Siloxanes - Consumption, Toxicity and Alternatives

CAS no Syno-
Test Exposure route Species / model Conc. Exposure period Result/Effects NOAEL / LOAEL EPA DCN/Ref.
556-67-2 D4 toxicokinetics, pharmacokinetics of 14C-D4 inhalation, nose only rat (Female,Male), Fisher 344, 50 Female,Male/group 7 and 700 ppm 14 days, single, 6 hours/day (unlabelled D4); single 6 hour (14C-D4) level of absorption low and independent of gender and dose

distribution to most tissues

elimination via expired volatiles (parent) or metabolized via urine and faeces

rate of elimination of radioactivity in tissues was the same as from plasma except of fat

small dose-related effect on elimination on Female rats (more expired at the high dose compared to lower doses) suggesting saturation of metabolism at high doses
not relevant 86970000024

556-67-2 D4 toxicokinetics, pharmacokinetics of 14C-D4 inhalation, nose only rat (Female), Fisher 344 7 and 700 ppm 14 daily exposures to unlabelled D4 and a single exposure to 14C-D4 (day 15) at 7 and 700 ppm absorption and distribution mimicked single exposure results

rate of elimination of radioactivity in tissues was the same as from plasma except of fat and lung

small dose-related effect on elimination route on Female,Male rats (larger quantities eliminated via lung, decreased quantities eliminated via faeces, urinary excretion constant at high compared to low dose) suggesting compensation of saturation effects through induction after repeated exposure
no data 86970000875

556-67-2 D4 kinetics inhalation, nose only, vapour rat (Female), Fisher-344 (F-344) and Sprague-Dawley (SP) 700 ppm single 6 hour exposure F-344 rats retained significantly higher amount of radioactivity (8.3+0.44%) than SD (5.9+0.26%)

excretion of radioactivity was similar in both strains in urine, faeces and expired volatiles

different concentration of radioactivity in fat over time

F rats showed a higher amount of radioactivity present as metabolites as compared to D4

kinetic difference suggest important biochemical differences leading to a decreased metabolism of D4 in female SP rats
not relevant 86010000010

556-67-2 D4 kinetics, effect on immunological parameters, blood chemistry and pulmonary factors inhalation, mouthpiece and nasal exposure human 10 ppm one hour mean deposition was 12%

peak plasma concentration was 78 ng/ml

rapid elimination from plasma after exposure termination (25 ng/ml; 6 hr and 4 ng/ml; 24 hr)

no effect on blood chemistry

no immunotoxic or proinflammatory/adjuvant effects
not relevant 86980000017

556-67-2 D4 kinetics, 13C-D4 dermal human (3Female,3Male) 1.4 g (Male), 1 g (Female) 1, 2, 4, 6 and 24 hours D4 levels significantly elevated above baseline in blood and plasma at 1, 2, 4 and 6 hrs and in exhaled air at all time points

female subjects had significantly higher blood and plasma levels compared to male subjects
not relevant 86010000007

556-67-2 D4 kinetics, pilot study to determine if inducing agents alter the metabolic profile of a single dose 14C-D4 oral gavage, i.p. and i.v. rat (Female) pre-treatment: PB: 80 mg/kg i.p.; 3-MC: 30 mg/kg i.p.

14C-D4: 70 mg/kg i.v. or oral gavage
pre-treatment: once per day for 4 consecutive days;

single administration of 14C-D4 the next day
Phenobarbital but not 3-MC pre-treatment increases the amount and rate of urinary excretion

PB pre-treatment did not change urinary metabolic of D4 profíle

evidence that PB-inducible enzymes are involved in metabolism of D4 in rats
not relevant 86980000037

556-67-2 D4 non-regulated study: identification of metabolites in urine (14C-D4) intravenously rat (Female,Male), Fisher 344 not stated no data ring opening and demethylation occurs (oxidation and hydrolysis)

major metabolites constituting 75 - 85% of the total radioactivity were dimethylsilanediol, methylsilanetriol

minor metabolites were tetramethyldisiloxane-1,3-diol [Me(2)Si(OH)-O-Si(OH)Me(2)], hexamethyltrisiloxane-1,5-diol [Me(2)Si(OH)-OSiMe(2)-OSi(OH)Me(2)], trimethyldisiloxane-1,3,3-triol [MeSi(OH)(2)-O-Si(OH)Me(2)], dimethyldisiloxane-1,1,3,3-tetrol [MeSi(OH)(2)-O-Si(OH)(2)Me], and dimethyldisiloxane-1,1,1,3,3-pentol [Si(OH)(3)-O-Si(OH)(2)Me].

