Siloxanes - Consumption, Toxicity and Alternatives

Annex 7
Database screening for decamethyl cyclopentasiloxane

Decamethyl cyclopentasiloxane

CAS number: 541-02-6

Data compilation, environmental and health screening

Health and Environment:

No relevant information on health was found.

The substance decamethyl cyclopentasiloxane is only slightly soluble in water and has a high affinity for organic phases (log Pow 5.2). Based on the physical/chemical properties Decamethyl cyclopentasiloxane is estimated to bioaccumulate, and biodegradation is not expected. Data on environmental toxicity were not found.

Identification of the substance
CAS No. 541-02-6 (CambridgeSoft Corp 2003)
EINECS No. 208-764-9 ( 2003)
EINECS Name Decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (HSDB 2003)
Synonyms Dimethylsiloxane pentamer (HSDB 2003), Cyclopentasiloxane, decamethyl- ( 2003)
Molecular Formula C10-H30-O5-Si5 (HSDB 2003)
Structural Formula  
Known Uses Paint, laquers and varnishing. Fuel additives. Surface treatment ( 2003)
IUCLID No data found

Physico-chemical Characteristics
Physical Form Oily Liquid (HSDB 2003)
Molecular Weight (g/mole) 378.80 (HSDB 2003)
Melting Point/range (°C) - 38°C (HSDB 2003)
Boiling Point/range (°C) 210°C (HSDB 2003)
Decomposition Temperature (°C) No relevant data found
Vapour Pressure (mm Hg at °C) 0.2 mm Hg at 25°C (HSDB 2003)
Density 0.9593 at 20°C (HSDB 2003)
Vapour Density (air=1) No relevant data found
Solubility (water) 0.017 mg/l at 25°C (PhysProp 2003)
Partition Coefficient (log Pow): 5.20 (HSDB 2003)
pKa No relevant data found
Flammability Flashpoint 77°C (CambridgeSoft 2003)
Explosivity No relevant data found
Oxidising Properties No relevant data found

Toxicological Data
Observation in Humans None Found

Acute Toxicity
Oral No relevant data found
Dermal No relevant data found
Inhalation No relevant data found
Other Routes No relevant data found
Skin Irritation No relevant data found
Eye Irritation No relevant data found
Irritation of Respiratory Tract No relevant data found
Skin Sensitization No relevant data found
Sensitization by Inhalation No relevant data found

Subchronic and Chronic Toxicity
Observation in humans No relevant data found
Oral No relevant data found
Inhalation No relevant data found
Dermal No relevant data found

Genotoxicity and Carcinogenicity
Mutagenicity No relevant data found
Gene Mutation No relevant data found
Chromosome Abnormalities No relevant data found
Other Genotoxic Effects No relevant data found
Cancer Review No relevant data found

Reproductive Toxicity, Embryotoxicity and Teratogenicity
Reproductive Toxicity No relevant data found
Teratogenicity No relevant data found
Other Toxicity Studies No relevant data found
Toxicokinetics No relevant data found

Ecotoxicity Data
Algae No relevant data found
Crustacean No relevant data found
Fish No relevant data found
Bacteria No relevant data found

Environmental Fate
BCF Estimated 5300 (HSDB 2003)
Aerobic biodegradation Expected to be persistent (HSDB 2003)
Anaerobic biodegradation Expected to be persistent (HSDB 2003)
Metabolic pathway No relevant data found
Mobility Estimated immobile (HSDB 2003)

Health and Environment No relevant information on health was found and no conclusion can be drawn.

Based on the physical/chemical properties Decamethyl cyclopentasiloxane is estimated to bioaccumulate and biodegradation is not expected. Data on environmental toxicity were not found.

The substance has to be further investigated e.g. on substance group level before a conclusion can be made.

List of references:

CambridgeSoft 2003. CambridgeSoft Corporation database (available at

HSDB 2003. HSDB database (available through

PhysProp 2003. PHYSPROP DEMO-database (available at 2003. SPIN database (available at

References used for screening:

  1. 1. Aquire (available at
  2. 2. CambridgeSoft Corporation database (available at
  3. 3. HSDB database (available through
  4. 4. IUCLID-CD (1996)
  5. 5. PHYSPROP DEMO-database (available at
  6. 6. SPIN database (available at
  7. 7. DART Special (RTECS) (available through
  8. 8. ToxLine (available through


Version 1.0 September 2005, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency