Short-rotation Willow Biomass Plantations Irrigated and Fertilised with Wastewaters


Conclusions and recommendations
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Objectives
2 Field experiments
2.1 Experimental procedures
2.1.1 Experimental sites and climatic conditions
2.1.2 Plot design
2.1.3 Sampling and analyses
2.2 Results and discussion
2.2.1 Operational and technical aspects
2.2.2 Application of wastewater and water requirement
2.2.3 Biomass production
2.2.4 Biological attacks in vegetation
2.2.5 Application and plant uptake of nutrients and metals
3 Economical, legal and social aspects
3.1 Economical aspects
3.2 Legal aspects
3.3 Social aspects
4 References