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Survey of chemical substances in toys for animals
Survey of chemical substances in toys for animals
Key Subjects: mapping, health, chemicals, effects, chemical products
Key Subjects in Danish: kortlægning, sundhed, kemikalier, effekter, kemiske produkter
Abstract: Toys for animals often have the same appearance as toys for children, but there are no requirements for the content of hazardous components in toys for animals, thus there is a risk that children playing with these toys may be exposed to hazardous components. 50 pieces of toys made of PVC, rubber and textiles were investigated. The PVC-toys all had a content of phthalates between 11 and 54%, a content over the permitted amount in toys for children. No content of azo-colourants, brominated flame retardants or heavy metals was found in amounts exceeding the requirements for toys for children.
Abstract in Danish: Legetøj til dyr ligner ofte legetøj til børn, men der er ikke krav til indhold af farlige stoffer i legetøj til dyr, børn kan derfor blive udsat for skadelige stoffer, hvis de leger med det. 50 stykker legetøj af PVC, gummi og tekstil blev undersøgt. Alle PVC produkter indeholdt phthalater i mængder fra 11-54%, et indhold der overstiger den tilladte mængde i legetøj til børn. Der blev ikke fundet azo-farvestoffer, bromerede flammehæmmere eller tungmetaller, i mængder der oversteg kravene til legetøj til børn.
Series title and no.:
Survey of Chemical Substances in Consumer Products, 56
Danish Environmental Protection Agency
Performing organization: FORCE Technology
Danish Environmental Protection Agency
Creators: Tenna Brandt Nielsen, Erik Bjarnov og Ole Bundgaard
FORCE Technology
Schultz Grafisk (web)
ISBN nr. Elektronic version: 87-7614-662-6
Data formats:
html, gif, pdf, css
Inventory: default_eng.htm, helepubl_eng.htm, indhold_eng.htm, kap00_eng.htm, kap01_eng.htm, kap02_eng.htm, kap03_eng.htm, kap04_eng.htm, kap05_eng.htm, kap06_eng.htm, kap07_eng.htm, kap08_eng.htm, kap09_eng.htm, kap10_eng.htm, kolofon_eng.htm, sum_eng.htm, 87-7614-662-6.pdf, get_adobe_reader.gif, publikation.css
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Version 1.0 June 2005, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency