to the results from the final
harvest at Culmore (Fig. 4), there were fewer differences between treatments compared with
the non-destructive estimations (Fig. 3). The 3 PE WW treatment and the sludge treatment
produced the largest amounts of biomass, ca 9 t DM/ha/year. These values were similar to
those calculated for the estimated biomass production for these treatments. The 1 PE WW
treatment and the control treatment resulted in higher values in harvested biomass than
estimated by the non-destructive method, while the 2 PE WW treatment and the 1 PE PW
treatment showed lower values. In general, however, the number of stools measured becomes
much larger at harvest, and these results are likely to be more robust than those derived
from the non-destructive method.
Similar to the non-destructive estimates, the differences between treatments in biomass
were not statistically significant. In general, however, the results indicated that the
wastewater and sludge treatments did not confer any significant production advantage to
the coppice. The high rainfall values at this field trial indicate that irrigation
treatments were unlikely to give plants any advantage in terms of water availability. Any
advantage in terms of nutrient availability might not be apparent yet because of the
fertile soil at this site. Another harvest cycle with irrigation treatments would help
ascertain if treatment differences due to nutrient availability would emerge. On the other
hand, it is possible to conclude that the wastewater and sludge treatments have not been
detrimental to coppice growth.
Figure 3.
Estimated annual shoot growth as means of three replicates during years one to three.
Figure 4.
Culmore field trial: harvest 2001 - tonnes dry matter per hectare after 3 years of
After the first year of growth in Larissa, all the treatments using wastewater for
irrigation resulted in significantly higher biomass production than the treatment using
pure water for irrigation (Fig. 3). The 2 PE WW treatment was the most productive one and
there were statistically significant differences between this treatment and the 1 PE WW
and 3 PE WW, respectively. There was no significant difference between the 1 PE WW and the
3 PE WW treatments.
Figure 5.
Larissa field trial: harvest 2001 - tonnes dry matter per hectare after 3 years growth
Also after the second year it was found that all wastewater treatments gave biomass
production significantly higher than the treatment using pure water for irrigation. The 2
PE WW and 3 PE WW treatments were the most productive ones with statistically significant
differences between these treatments and the 1 PE WW. There was no significant difference
between the 2 PE WW and 3 PE WW treatments. Also during the third growth period, all
wastewater treatments produced significantly higher biomass than the 1 PE PW treatment.
The 2 PE WW and 3 PE WW treatments were the most productive ones. There was no significant
difference between these treatments.
The yield per hectare, based on harvested three-year-old stools, showed that the
estimation of dry matter per hectare based on the diameter measurements, slightly
overestimated the production of 1 PE WW but underestimated the production of 3 PE WW (Fig.
5). Statistical analysis on the yield the final year, demonstrates that 3 PE WW yielded
most (almost 10 t DM/ha/y as annual mean) and 1 PE WW yielded least (ca 5 t DM/ha/y as
annual average). No significant difference was found between 1 PE WW and 1 PE PW.
The estimated biomass production the first year at Orchies averaged 3.5 t DM/ha. The
survival rate was 91.2 %. Due to different factors the biomass production was limited to a
rather modest level in spite of the contributions made by irrigation: 7.7 t DM/ha/y was
the annual average of all treatments, see Fig. 3. The low biomass production could be the
result of poor soil conditions or the documented leaf beetle attacks. The final harvest of
the willow plantation was not completed due to difficulties caused by very wet soil
conditions. Two different machines were tested but the bearing capacity of the wet soil
was unfortunately not sufficient.
At Roma the estimated shoot growth during the growing season 2001 was high and exceeded
the growth in 2000. On average during 2001, the growth was 11.4 t DM/ha with the lowest
growth, 7.5 t DM/ha, in the control treatment and the highest growth, 16.7 t DM/ha, found
after the urine treatment, see Fig. 3. The destructive measurement during the final
harvest gave similar results to the non-destructive estimations. The urine treatment
resulted in an annual production of almost 10 t DM/ha, where as growth after wastewater
irrigation gave ca 7 t DM/ha as annual averages (Fig. 6). Control and PW plots produced ca
6 t DM/ha/y.
Figure 6.
Roma field trial: harvest 2001 - tonnes dry matter per hectare after 3 years growth
Combined harvesting and chipping of a willow plantation in Sweden.
(Photo: Stig Larsson)
The results from the experimental sites clearly indicate that wastewater, human urine
and sewage sludge can stimulate willow production substantially. Application of human
urine mixture mixed with water to reach expected plant water requirement resulted in the
highest willow growth when non-destructive estimation and weighing after harvest are
evaluated together. In general, growth results recorded in this study were at higher
levels than those of other production results from commercial plantations in Sweden.
During the winters 1995/96 and 1996/97, some 1600 hectares of willow plantations in
southern Sweden were harvested. The stem growth of the 4-year stands varied between 2 and
15 t DM/ha/y with an average of 4.8 t DM/ha/y (Larsson, 1998). Jonsson (1997) reported an
average growth amounting to 6.8 and 7.2 t DM/ha/y during the first rotation period (5
years) and the second rotation period (3 years), respectively, based on data collected
from about hundred commercial plantations in the southern parts of Sweden. Jonsson (1997)
concluded that the greatest restrictions on growth potential were 1/ frost damage, 2/
water shortage, and 3/ insufficient fertilisation and/or weed control.
Leaf damage estimations were carried out in 1999, 2000 and 2001, in the same way and by
the same observers, on leaf samples from all four sites. In addition, aphids on stems were
scored during year 2000 at the Culmore site. At this site bird activity and flora in the
plantations were investigated as well.
There were differences between the trials in the four countries in terms of leaf
damages and which organisms/conditions causing the damage. Larissa differed from the other
sites in that symptoms due to the leaf roll gall midge (Dasineura marginemtorquens)
were never observed there. On the other hand, the Larissa plantation had symptoms of
abiotic stress, which were not observed in the other trials. The willow leaves at the
Larissa site were curling, particularly in 1999, and starting from the margins, the leaves
first became chlorotic, then necrotic. Furthermore, leaf size was just half of that at the
other sites in 2001. Yet the stem wood production at Larissa was quite high. However, it
is unclear if the stress, presumably due to the hot climate/high solar irradiation, might
threaten the sustainability of the plantation. The trial at Orchies had extremely high
levels of attack by leaf beetles (chrysomelids). At Culmore populations of these beetles
also increased to high levels over the three years of study. Rust (Melampsora epitea
var. epitea) disease levels were fairly low at all sites. The variety Jorr used in
the plantations is partially resistant to leaf rust. The plantations at Larissa and Roma
had very low levels of rust. The trial at Roma also had very little of mechanical damage
to leaf blades caused by insects and wind.
Curled willow leaves from the experimental site at Larissa.
(Photo: Inger Åhman)
Very few effects of the wastewater/urine/sludge treatments on leaf damages were found.
The urine treatment was more attacked by leafhoppers in 2000 and by rust in 2001 than the
other treatments at the Roma site. Also, damages to leaf edges were more frequent in the
urine treatment in 2001. It is likely that the fertilisation effect of urine is favourable
for organisms like herbivorous insects and for a biotrophic fungus, such as leaf rust,
since nitrogen often is a limiting factor for their growth. However, since the urine
fertilisation is encouraging willow growth as well, there is no reason to avoid urine
treatment in commercial applications. For unknown reasons willows on the lowest dose of
wastewater had more galling on leaf margins at Orchies in 1999 and more lost leaf area at
Culmore in 1999 and 2000. There is no clear explanation why the rust was most frequent on
the middle dose of wastewater at Orchies in 2001, compared to other treatments at the
site. The result was probably due to the influence of other environmental factors at the
site, such as high humidity caused by wet soil conditions.
Stress symptoms occurred on all treatments at Larissa, but the symptoms were less
severe in the PW treatment. Mites were also less frequent on those leaves.
In an additional study at Culmore in 2000, where stem dwelling aphids (Pterocomma
salicis) were quantified, it was found that irrigated plots had fewer aphids. In this
case it is likely that the sprinklers used at this site had a disturbing effect on the
aphids. Nutrient and metal application with wastewater and urine
Concentrations in applied wastewater and urine of main nutrients (nitrogen (N),
phosphorus (P) and potassium (K)) and easy biodegradable organic substances, measured as
BOD, were calculated from mean concentrations during each irrigation season (Table 6). The
values fluctuated to some extent from one year to another.
The wastewater quality at Larissa was fairly normal considering a primary effluent with
low impact of storm water. The wastewater at Culmore was also a primary effluent but
probably more diluted by rainwater from the existing combined sewer system. The relatively
high P content is more difficult to explain. It may be due to a specific industrial
effluent connected to the municipal sewer system. The industrial wastewater at Orchies
showed high concentrations compared to municipal wastewater quality in general, especially
considering K and BOD. The high BOD content probably explains the clogging problems with
the irrigation equipment.
Table 6.
Annual average concentrations of N, P, K and BOD in wastewater and urine
(before diluting with pure water) used for irrigation.
Concentration of N, P, K
and BOD
(mg/l) |
N |
P |
K |
Larissa |
1999 |
46 |
8 |
19 |
161 |
2000 |
55 |
9 |
19 |
153 |
2001 |
47 |
9 |
15 |
122 |
Culmore |
1999 |
24 |
21 |
15 |
140 |
2000 |
21 |
15 |
8 |
91 |
2001 |
14 |
6 |
9 |
84 |
Orchies |
1999 |
50 |
12 |
153 |
1200 |
2000 |
56 |
17 |
ND |
2125 |
2001 |
41 |
15 |
99 |
3300 |
Roma |
1999 |
3 |
1 |
9 |
18 |
2000 |
5 |
2 |
10 |
9 |
2001 |
3 |
1 |
9 |
ND |
Roma, urine |
1999 |
1400 |
51 |
450 |
400 |
2000 |
1500 |
49 |
520 |
450 |
2001 |
1900 |
63 |
580 |
360 |
ND=No data
High-strength effluent from the chicory processing plant at Orchies.
(Photo: Stig Larsson)
The extended biologically treated wastewater at Roma showed a low content of measured
wastewater components. A willow plantation filter in this case will serve more as a
general polishing step rather than specific wastewater treatment.
The chemical composition of urine differed from the other wastewaters to a large
extent, particularly with regard to the nutrient content. In order to reach the water
requirement, the urine mixture was mixed with pure water and applied in practice at a
ratio of about 1:100 3:100 (1 3 % urine mixture).
Due to the different chemical composition of the wastewaters with respect to their
origin and/or pre-treatment level and the various water requirements of the willow
depending primarily on the climate, the applied amounts of nutrients varied greatly
between the experimental sites (Fig. 7 and Table 7). At Larissa the nutrient application
with wastewater was higher than the need of the willow stems even at a level of 1 PE WW (cf.
the following chapter). At Roma the application of N and P was close to the stem uptake
while the K supplied was 2-3 times above the need. The urine treatment resulted in a
fairly balanced nutrient application, with the exception of the P amount, which was low.
At Culmore, the P application was almost 10 times above the plant requirement while N and
K fertilisation were at suitable levels. At Orchies all measured nutrients were above the
stem uptake levels.
The main part of applied nitrogen was in plant available forms (NO3-
an NH4+). A small proportion of the nitrogen was bound to organic
material (especially at Larissa). Most of the organic nitrogen should be released and
available through mineralisation in coming years (if accumulation in the soil has
occurred). In the primary effluent at Culmore only a small part of the phosphorus was in
the plant available phosphate form (15-20 %). Potassium exists almost always in dissolved
forms in wastewater and thus is readily available to plants. At Orchies and Roma the
measured macronutrients in the wastewater and the urine were in readily plant absorbable
Look here!
Figure 7.
Application of N, P and K with wastewater at normal irrigation rates (1 PE) as means
over 3 years.
Table 7.
Annual average application of macronutrients and metals.
Application of
macronutrients and metals
(kg/ha/year) |
N |
P |
K |
Cu |
Zn |
Pb |
Cd |
Larissa |
1 PE WW |
414 |
72 |
137 |
0.3 |
0.6 |
ND |
ND |
2 PE WW |
771 |
164 |
252 |
0.8 |
1.1 |
ND |
ND |
3 PE WW |
1176 |
201 |
387 |
1.3 |
1.8 |
ND |
ND |
Roma |
1 PE WW |
18 |
6 |
43 |
0.07 |
0.41 |
0.02 |
0.01 |
2 PE WW |
35 |
12 |
86 |
0.14 |
0.83 |
0.03 |
0.02 |
3 PE WW |
53 |
19 |
129 |
0.21 |
1.24 |
0.05 |
0.03 |
85 |
2.4 |
26 |
0.31 |
0.28 |
0.01 |
0.003 |
Orchies |
1 PE WW |
99 |
23 |
288 |
0.14 |
1.20 |
0.06 |
0.84 |
2 PE WW |
198 |
45 |
575 |
0.27 |
2.39 |
0.11 |
2.25 |
3 PE WW |
237 |
68 |
863 |
0.41 |
3.59 |
0.17 |
3.37 |
Culmore |
1 PE WW |
83 |
56 |
45 |
0.05 |
0.52 |
0.78 |
0.08 |
2 PE WW |
167 |
111 |
90 |
0.09 |
1.04 |
1.57 |
0.17 |
3 PE WW |
250 |
167 |
135 |
0.14 |
1.55 |
2.35 |
0.25 |
ND=No data
Other required macronutrients, i.e. calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and sulphur (S), exist
in municipal wastewater and were in some cases analysed. However, these nutrients are
rarely limiting in normal soils and, hence, are not applied as conventional fertilisers.
In Table 7 results are shown of all treatments with wastewater and urine regarding
measured macronutrients and heavy metals. The wastewaters contained sufficient amounts of
nutrients at 1 PE and in most cases the amounts were above the plant requirement. At Roma,
however, application of nitrogen with wastewater and phosphorus with the urine mixture
seemed lower than the plant requirement (cf. Table 7 and Table 8).
Due to a fairly high content of metals, the application rate of 1 PE WW is recommended
for long-term use in a plantation. In a sustainable crop system, the nutrient and metal
load should not exceed the need and uptake in harvested crop parts. Although willows in
general have the ability to extract metals to a large extent, the metal load in these
field trials was high, in general higher than the stem uptake (see the following chapter). Nutrient and metal uptake in stem wood
Assimilation of N in willow stems varied largely between the sites, from 18 to 73 kg
N/ha as annual averages (Table 8).
Table 8.
Uptake of nutrients and metals in stem biomass. Since no final harvest could be
executed at Orchies, data from this site cannot be presented.
Uptake of nutrients and
metals in stem biomass
(kg/ha/year) |
N |
P |
K |
Cu |
Zn |
Pb |
Cd |
Larissa |
1 PE WW |
37.1 |
2.9 |
6.3 |
0.051 |
0.19 |
0.007 |
0.004 |
2 PE WW |
72.9 |
4.9 |
8.9 |
0.099 |
0.57 |
0.010 |
0.008 |
3 PE WW |
73.3 |
6.3 |
10.9 |
0.110 |
0.38 |
0.014 |
0.012 |
1 PE PW |
27.0 |
3.3 |
5.9 |
0.020 |
0.32 |
0.010 |
0.007 |
Roma |
1 PE WW |
24.4 |
4.9 |
15.7 |
0.036 |
0.31 |
* |
0.010 |
2 PE WW |
25.5 |
5.9 |
17.7 |
0.042 |
0.33 |
* |
0.014 |
3 PE WW |
25.2 |
5.0 |
15.7 |
0.037 |
0.29 |
* |
0.012 |
Control |
18.0 |
3.9 |
13.5 |
0.025 |
0.24 |
* |
0.007 |
1 PE PW |
20.5 |
5.0 |
16.0 |
0.029 |
0.31 |
* |
0.010 |
1 PE PW/Urine |
35.2 |
6.7 |
27.2 |
0.040 |
0.32 |
* |
0.009 |
Culmore |
1 PE WW |
45.6 |
6.5 |
16.2 |
0.036 |
0.92 |
0.52 |
0.043 |
2 PE WW |
49.7 |
7.7 |
20.0 |
0.040 |
0.83 |
0.62 |
0.054 |
3 PE WW |
57.6 |
8.2 |
18.8 |
0.043 |
0.76 |
0.71 |
0.060 |
Control |
46.1 |
7.0 |
18.7 |
0.051 |
0.86 |
0.61 |
0.063 |
1 PE PW |
40.5 |
6.3 |
15.0 |
0.042 |
0.73 |
0.50 |
0.051 |
*Below detection level, 4 mg/kgTS (uptake < ~0.040 kg/ha/y)
For Roma the N content in stems were relatively low and for Larissa both low and high.
For Culmore more typical N levels were found, i.e. ca 50 kg N/ha/y. N
concentrations in stem wood were higher after wastewater application than for other
treatments at Culmore. At Larissa the 2 PE WW treatment resulted in the highest and 1 PE
PW treatment in the lowest N concentrations in stems compared with the other treatments at
this site. The low N uptake in harvested willow stems at Roma (ca 25 kg N/ha/y) could
possibly be a result of the low content of nitrogen in applied wastewater. Plants supplied
with the urine mixture grew best and contained higher amounts of nitrogen (ca 35 kg
N/ha/y) than plants from the wastewater irrigation treatments, which could be a result of
the high nitrogen content in the urine mixture compared with the biologically pre-treated
Large variations in the nitrogen content in the Salix crop has been reported
earlier. Alriksson (1997), for instance, reported that the distribution of nitrogen
varies throughout the plant; of the whole N pool in the plant, 9-57 % was found in the
foliage and 13-47 % was found in the root system. This indicates that nitrogen
fertilisation should to some extent exceed the stem uptake even when account is taken of
part of the N in leaf litter being recycled within the stand.
Mean uptake of phosphorus and potassium was in the range of 3-9 kg P/ha/y and 6-27 kg
K/ha/y, respectively. Ericsson (1981) reported ratios of P/N = 0.13 and K/N = 0.65 for
optimum cell growth for various Salix clones. Average P/N- and K/N-ratios for
wastewater-irrigated willows found here amounted to 0.08 and 0.15 (Larissa), 0.14 and 0.36
(Culmore), and 0.21 and 0.65 (Roma), respectively. These results may indicate some
imbalances in terms of nutrition. At Larissa, for instance, both the P and the K content
in stem biomass appeared low, even though the nitrogen uptake for some treatments was high
(cf. Table 8). Even after irrigation at the lowest rate (1 PE WW), application of P
and K appeared to be sufficient, indicating that nutrients should have been available in
the soil.
The rates of uptake of heavy metals in stem biomass differed substantially between the
sites. For lead, the uptake rates were about 50 times higher at Culmore (500-700 g
Pb/ha/y) than at Larissa (7-14 g Pb/ha/y), irrespective of treatment. The mobility of Pb
in soil is generally low and normal extraction of Pb in willows found elsewhere amounts to
1-30 g/ha/y (Aronsson and Perttu, 1994; Hasselgren, 1999a; Hasselgren, 1999b). There seems
to be no rational explanation to this difference other than a possible error in the
chemical analysis. With regard to zinc, the Larissa and Roma sites showed values within
200-600 g Zn/ha/y, being below those in Culmore (700-900 g Zn/ha/y). In other
investigations were reported uptake ranges in willow plantations of various ages of
300-1700 g Zn/ha/y (Aronsson and Perttu, 1994; Hasselgren, 1999a; Hasselgren, 1999b). For
the other metals analysed, the levels were similar at the different sites. The content of
Cu and Cd in stems varied within 35-110 g Cu/ha/y and 4-60 g Cd/ha/y, respectively, with
values increasing with higher rates of wastewater application. Plants irrigated with PW
and control plants averaged 20-50 g Cu/ha/y and 7-63 g Cd/ha/y, indicating that uptake of
Cd takes place quite readily from the Cd supply in the soil irrespective of treatment. In
other studies, assimilation rates of 4-77 g Cd/ha/y from willows of various shoot age have
been reported (Aronsson and Perttu, 1994; Hasselgren, 1999a; Hasselgren, 1999b).
Willow plants irrigated with the urine mixture at the Roma site.
(Photo: Ingvar Jakobsson)
No obvious correlations were found between plant uptake of metals and soil or
wastewater content of metals. Application of metals with the wastewater to the system
exceeded in general the metal uptake of plants after 1 PE WW treatment. For Cu the
application was 6 times and twice the withdrawal by plants at Larissa and Roma,
respectively, while at Culmore approximately the same amounts were taken up as applied.
The application of Zn was 3 times higher than found in harvested stems at Larissa, while
the plants took up twice the amount applied at Culmore. At Roma the application of Zn with
the wastewater and the urine mixture was fairly well balanced with the plant assimilation
of Zn. At Culmore the plants extracted about half of the Cd applied with wastewater.
In a sustainable perspective, added nutrients and metals to willow biomass plantations
should balance with nutrients and metals removed from the field by the crop, i.e. harvested
stem wood after defoliation. Phosphorus, a finite resource necessary for all biological
life, is probably the most important parameter to consider in a sustainable wastewater
irrigation system. Irrigation with 1 PE WW resulted in P application rates of ca 10 times
the plant requirement, according to the results obtained at Larissa and Culmore. At Roma
the water need was balanced quite well with the P requirement. Thus, if the system design
were to be based on a balanced phosphorus concept, i.e. input of P equivalent to
stem biomass extraction of P, the conditions for sustainable metal balances over the
soil-plant system would improve. Impact on soil and groundwater Soil
The final soil analysis at Larissa showed that the NO3-concentration in the
surface and deeper soil layers from the 3 PE WW treatment was lower than from the 1 PE WW
and 2 PE WW treatments, possibly because anoxic conditions due to high irrigation rates
prohibit the transformation of NH4 to NO3. The potassium
concentration was slightly higher at the end of the experiment both in surface and deep
soil. There was a slight decrease of the pH levels at the end of the experiment in
comparison to the beginning.