no parent D4 present in urine
no data 8698000003286980000072

556-67-2 D4 evaluation of D4 as inhibitor of human cytochrome P450 enzymes in vitro human liver microsomes from 7 individuals 0.32 - 2.9 µM no data non competitive inhibitor of rat CYP2B1/2 (estimated Ki=0.11 mM)

non competitive inhibitor of human CYP2B6 (estimated Ki=3.6 mM)

competitive inhibitor of human CYP1A2 (estimated Ki=12 mM)

non competitive inhibitor of human CYP2D6 and CYP3A4/5 (estimated Ki=14 and 11 mM)

either competitive or non competitive inhibitor of CYP2C19 (estimated Ki=6.4 or 11 mM)

little or no capacity to inhibit rat CYP1A2 and human CYP2A6, CYP2C9 and CYP4A9/11 activity

activator of human CYP2E1

little or no capacity to to function as metabolism-dependent inhibitor of any of the P450 enzymes examined (except rat CYP1A1/2 and human CYP3A4/5
not relevant 86990000017

556-67-2 D4 in vitro dermal absorption, Flow-Through Diffusion Cell System in vitro percutaneous human skin neat D4 and formulated D4 (antiperspirant) 24 hours 0.50% of neat D4 absorbed (91.6% recovered from analysed sample)

0.49% of formulated D4 (103.2% recovered from analysed sample)
not relevant 86980000163

556-67-2 D4 absorption potential oral gavage rat (Female,Male), Fisher 344 300 mg/kg 14C-D4 single exposure carrier has an impact on absorption

peak levels of radioactivity delayed relative to parent D4

by 24 hr most of the radioactivity in blood could be attributed to metabolites

most of D4 absorbed from corn oil and neat D4 was metabolised and excreted via urine
not relevant 86980000184

556-67-2 D4 physiologically based pharmacokinetic modelling (PBPK) inhalation human 10 ppm 14C-D4 one hour during altering periods of rest and exercise hepatic extraction calculated from model parameters was 0.65 to 0.8 (clearance nearly flow-limited)

decreased retension of inhaled D4 during periods of exercise was explained by altered ventilation/perfusion characteristics and a rapid approach to steady-state conditions

high lipophilicity coupled with high hepatic and exhalation clearance

increased confidence in the utility of the model for predicting human tissue concentrations of D4 and metabolites during inhalation exposures
not relevant Ready MB et al,

556-67-2 D4 physiologically based pharmacokinetic modelling (PBPK) inhalation, dermal, oral, i.v. rat no data no data pharmacokinetics of D4 delivered by inhalation or dermal routes is similar, and is different from the i.v. or oral delivery route not relevant Sarangapani R et al

556-67-2 D4 pharmacokinetics inhalation via mouthpiece human, 12 volunteers 10 ppm one hour no changes in lung function

rapid non-linear blood clearance

mass transfer coefficient for D4 was 5.7×10-5 cm/s from lung air to blood
no data Utel MJ et al

556-67-2 D4 pharmacokinetics, PBPK modelling inhalation rat (Female,Male), Fisher 344 7, 70 and 700 ppm single exposure Despite its very high lipophilicity, D4 does not show prolonged retention because of high hepatic and exhalation clearance. no data Andersen ME et al

556-67-2 D4 pharmacokinetics, pilot study inhalation, nose only rat (Female),Fisher 344 700 ppm, 14C-D4 6 hours radioactivity concentration highest in the lung tissue

max. conc. of radioactivity in blood, plasma or tissues observed at end of exposure period

rate of elimination of radioactivity from tissues the same as for plasma except for perirenal fat and lung

elimination routes: expired volatiles, renal or faecal excretion
no data 86960000517

556-67-2 D4 percutaneous absorption, human skin / nude mouse model percutaneous human skin neat and formulated D4 24 hours absorption of neat D4 was determined to be 1.09% not relevant 86010000003

556-67-2 D4 percutaneous absorption, 14C-D4, semi occlusive percutaneous rat (Female), Fisher-344 topical application at 10, 4.8, and 2 mg/cm² 1, 6 and 24 hours average percentage of applied dose being absorbed was between 0.57 and 0.95% for all doses and all time points

significant decrease in per cent absorbed over time

washing exposed skin after 24 hrs decreased exposure
not relevant 86010000009

556-67-2 D4 immunotoxicity oral gavage rat (Female,Male), Fisher, 10 (Female,Male) / group 10, 30, 100, and 300 mg/kg 28 days no alterations in NK cell activity, macrophage function, lymphocyte subpopulation

no alterations in humoral activity (Male)

dose-dependent increase in AFC-response (Female)

slight but dose-dependent increase in erythroid elements (Female,Male)

dose-dependent increase in liver weight and dose-dependent decrease in thymus weight (mostly Female)

systemic adsorption dependent on vehicle

D4 at doses between 10 and 300 mg/kg does not cause immune suppression (Female,Male)
no data 86980000072

556-67-2 D4 non-regulated study; immunotoxicity oral human 12 mg two weeks no effects on studied immunological parameters or blood chemistry no data 86990000015

556-67-2 D4 immunotoxicity inhalation via mouthpiece human 10 ppm one hour, reexposure after 3 months no immunotoxic or proinflammatory effects of respiratory exposure were observed no data Looney RJ et al

556-67-2 D4 dose-response study inhalation, whole body rat (Female), Fisher 344 1, 7, 30, 70, 150, 300, 500, 700 and 900 ppm 6 hours/day; 5 days dose-dependent increase in liver size and induction of PROD activity achieving a max response between 300 and 900 ppm

hepatic conc. of D4 may reach levels saturating CYP2B1/2 activity

induction of CYP2B1/2 enzymes is an early and sensitive biochemical response to D4 exposure in rat

max can be achieved following 5 days repeated inhalation of approx. 500 ppm D4

D4 is a Phenobarbital-like inducer of rat hepatic cytochrome P450 enzymes
no data 86990000029

556-67-2 D4 subacute toxicity, pilot study on effects on liver size and hepatic enzyme induction inhalation, whole body rat (Female,Male), Fisher 70 and 700 ppm 28 days, 6 hours/day; 5 days/week dose and time dependent liver enlargement in Female rats, maximum by day 7

induction of several metabolizing enzymes, primarily CYP2B1

D4 induces hepatic cytochrome P450 enzymes

biochemical response similar to phenobarbital
no data 86970000723

556-67-2 D4 subacute toxicity, effects on liver size and hepatic enzyme induction inhalation, whole body rat (Female,Male), Fisher 344 70 and 700 ppm 28 days, 6 hours/day; 5 days/week rapid but revesible increase in liver size

induction of several metabolizing enzymes, primarily CYP2B1

D4 induces hepatic cytochrome P450 enzymes

biochemical response similar to phenobarbital
no data 86970000725

556-67-2 D4 subacute toxicity; induction of rat hepatic microsomal cytochrome P450, UDP-glucoronosyltransferase, and epoxid hydrolase inhalation, whole body rat (Female,Male), Fisher 344 70 and 700 ppm 28 days, 6 hours/day; 5 days/week D4 induces CYP enzymes and epoxide hydrolase in a manner similar to Phenobarbital - i.e. D4 is a PB-like inducer of hepatic microsomal enzymes in the Fisher 344 rat. no data McKim JM et al

556-67-2 D4 subchronic toxicity inhalation albino rat (Female,Male), Fisher 344, 4 groups, 10 Female/10 Male / group =1000 ppm,

repeated dose (2.78, 5.13, 8.62 and 14.21 mg/l)
20 days (Male), 21 days (Female), 6 hours/day; 5 days/week reduced food consumption

reduced body weight and body weight gain

thymic atrophy

vaginal mucification

reduction in corpora lutea score
no data 86950000155

556-67-2 D4 subchronic toxicity, range finding study for chronic study inhalation, nose only albino rat (Female,Male), Fisher 344, 4 groups, Gr.2, 3, 4: 20 Female/20 Male / group; Gr.5: 30 Female/30 Male / group =990 ppm, repeated dose (0.42, 1.48, 5.91 and 10.87 mg/l) 3 months, 6 hours/day; 5 days/week slight reduction in body weight and food intake at 990 ppm.

slight dose related increase in abs. and rel. liver weight (Female most sensitive)

slight reduction in thymus and ovarian weight in Female at the highest 2 doses

ovarian atrophy and vaginal mucification in Female at 990 ppm
no data 86950000153

556-67-2 D4 subchronic toxicity and splenic antibody cell response inhalation, whole body rat (Female,Male), Fisher 7, 20, 60, 180 and 540 ppm 28 days, 6 hours/day; 5 days/week statictically significant increase in liver weight and liver to body weight (Male at 540 ppm; Female at 20-540 ppm)

no alterations in immune system AFC response
no data 86980000040

556-67-2 D4 genetic toxicity, Ames test in vitro salmonella typhimurium strains TA98, TA100, TA1535, TA1537, and TA1538 maximum dose = 5 mg/plate with or without S9 no data no mutagenicity was detected in salmonella thyphimurium (negative) no data Vergnes JS et al

556-67-2 D4 genetic toxicity, SCE assay in vitro chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO) =0.003 mg/ml with and without S9 no data no significant dose-related increases in chromosomal aberration frequencies (negative) no data Vergnes JS et al

556-67-2 D4 genetic toxicity, chromosome abberations inhalation, whole body rat (Female,Male), Sprague-Dawley 700 ppm 5 days, 6 hours/day No significant, treatment-related increases in chromosomal aberrations were detected (negative) no data Vergnes JS et al

556-67-2 D4 single generation study (range-finding study for 2 gen. study) inhalation rat (Female,Male), Sprague-Dawley; 2 groups, 20 F0 Female/20 F0 Male / group 70 and 700 ppm 28 days, 6 hours/day treatment related reduction in mean body weight (Female,Male) shortly after exposure initiation and late in gestation (Female)

statistically significant reduction in mean live litter size at 700 ppm accompanied by a decreased number of uterine implantations
no data 86960000398

556-67-2 D4 reproductive toxicity, range-finding (test reproducibility of EPA, 3) inhalation, whole body rat (Female,Male), Sprague-Dawley; 2 groups, 22 F0 Female/22 F0 Male / group 700 ppm =28 days, 6 hours/day treatment related reduction in mean body weight (Female,Male) shortly after exposure initiation and late in gestation (Female)

statistically significant reduction in mean live litter size at 700 ppm accompanied by a decreased number of corpora lutea and uterine implantations
no data 86970000023

556-67-2 D4 reproductive toxicity, range-finding inhalation, whole body rat (Female), Sprague Dawley, 22 Female / group 70, 300, 500, and 700 ppm 6 hours/day for 70 at least days prior to mating maternal toxicity in F0 females at 300, 500 and 700 ppm

statistically significant reduction in mean live litter size and implantation site at 700 ppm
no data 86970000847

556-67-2 D4 reproductive toxicity, range-finding study inhalation, whole body vapour rat (Male), Sprague-Dawley. 22 / group 70, 300, 500, and 700 ppm 6 hours daily for 70 days prior to mating increased liver and thyroid weights at 700 ppm

slight statistically insignificant reductions in pup survival (% per litter) at 700 ppm on PND 0 and during PND 0-4 interval

decrease in mean pup body weights on PND 1 and PND 4 at 700 ppm relative to control
no data 86980000049

556-67-2 D4 reproductive toxicity, range-finding study inhalation, whole body vapour rat (Male), Sprague-Dawley. 40 / group 500 and 700 ppm 6 hours daily for 70 days prior to mating toxicity demonstrated in F0 males at 700 ppm by clinical signs and reduces mean body weight gain and food consumption during the first week

no adverse effects on F1 pups at 500 and 700 ppm
500 ppm (F0 toxicity)

700 ppm (F1)

556-67-2 D4 reproductive toxicity inhalation, whole body vapour rat (Female), Sprague-Dawley, 4 groups, 24 / group 70, 300, 500, and 700 ppm multiple exposure regimens during different phases of the reproduction cycle effects on intrauterine survival following exposure from 3 days prior to mating until gestation day 3 were similar to effects following exposure from 28 days prior to mating until gestation day 19

no effects on intrauterine survival when exposure was terminated 3 days prior to mating indicating reversibility of these effects
not relevant 86980000153

556-67-2 D4 reproductive toxicity inhalation, whole body rat (Female) 700 ppm 6 hr/day, multiple or single day exposure pre-mating phase: reduced pregnancy rate, effects on mean body weight gain, reduced food consumption and/or reduced no. of mean corpora lutea and implantation sites, increased no. of small implantation sites and reduced mean uterine weight for different treatment regimes

post-mating phase: toxicity only expressed in a single group by reduced mean body weight gain and food consumption
no data 86990000058

556-67-2 D4 interim risk assessment of D4 reproductive effects - combination of reproductive toxicity studies with estimates of D4 intake in humans inhalation, whole body rat (Female or Male), Sprague-Dawley, 24 / group 70, 300, 500, or 700 ppm 6 hours/day, 7 days/week; 70 days prior to mating and continuing through PND 20 estimated ADI's for a hypothetical woman using several products and working in a silicone product manufacturing were 0.158 or 0.145 mg/kg/day for dermal and inhalation exposure

ADI's for persons exposed to D4 in food were highest for children one year of age or younger: approx. 0.002 mg/kg/day

Margins of Safety or Exposure (MOE) > 100

Vast majority of MOE's > 10,000 for workers, consumers, and the general public exposed to background levels of D4

MOE's considered acceptable to support the safety of D4 for use in its intended applications
NOAEL (reproductive effects): 300 ppm 86990000029

556-67-2 D4 uterotrophic assay; estrogenic and antiestrogenic activity oral immature rat (Female), Fisher and Sprague-Dawley, 6 groups, 12 Female/group, 12 control groups (estrogenic effect: EE, DES-DP and CE; antiestrogenic effect: D4 +EE)) D4: 250, 500 and 1000 mg/kg/day;

>EE: 1, 3, 10 and 30 µg/kg/day; DES-DP: 0.5, 1.5, 5, and 15 µg/kg/day; CE: 10, 35, 75 and 175 mg/kg/day; D4+EE: 500 mg/kg/day (D4)+1, 3, 10 and 30 µg/kg/day (EE)
4 consecutive days beginning on PND 18 (SP) or 21 (F-344), single dose once per day weakly estrogenic (dose-related increase in uterine weight and epithelial cell height) in both SP and F-344 rats

weak antiestrogenic properties by partially blocking EE induced uterine weight increases (competitive inhibition of estrogen receptor binding or D4 acting as a partial estrogen agonist)

estrogenic and antiestrogenic effects of D4 were several orders of magnitude less potent than EE, and many times less potent than the weak phytoestrogen CE
NOAEL (increased uterine weight: 100 mg/kg/day) 84000000002

556-67-2 D4 estrogenicity in vitro human MCF-7 cell system exp. 1 and 2: 10µM D4 or 0.3 nM estradiol

exp. 3: 0.1 - 10 µM D4 or 0.3 nM estradiol
exp. 1 and 2:24 or 48 hours D4 appears to have estrogenic potential at 0.1 - 10 µM seen as early as 15 min post exposure reaching maximal induction at 6-24 hours

results suggest that D4 can elicit an estrogenic effect that is dose-dependent with no significant anti-estrogenic activity
no data 86010000004

541-02-6 D5 pharmacokinetics: metabolites of 14C-D5 and 14C-HMDS in urine oral and intravenous rat (Female,Male), Fisher 344 no data no data major metabolites: Me(2)Si(OH)(2), HOMe(2)SiCH(2)OH, HOCH(2)Me(2)SiOSiMe(2)CH(2)OH, HOMe(2)SiOSiMe(2)CH(2)-OH, HOCH(2)Me(2)SiOSiMe(3), and Me(3)SiOH

no parent D5 was present in urine
not relevant Drug metabolism and disposition, 2003