The soil at Orchies consisted predominantly of clay with an acid tendency and a low
CaCO3 reserve. Throughout the experiment the content of NH4
increased, while the content of NO3 decreased. This evolution was probably due
to the high organic load from the wastewater resulting in temporary oxygen deficiency in
the soil. The stock of nitrogen decreased sharply with the depth, which means that
nitrogen could have leached to the saturated zone. The total N content was stable
throughout the trial period but the NO3 content was low in some cases (less
than 1 mg/kg). This could have contributed to the relatively poor willow growth at
Orchies. Over the period, the values of other major elements were rather homogeneous. The
organic material content increased, but was low compared to the desirable value for this
kind of soil.
At Roma interesting observations were noted for some of the metals. Wastewater
irrigation had little or no effect on the Cu content of the soil. However, control
treatment and 1 PE PW treatment resulted in a decrease of the Cu content. A similar result
was seen for the Zn content. The decrease of Zn was approximately 10-30 %. Pb generally
decreased for all treatments. Still, the major decrease occurred for the non-irrigated
plots. However, Cd increased up to twice the initial value in all treatments, which
indicates that the Cd analyses were less reliable in this case. The pH level increased by
around 0.5 units in the upper 30 cm soil layer and 0.8 units in the lower 30-90 cm layer.
After treatment both nitrogen and potassium decreased. This was true for all treatments
and both depths. For the upper soil layer an increase in organic matter was observed after
wastewater irrigation.
The result of the preliminary soil analysis from Culmore showed an acid soil with a
high content of organic matter and, probably related to this, a high level of total N,
particularly in the upper 0-30 cm layer. This could be expected since the site was
previously used as grass-land. Organic matter decreased, in general, according to the
final soil analysis, regardless of irrigation treatment, while total N values increased,
except under the 3 PE wastewater treatment. The levels of several of the metals (Cu, Mn,
Fe and Co) measured rose over the course of the experiment and these increases did not
appear to be influenced by the irrigation treatment. Zn values rose in the 3 PE WW
treatment, but did not change much under the other treatments. Levels of ammonium lactate
extractable K generally increased under wastewater treatments and decreased under the
control and pure water irrigation treatments. Total P levels rose in the 0-30 cm soil
horizon and decreased further down the soil profile, regardless of treatment. Ammonium
lactate extractable P decreased, throughout the soil profile, in all treatments over the
course of the experiment.
The soil impact in general was low and more or less independent of applied wastewater
rates. However, changes in soil chemistry could take place in a long-term perspective. The
decrease of metals (Cu, Zn and Pb) at the test site at Roma shows that willow has a
capacity to remove certain metals from the soil. Other investigations have clearly shown
that willow plantations are effective for soil remediation and are also commercially used
for this purpose (e.g. Bertholdsson, 2001, and Greger and Landberg, 1999). Groundwater
Sampling of superficial groundwater was, in general, carried out according to the
description in the Experimental procedure section. At Larissa, however,
sampling was possible only during the first half of the 3-year test period due to
extremely low groundwater levels (> 7 m below the ground surface and below the sampling
well bottom) during the rest of the period.
At Culmore, generally lower concentrations of BOD and COD in superficial groundwater
samples were recorded during the wintertime, probably due to dilution with rainwater. A
general pattern was that the groundwater quality was not specifically affected by the
different treatments compared with the control (Table 9).
However, the Cl--concentration increased with wastewater application.
Throughout the experiment concentrations of metals were low. Also nutrient concentrations
were low in treated plots and comparable to concentrations in control plots, even though a
relatively high content of N, especially as nitrate N, was detected in the 1 PE WW
treatment. This may have been a result of the lower N uptake (relatively low biomass
yield) after this treatment. Also, the lower wastewater application may have facilitated
favourable conditions for nitrification and less favourable conditions for
denitrification. Further, in most soils nitrate ions in general have a higher mobility
than ammonia ions (e.g. USEPA, 1981). Generally, the 1 PE PW treatment resulted in
the lowest impact on groundwater and was comparable to the control. However, the
groundwater concentrations after pure water irrigation were in general higher than the
concentrations of applied pure water, indicating downwards transport of constituents
remaining in the soil from previous activities.
Table 9.
Concentration of constituents in superficial groundwater at Culmore (mg/l). Mean
values during the sampling period July 1999-April 2002. Mean values of wastewater (WW) and
pure water (PW) are included for comparisons.
Parameter |
WW |
1 PE
WW |
2 PE
WW |
3 PE
WW |
PW |
1 PE
PW |
Sludge |
Control |
pH |
6.9 |
6.4 |
6.3 |
6.4 |
7.1 |
6.3 |
6.4 |
6.4 |
106 |
32 |
35 |
30 |
3.6 |
31 |
31 |
31 |
245 |
171 |
149 |
196 |
13 |
126 |
119 |
177 |
N-tot |
19 |
6.5 |
4.5 |
3.6 |
2.7 |
4 |
4.8 |
3.3 |
NH4-N |
18 |
1.6 |
1.6 |
1.6 |
1.8 |
1.6 |
1.7 |
1.5 |
NO3-N |
0.53 |
4.9 |
2.9 |
2 |
0.92 |
2.4 |
3.1 |
1.7 |
P-tot |
12 |
1.3 |
1.3 |
0.89 |
0.02 |
1 |
1.3 |
1.25 |
PO4-P |
2.0 |
0.57 |
0.5 |
0.65 |
- |
0.48 |
0.49 |
0.57 |
K |
11 |
3.8 |
4.4 |
4.3 |
1.9 |
3.3 |
5.2 |
2.3 |
Cl- |
215 |
91 |
99 |
149 |
24 |
56 |
122 |
58 |
Cd (µg/l) |
0.018 |
0.018 |
0.017 |
0.016 |
0 |
0.016 |
0.017 |
0.014 |
Pb (µg/l) |
0.15 |
0.16 |
0.28 |
0.18 |
0.22 |
0.18 |
0.19 |
0.16 |
Zn (µg/l) |
120 |
70 |
69 |
110 |
25 |
67 |
58 |
70 |
Cu (µg/l) |
15 |
40 |
39 |
51 |
7 |
40 |
52 |
30 |
Table 10.
Concentration of constituents in superficial groundwater at Larissa (mg/l). Mean
values during the sampling period April 1999-December 2000. Mean values of wastewater (WW)
and pure water (PW) are included for comparisons.
Parameter |
WW |
1 PE
WW |
2 PE
WW |
3 PE
WW |
PW |
1 PE
PW |
pH |
7.5 |
7.6 |
7.6 |
7.6 |
7.8 |
7.6 |
BOD-7 |
156 |
<3 |
<3 |
<3 |
<3 |
<3 |
272 |
1.7 |
2.7 |
2 |
ND |
0.6 |
N-tot |
55 |
36 |
27 |
18 |
ND |
14 |
NH4-N |
35 |
0.36 |
0.35 |
0.60 |
ND |
0.26 |
NO3-N |
0 |
26 |
24 |
16 |
2 |
12 |
P-tot |
8.1 |
0.59 |
0.67 |
1.2 |
ND |
0.61 |
PO4-P |
7.5 |
0.47 |
0.41 |
0.38 |
0.07 |
0.34 |
K |
19 |
1.9 |
1.8 |
1.6 |
1.6 |
1.6 |
Cl- |
50 |
60 |
54 |
68 |
7.9 |
64 |
Zn (µg/l) |
124 |
58 |
32 |
18 |
ND |
16 |
Cu (µg/l) |
73 |
19 |
18 |
14 |
ND |
11 |
ND=No data
At Larissa, the groundwater quality appeared to be unaffected by wastewater irrigation
in terms of BOD and K (Table 10). The nitrogen and phosphorus fractions, as well as the
content of COD, Zn and Cu, increased to a certain extent compared with the pure water
treatment. The groundwater table fluctuated between 3 and 7 m below the soil surface,
resulting in a fairly deep unsaturated zone with good prerequisites for removal of various
wastewater constituents. Similar to the results at Culmore, the concentration of Total N
decreased with increased wastewater irrigation, probably as a result of more favourable
conditions for nitrification/denitrification. The relatively low chloride content in
applied wastewater resulted in similar concentrations in superficial groundwater
independent of treatment.
The wastewater used for irrigation at Roma was well pre-treated and resulted in very
low concentrations of all measured parameters in the groundwater zone (Table 11). However,
the Cl-concentration increased to some extent with wastewater application rates. Despite
the relatively high N application with urine, this treatment did not affect the
groundwater quality. Metal concentrations in superficial groundwater beneath the urine
treatment plots were lower compared to the wastewater treatments as well as control and
pure water treatments. This is likely to be a result of low content of metals in applied
urine mixture (cf. Table 8). Calculation of wastewater treatment effects
Eutrophying components (N and P) and oxygen demanding organic material (BOD) are
problematic constituents if untreated wastewater is discharged to surface waters or ground
water aquifers. Traditional wastewater treatment processes could to some extent be
replaced by a soil-plant system exemplified in this study by wastewater irrigation of
biomass willow plantations. A soil-plant system may be defined as a "natural"
physical-biological-chemical reactor including the following main active parts and
processes (Hasselgren, 1992):
Table 11.
Concentration of constituents in superficial groundwater at Roma (mg/l). Mean values
during the sampling period September 1999-December 2001. Mean values of applied wastewater
(WW), pure water (PW) and urine are included for comparisons.
Parameter |
WW |
1 PE
WW |
2 PE
WW |
3 PE
WW |
PW |
1 PE
PW |
Urine |
1 PE PW/ Urine |
Control |
pH |
8.0 |
7.4 |
7.5 |
7.4 |
7.8 |
7.4 |
9.0 |
7.4 |
7.4 |
3 |
6 |
<3 |
<3 |
<3 |
<3 |
370 |
<3 |
<3 |
36 |
68 |
28 |
36 |
<30 |
17 |
691 |
29 |
48 |
N-tot |
2.9 |
0.33 |
0.40 |
0.49 |
2.0 |
1.1 |
1440 |
0.80 |
1.09 |
NH4-N |
1.3 |
0.13 |
0.11 |
0.12 |
0.03 |
0.12 |
1580 |
0.17 |
0.09 |
NO3-N |
0.82 |
0.08 |
0.10 |
0.03 |
1.76 |
1.1 |
0.16 |
0.67 |
0.69 |
P-tot |
1.4 |
0.41 |
0.18 |
0.25 |
0.005 |
0.25 |
91 |
0.19 |
0.16 |
PO4-P |
1.2 |
0.28 |
0.09 |
0.22 |
0.003 |
0.18 |
44 |
0.03 |
0.10 |
K |
9.4 |
16 |
7.3 |
10 |
4.5 |
11 |
484 |
7 |
9.1 |
Cl- |
81 |
42 |
47 |
51 |
37 |
25 |
72 |
29 |
20 |
Cd (µg/l) |
0.05 |
0.40 |
0.12 |
0.27 |
0.05 |
0.76 |
0.05 |
0.11 |
0.15 |
Pb (µg/l) |
1.9 |
27 |
14 |
16 |
3.3 |
14 |
4.0 |
7.1 |
16 |
Zn (µg/l) |
110 |
60 |
18 |
35 |
89 |
22 |
69 |
12 |
25 |
Cu (µg/l) |
16 |
21 |
8.9 |
18 |
72 |
13 |
92 |
6.8 |
11 |
| Soil particles, which filter suspended solids and chemically fix dissolved
components in the wastewater by adsorption, ion exchange or precipitation, |
| Macro- and microorganisms, which transform and stabilize organic substances and
transform nitrogen in applied wastewater, and |
| Vegetation, which utilizes macro- and micronutrients in the wastewater for growth,
maintains or increases the infiltration capacity of the soil and reduces applied
wastewater volumes by transpiration |
As indicated in the previous chapter, willow plantations have the potentials to treat
pre-treated wastewater to a high quality. For a conventional "closed" wastewater
treatment process or system, it is easy to analyse and evaluate the treatment or
purification efficiency, since a well defined outlet, normally in terms of a pipe from the
unit, collects and discharges the same wastewater volume as was put in. In an
"open" wastewater irrigation system with a diffuse outlet following natural
drainage it is necessary to measure and/or calculate the terms of the water budget in
order to evaluate the treatment efficiency.
Precipitation could be explicitly collected and measured according to normal
procedures, but for evapotranspiration and percolation indirect measures are needed as a
base for calculation of the treatment effects. Since chloride is not adsorbed or released
by most soils and is taken up by plants only to a small extent, it is often used as a
tracer for calculation of the leaching fraction of water in irrigation design (e.g.
Salameh Al-Jamal et al., 1997; Pratt et al., 1978).
Sampling of superficial groundwater for chemical analysis.
(Photo: Stig Larsson)
Consequently, the chloride ion was used in an attempt to compensate for the dilution
effect of rainwater and possible influence of surrounding groundwater with regard to
analysed superficial groundwater.
Mass balance calculations over the soil-plant system concerning N, P and BOD were
exemplified with data from the experiment at Culmore (Table 12). With knowledge of the
total amounts applied to the plots (wastewater + precipitation) calculated
evapotranspiration, calculated amounts of percolated wastewater in superficial groundwater
beneath the plots, and assimilated amounts in Salix stems, rest terms in the mass balances
are given concerning uptake in plant foliage and roots (N and P), accumulation or
degradation in the soil (N, P and BOD), and denitrification of nitrogen from the plots (N
losses in terms of N2 and N20).
Correction was made for percolated amounts from control plots (non-irrigated and
non-fertilised plots) to better reflect the impact of wastewater, as indicated with
"corr" in the table. Thus, calculated percolated amounts in superficial
groundwater from the control treatment were subtracted from the calculated amounts found
in superficial groundwater samples from wastewater-irrigated treatments.
Removal of BOD from wastewater in soil is generally a result of filtration and
microbiological activity in the soil profile. In well-aerated and well-drained systems,
the degradation is easily sustained via aerobic microbes. Irrigation activities give
altered saturated and drained conditions creating possibilities for anaerobic and anoxic
(denitrification) degradation of the organic material as well. However, at some of the
sites irrigation with 2 and 3 PE seemed to cause more or less constant anaerobic
conditions which limited the degradation of organic matter and transformation of NH4
to NO3. This can also be a result of a high soil content of silt and clay,
which decreases the supply of oxygen. The organic matter in the upper soil horizon
increased generally.
Table 12.
Wastewater treatment effects for Culmore in terms of nitrogen (Total N), phosphorus
(Total P) and BOD. Corrections (corr) were made for percolation from rainwater control
Parameter |
1 PE |
2 PE |
3 PE |
Applied amount, kg/ha/y |
83 |
167 |
250 |
Uptake in stems, kg/ha/y |
46 |
50 |
58 |
Uptake of applied amount, % |
55 |
30 |
23 |
Percolation, kg/ha/y |
81 |
76 |
77 |
Removal rate, % |
2 |
55 |
69 |
Percolation (corr), kg/ha/y |
54 |
49 |
50 |
Removal rate (corr), % |
35 |
71 |
80 |
Applied amount, kg/ha/y |
56 |
111 |
167 |
Uptake in stems, kg/ha/y |
7 |
8 |
8 |
Uptake of applied amount, % |
13 |
7 |
5 |
Percolation, kg/ha/y |
8 |
7 |
6 |
Removal rate, % |
86 |
94 |
96 |
Percolation (corr), kg/ha/y |
6 |
4 |
3 |
Removal rate (corr), % |
89 |
96 |
98 |
Applied amount, kg/ha/y |
558 |
1032 |
1506 |
Percolation, kg/ha/y |
400 |
594 |
644 |
Removal rate, % |
28 |
42 |
57 |
Percolation (corr), kg/ha/y |
150 |
344 |
394 |
Removal rate (corr), % |
73 |
67 |
74 |
It is suggested that a major part of the applied nitrogen not accounted for, i.e.
amounts not percolating or amounts not found in willow stems, was probably due to N losses
via denitrification in the soil. Other possible routes of nitrogen retention in soil
systems could be temporary immobilisation (biologically or chemically) and volatilization
of ammoniacal nitrogen to the atmosphere (e.g. Wittgren and Hasselgren, 1992). It
is well documented that net accumulation of nitrate or ammonia ions in soil in general is
rarely substantial and may be neglected in practice with regard to the contribution to
sustainable N removal effects (e.g. Reed and Crites, 1984).
Volatilization of NH3-N of up to 20 % of applied N amounts, from spray
irrigation with alkaline (pH 7.5-8.5) wastewater, was reported by Pettygrove and Asano
(1984). In another American investigation 10 % ammonia volatilization at pH 7.8 was
reported (USEPA, 1981). Ammoniacal nitrogen evaporation is promoted from soils with low
cation exchange capacities (CEC:s), mainly sandy or organic soils (USEPA, 1981). The soil
profiles in this study were mainly silty/clayey so it could be assumed that the NH3 volatilization
rate was limited from the experimental plots.
Phosphate ions not taken up by plants could be sorbed to oxides or hydroxides of iron
and aluminium in clay soils or precipitated with iron, aluminium and calcium in the soil
to crystalline mineral forms. In soils unsaturated with P normally small percentages will
leach from the system (Wittgren and Hasselgren, 1992).
The results clearly indicate that purification of primary effluent in willow
plantations could be substantial. A hydraulic load up to three times the
evapotranspiration rate from the system did not influence wastewater treatment capacities,
as exemplified with data from Culmore. Thus, managing a system with wastewater irrigation
according to the water and nutrient requirements of a willow biomass plantation seems
possible without negative environmental impacts with regard to oxygen demanding substances
and eutrophying components. Sanitary aspects micro-organism analyses
Conventional sewage system reduces the concentration of human enteric pathogens in
the treated wastewater reaching a water course but does not exclude later risks. It
functions as the first barrier in disease prevention, but does not safeguard populations
exposed through direct contact, recreational activities or the one using the recipient as
a source for drinking water production.
Within this project some questions to be solved in relation to sanitary aspects and
potential secondary transmission to humans were related to the site-specific
characteristics. These in turn may function as a base for generalised guidelines to be
applied when irrigation with wastewater or use of sludge as fertiliser is practised in
willow plantations. These questions further apply to a) the optimal supply of wastewater
under the prevailing local conditions, b) potential sanitary problems arising in relations
to humans, c) environmental problems due to the presence of wildlife.
For these assessments a number of faecal indicator organisms were used including the
traditional coliforms indicators, supplemented with faecal enterococci, anaerobic sulphite
reducing Clostridium perfringens, and the somatic coliphages (bacteria virus).
Coliphages are often used as a model virus to indicate transport of human viruses down to
the groundwater zone. In addition, analyses were made concerning the bacterial pathogens Salmonella
and Campylobacter and the protozoan parasites Giardia and Cryptosporidium.
All of these represent organisms that can infect both humans and animals.
The potential transmission routes from wastewater for disease causing organisms are
through groundwater, surface drainage and aerosols, via animals and direct contact. These
possibilities were compared at Roma, Larissa and Culmore. Removal in pre-treatment plants
At Roma all selected indicator microorganisms and pathogens were analysed in inflow
water to the pre-treatment plant. In the untreated wastewater the faecal coliforms and E.
coli varied between 4*102 - 3*103 cfu/ml and were reduced, over
the pond system, to below the detection limit, between <1 to <0.01 cfu/ml, giving a
total reduction of >99.8 to >99.99 % of faecal coliforms and E. coli.
The faecal enterococci likewise gave a reduction of >3 log10 (>99.9 %)
while the spore forming bacteria (Clostridium perfringens) initially occurred in
low values but were still detectable, 0.1-0.5 cfu/ml after treatment. The coliphages had
influent concentrations of 1-4*102 cfu/ml and a reduction of 99.8-99.98 % (from
below detection limit <0.1 pfu/ml to 0.3 pfu/ml).
Salmonella and Campylobacter (analysed semi-quantitatively) were detected
just on one occasion between the first and the second pond but never in the effluent used
for irrigation. No Giardia or Cryptosporidium were detected in the untreated
wastewater (detection limit <2.5/L) or in the treated wastewater used for irrigation
(detection limit <0.3/L).
In general the treated water used for irrigation had low or undetectable values of both
indicator and pathogenic organisms although the wastewater is treated in open ponds, which
are also a habitat for birds that could give an input of the organisms to the water. The
presence of Salmonella and Campylobacter in the wastewater can be due to
either their presence in the wastewater or as a result of the presence of birds.
Analyses of untreated and treated wastewater were also carried out at Larissa and
Culmore (Figure 8). At Larissa the treated wastewater used for irrigation contained
concentrations of E. coli and faecal streptococci (60 to 80 cfu/ml and 10 to 20
cfu/ml, respectively). For coliphages the corresponding values were 150-160 pfu/ml with a
treatment reduction efficiency of 99.2-99.8 %. The concentrations of E. coli in the
wastewater used for irrigation in Culmore were 4*104 cfu/ml (average of four
samplings) and the reduction capacity varied between 12 and 99.8 % over the treatment
plant. Also the reduction capacity varied for the Clostridium perfringens,
4499.1 %, and the coliphages, 75-98.6 %. For coliphages the concentrations varied
dramatically between the different sampling occasions, from 30 pfu/ml to 1.9*104
pfu/ml in the pre-treated wastewater used for irrigation.
Figure 8.
Occurrence and reduction of indicator organisms in the treatment plant at Culmore,
Salmonella was detected in both the untreated and treated wastewater used for
irrigation at both Culmore and Larissa. Campylobacter were not detected at any
time. For Giardia and Cryptosporidium the concentrations varied between the
different sampling occasions. At Larissa the incoming numbers of Giardia varied
between 100/L (100 % DAPI+) to 6326/L (of these 1217/L were DAPI+) and with a reduction of
99.5-99.97 % giving concentrations of 0.5 to 1.7 cysts/L in the water used for irrigation.
For Cryptosporidium the numbers were low: in the untreated wastewater <2 to
4.3/L and in the treated wastewater the concentrations were in the same range, indicating
no significant reduction over the treatment plant. The corresponding concentrations for
these pathogens at Culmore were for Giardia the highest of all treatment plants
included in this study. In the untreated wastewater the cysts varied between 24 cysts/L
(100 % DAPI+) to 15 000 cysts/L, while in treated wastewater the concentrations varied
between <0.7-2805 (39 % DAPI+)/L. The reduction varied from a very low 7 % to 99.5 %.
For Cryptosporidium the concentrations in the untreated wastewater were 4 oocysts/L
to 104 oocysts/L while the pre-treated wastewater had concentrations of <0.7-42
oocysts/L, giving a reduction capacity of 50-60 %.
At Roma, the urine mixture collected from the toilets and the urinal were sampled and
analysed for indicator organisms on one occasion, soon after filling up the tank. In the
urine mixture, E. coli, faecal streptococci, Clostridium perfringens
and the coliphages, were detected in numbers of 90 cfu/ml, 655 cfu/ml, 1400 cfu/ml and 140
pfu/ml, respectively. Salmonella, Campylobacter, Giardia and Cryptosporidium
(detection limit <10/L) were not detected in human urine. Leakage to groundwater
The results from the sampling of superficial groundwater at Roma showed that most of
the organisms were below the detection limit, <0.1 cfu/ml (Table 13). The exception was
total coliforms which were detected in concentrations of 3-25 cfu/ml.
Total coliforms in low numbers can be found naturally in the environment. The low
numbers were anticipated at Roma since the pre-treated wastewater was stored prior to
irrigation. Due to the low number of organisms no differences could be seen between the
different irrigation regimes.
The numbers of indicator organisms found in the superficial groundwater at Culmore were
consistently much higher than values found at Roma (Fig. 9). The total coliforms showed
very high concentrations, indicating a clear groundwater contamination. No clear
differences could be seen between the different treatments even though increased numbers
of organisms were noticed in the 3 PE WW treatment compared with the 1 PE WW and 2 PE WW
treatments. Coliphages are the smallest organisms and more likely to be transported than
bacteria, helminth or protozoan parasites.
Table 13.
Concentrations of indicator organisms in superficial groundwater in the wastewater
irrigated field at Roma. Numbers presented as cfu or pfu/ml.
Treatment |
Total coliforms |
E. coli |
Faecal streptococci |
Clostridium perfringens |
Coliphages |
1 PE WW |
4 |
0.2 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
2 PE WW |
11 |
0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
3 PE WW |
25 |
2 |
0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
1 PE PW |
3 |
<0.1 |
0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
1 PE Urine/PW |
8 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
Figure 9.
Concentrations of indicator organisms in the groundwater in the irrigated field at
The rate of leakage to the groundwater depends on the soil texture and the distance to
the saturated zone. The infiltration capacity is normally higher in a sandy soil compared
with clayey soil, which could be an explanation of the relatively low reduction rates at
the Culmore site. Further, the unsaturated zone at Culmore was shallow and varied between
0.5 and 2.5 m during the course of the project. In a soil type with larger parts of clay
particles cracks can occur in which the water can be transported rapidly. However, the
risk of contamination varies with the occurrence of nearby wells.
At Culmore sprinklers were used for irrigation whereby creation of aerosols could
occur. Transport of aerosols is dependent on the prevailing wind conditions and direction.
At the sites, the irrigated field was placed in an open area with no natural barriers
against the transport of aerosols. However, the willow vegetation itself could create a
barrier if the outer parts are not irrigated.
When the plantation is irrigated with wastewater, the animals living in the willow
coppice area are exposed to pathogens occurring in the wastewater, with a potential risk
of direct infection and/or as carrier of infection to house pets, humans or water
reservoirs. Results from analysis of faecal samples from wildlife did not indicate that
this would be the case. Still, the observations were few and no final conclusions
regarding this aspect could be drawn.
In order to reduce or minimise the risk for direct contact with the wastewater or the
crop irrigated with the wastewater, the irrigated area can be fenced to keep the public or
larger animals out of the field. Another way of reducing the risk is to inform the public
that the irrigated field is part of the wastewater treatment system. No public
recreational areas should be located near the irrigated field, which also reduces the risk
for humans and especially children to come into contact with the wastewater. The distance
from the different fields to houses or farms in this study varied between 30 m to 800-1000
m. One way of reducing direct contact, and also aerosols, is to restrict the irrigation
and exclude the outer parts of the plantation.
A mature willow stand at the Roma site in mid-summer the third year.
(Photo: Ingvar Jakobsson)
Two different economical studies were carried out relating to conditions in Northern
Ireland. Sweden has been studied in this respect before (Rosenqvist, 1997; Rosenqvist et
al., 1997). One of the studies concerned economical conditions for willow growing and
business development of willow coppice production in general. The other study investigated
the economy on willow irrigation with wastewater from a treatment plant. Where possible,
comparisons were made with Swedish conditions.
The willow biomass industry in Northern Ireland is in a very early stage of
development, imposing cost penalties on the pioneer growers. This situation could be
compared with the situation in Sweden with an established industry based on at present 15
000 ha of willow plantations and where production costs are significantly lower.
To provide a positive return, according to the study, the price of willow chips must be
at least £ 35/tonnes of dry matter (t DM). This figure does not include any opportunity
cost for the land or any subsidy payment. From the model, it was estimated that a yield of
9.2 t DM/ha/y (from the second harvest cycle) was required to obtain a positive income
from the land. Thus if the expected yield level was lower than 9.2 t DM/ha/y the
land should be used for other purposes or be left fallow. For each increase in the number
of harvesting cycles taken, the calculated gross margins will increase and production
costs per t DM will decrease. A minimum of five rotations (16 years) would be required to
attain a positive income from the land.
In Northern Ireland the average annual costs of growing willow biomass over a 22 year
rotation were calculated to £ 349/ha or £ 35/t DM. Grain production and
willow show a similar gross margin result. Willow was competitive when the grain prices
were lower than £ 70 £ 80/t. This study also shows that with gross
margins, without the present subsidies for suckler cows of £ 200/ha and for lowland sheep
of £ 234/ha, willow coppice can be competitive with other grassland-based enterprises,
depending on the individual circumstances on each farm.
When the situation and costs for planting and harvesting willow in countries with
different acreages of willow are compared, the connection between the established area of
willow plantations and production costs is clearly seen. The cost for plantation decreases
both through new technology and through the increasing numbers of hectares planted with
The possibility of reducing the costs for conventional N and P treatment, £ 5
£ 14/kg N (Rosenqvist. et al., 1997), is by far the most important economic factor
when considering wastewater irrigation of willow coppice as an alternative treatment
technique. The increased biomass production and the reduced costs for the farmer
(corresponding to £ 0.60/kg N), have a limited impact on the total economic
result. Increased biomass production by growing even more vigorous plants would allow an
increased N application without increased risks of N leaching. The increased rate of
wastewater application that these enhanced yield potentials allows would reduce the cost
for each kg N treated.
If there are no existing willow plantations or no immediately available areas for new
plantations in the vicinity of treatment plants, it may be appropriate to invest in
pipelines to reach suitable areas. An alternative is to offer farmers with suitable land
in the vicinity of the treatment works the opportunity to handle the wastewater by giving
them appropriate support. If a farmer accepted wastewater irrigation corresponding to 150
kg N/ha/y, he could theoretically be paid up to the alternative cost for conventional
treatment, i.e. £ 5 £ 14/kg N (amounting to about £ 700
£ 1800/ha/y for the wastewater production during the irrigation season). In practice,
however, society is likely to try to profit from a new treatment system by demanding a
lower price for wastewater treatment. This, together with the value of the increased
biomass production, would give the farmer maximally £ 800 £ 1900/ha/y. This
implies that the farmer has to cover all the costs for pumping and distribution.
Some of the project participants in the middle of the willow forest.
(Photo: Stig Larsson)
The costs for handling and distribution of wastewater containing 150 kg N/ha are
£ 800 and £ 1600 for the summer and all year options respectively. Using these figures
the financial advantage of using willow coppice as a bio-remediation system, when compared
with conventional wastewater treatment, ranges between £ -5 and £ 1100/ha for the summer
option and between £ -500 and £ 1100/ha for the whole year option, including wastewater
storage in ponds. These figures take into account:
| The range of costs for the conventional treatment of nitrogen/phosphorus |
| The efficiency of willow coppice as a bio-remediation system. |
| The handling and distribution of wastewater with an irrigation system |
| The value of the additional biomass produced |
| The reduction in nitrogen levels during storage in the case of the whole year option |
A more expensive but environmentally sound solution, would be to take treated water
from a treatment work, which would normally be discharged to the sea or a river, and
irrigate a willow plantation with this conventionally treated water. This could be
beneficial in districts with problems concerning eutrophication of surface waters. If 10
ha were irrigated with wastewater containing 10 mg N/l and given 430 mm/ha/y, the cost
would be £ 16 /kg N or £ 600/ha without storage ponds.
Different treatment works have different costs for using vegetation filters depending
on the planning situation and the strategy. When costs are low in the vegetation filter
system, it is easier for the treatment works to accept higher costs, for pumping the
wastewater longer distances. It can be of interest for large treatment works to take only
the "excess water" and pump it a longer distance.
Some of the most important conclusions are:
| Saved costs in treatment works are much more important than saved costs and higher yield
in the willow plantation. |
| It is important to find treatment works with high costs for traditional treatment and
low costs for vegetation filter systems. |
| Pumps, ponds and pipes to reach the field are more costly than the irrigation equipment
in the field. |
| Fixed costs are much higher than variable costs. |
Factors to keep costs at a low level are:
| High applications of N and P. |
| High concentrations of N and P in the wastewater. |
| Extended irrigation season. |
| Short distances between treatment works and vegetation filters. |
| Large area of willow plantations. |
Normally when using willow plantations for treating wastewater, the two parties
involved are a municipality (or an industry) and the owner or farmer of the plantation.
The basis for wanting to enter into a contractual relationship of this kind is primarily
mutual economical gain. The municipality is responsible for the handling of the wastewater
from the connected citizens. From the municipalitys point of view, the use of
vegetation filters will allow decreased investments and operational costs of the required
wastewater pre-treatment facility. Less use of chemicals and electric energy, a reduced
sludge production and a decreased need of working staff primarily sustain reduction of
operational costs. The owner or farmer of the willow plantation will profit from the
increase in growth that may lead to greater and more secure harvests.
A contract has to be set up to define the rights and duties of the parties. These
rights and duties need to take into account the financial positions of the parties as well
as their respective ability to take part in, oversee and verify the object of the
contractual relationship. This can be seen as the splitting of risk-taking appropriate for
each party. The amount of risk a party is willing to accept depends on the gain he is
likely to make.
Today it is usually felt that there is a greater gain for the municipality to have
access to a vegetation filter than for the willow farmer to acquire extra water and
nutrients. It is also the municipality that can influence the quality of the wastewater
and can better handle unpredicted extra costs. Therefore the farmer should be able to
demand that the municipality take the major economic responsibility. It is also fair that
the municipality should have the responsibility for the risks with the wastewater, even
after it is delivered to the willow farmer. The municipality should be liable to pay
compensation to the farmer for costs incurred by variation in the amount and quality of
the wastewater.
The municipality should demand from the farmer that application of wastewater would be
made in accordance with recommendations from authorities. The farmer should have the
responsibility to take care of the plantation so it can be used for the whole contract
period. A contract about buying of wastewater would last over a long period of time and
the different parties would probably adjust their operations with the assumption that the
contract will last the predetermined time. Therefore it would be necessary to have a
mutual period of notice.
Usually in this kind of contract the deliverers of the product pay the receiver. This
can lead to problems if bills are not paid. The farmer should have the right to cut off
the supply if payment is absent. The municipality, in turn, should have the right to have
access to the plantation even if the plantation area change owners.
If there are many willow farmers receiving wastewater they can create a union or
co-operative. An association of farmers or landowners can then carry out the negotiations
or even be a contract party with the municipality. In the latter case the association
could have the form of a trading company.
Projects involving the use of reclaimed water for irrigation usually face problems with
public acceptance. Public perceptions are constantly changing because they are influenced
by many different factors (age, gender, economic status, level of education and political
persuasions) and current events. It is important to treat the public acceptance with the
same consideration as anything else in the realisation phase of project.
Reuse of water and nutrients replaces natural water supplies and manufactured
fertilisers. The willow biomass system itself could very well be characterised as an
ecologically and socio-economically sustainable and alternative farm crop, by providing
rural development and reducing dependence on imported energy. Therefore, it is an
integrated part of society that concerns everyone in the local community. The system has
more societal impact than many other wastewater systems due to the fact that it requires
large land areas.
It is important that the citizens feel that they are part of the system, since it
depends on their co-operation. The citizens can "destroy" the system performance
by "polluting" the resource on purpose or by carelessness. If the system is
working properly it serves the citizens and one must not forget that the citizens pay for
it (as for any wastewater treatment).
"Dubletten", a commercial Swedish toilet for diverting urine and
(Photo: Arne Backlund)
To implement an initial acceptance from the public the following strategy (or parts of
it) is suggested:
- Allow a budget for information/communication/awareness-raising/education/training. This
should be done at the same time as the rest of the project is budgeted.
- Choose one message-bearer and educate and train him/her. This person can be a management
staff member, a professional or an ordinary citizen in favour of the idea.
- Identify the target audience. This can be citizens, farming communities, decision-makers
(political/environmental authorities), environmental groups etc.
- Begin informing with, for example, meetings, media communication, information brochures
and questionnaires.
- Reach consensus.
The citizens should be aware of potential problems with the systems before the project
starts. If something goes wrong with the system, the citizens have to be informed so that
they understand the magnitude of the problem and how they should act upon it. They should
also be informed about how the problem will be solved.
A strategy, such as that described above, could possibly be useful in case a full-scale
application of the system is undertaken at Larissa, as has been discussed there.
The aspects of reducing the pressure on energy and water resources were analyzed for
the region of Larissa, an area with rapid economic growth. The possibility of using an
integrated solution for municipal wastewater management and agricultural land use around
big cities like Larissa, in such a way as to preserve natural beauty and enhance animal
and plant life, was also investigated.
Larissa is located in central Greece within an agricultural area. One of the most
important problems of this area is the demand on water resources which has become even
more severe in the last couple of years. The main income of the town is based on
agricultural production, and, therefore, the lack of water recently has created serious
problems. It is obvious that in the wider area of Larissa there is need for efficient use
of every possible water resource. Thus reuse of properly pre-treated municipal wastewater
is foreseen as an important complementary water resource for crop production.
Also, the need for replacement of fossil fuels with renewable and environmentally
friendly biofuels has become increasingly pronounced. Further, alternative agricultural
crop production, to balance the general over-production of cereals and cotton on the
market, is generally promoted. The municipality of the town has already expressed interest
in the extension of the activities on willow growing for energy production on a larger
scale. Thus, the use of municipal wastewater for irrigation of willow coppice, as a crop
system for producing bioenergy in the area of Larissa, is a possible solution to the
existing economical and environmental problems, possibly also improving the social life of
the people.
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