(evt. ud)
D5 evaluation of D5 as a potential inhibitor of human cytochrome P450 enzymes in vitro human liver microsomes from 7 individuals 0.04 - 3.5 µM incubation 0 - 15 min D5 appears to be a weak competitive inhibitor of human CYP3A4/5

D5 appears to be a strong reversible metabolism-dependent inhibitor of human CYP3A4/5

D5 has little or no capacity to function as a metabolism-dependent inhibitor of several subfamilies of rat and human cytochrome P450 enzymes.
no data 86010000008

541-02-6 D5 dermatotoxicology in vitro percutaneous absorption, 14C-D5, rat skin, non occlusion 6.4 mg/cm² 14C-D5 24 hours percentage of radioactivity found in the skin was 1.08% (Male) and 1.46% (Female) respectively

similar penetration profile for Female and Male
not relevant 86960000593

541-02-6 D5 dermatotoxicology in vitro percutaneous absorption, 14C-D5, rat skin, non occlusion no data 24 hours approx. 85% volatilized from skin surface

dose site contained 0.35% of administered dose

less than 1% of 14C recovered in urine and carcass

total absorbed was 0.8% with a total recovery of approx. 89%
not relevant 86970000009

541-02-6 D5 subacute toxicity inhalation, whole body rat (Female,Male), Fisher 344, 4 groups, 15 Female / 15 Male / group 10, 25, 75 and 160 ppm 28 days, 6 hours/day; 7 days/week no adverse effects on body weight, food consumption or urinalysis

no alteration of humoral immunity

minor transient changes in haematological serum chemistry and organ weight

increase in liver to body weight (Female,Male) at 160 ppm, but not after recovery

increase in thymus to body weight (Male) at 160 ppm, but not after recovery
NOEL (histopathological changes): 10 ppm; NOEL (systemic toxicity: 75 ppm, NOEL (immunosuppression): 160 ppm 86970000385

541-02-6 D5 subacute toxicity inhalation albino rat (Female,Male), Fisher 344, 4 groups, 10 Female / 10 Male) / group 0.44, 0.65, 1.50, and 2.27 mg/l 20 days (Male), 21 days (Female), 6 hours/day; 5 days/week no D5 related effects 250 ppm 86950000174

541-02-6 D5 subacute toxicity, liver enlargement inhalation, whole body rat (Female), Fisher 344 160 ppm 28 days, 6 hours/day; 7 days/week similar enzyme induction profile as D4 but lower magnitude (less effective)

induction of hepatic phase I and II metabolising enzymes (nearly identical to that following exposure to 70 and 700 ppm D4 and to Phenobarbital)

liver enlargement (liver to body weight change) only slightly less than after exposure to 700 ppm D4 and considerably greater than following exposure to 70 ppm D4

although enzyme induction and proliferation of the smooth ER may contribute to cellular hypertrophy other mechanisms are also involved
no data 86980000020

541-02-6 D5 subchronic toxicity inhalation, nose only rat (Female,Male), Fisher 344 0 (30 Female,Male) 26 (20 Female,Male), 46 (20 Female,Male), 86 (20 Female,Male) and 224 (30 Female,Male) ppm Recovery gr. : 0 (10 Female,Male) and 224 (10 Female,Male) ppm three months, 6 hrs/day, 5 days/week primary target organ following D5 inhalation is the lung

nose-only D5 vapour inhalation provides minimal changes in the lung similar in incidence and severity to spontaneously occurring changes in control animals

no histopathological finding in the liver
no data Burns LA et al

541-02-6 D5 subchronic

inhalation albino rat (Female,Male), Fisher 344, 4 groups, 20 Female / 20 Male) / group, 30 in the high dose group 0.44, 0.75, 1.33, and 3.53 mg/l 13 weeks, 6 hours/day; 5 days/week minor reduction in body weight gain

possible mild effect on the liver (elevated gamma-glutamyltransferase activitet)

slight increase in absolute and relative liver weight (Female) at 250 ppm

no histopathological findings
no data 86950000154

541-02-6 D5 reproductive toxicity, two-generation inhalation, whole body rat (Female,Male),Sprague-Dawley, 30 Female / 30 Male / group 30, 70 and 160 ppm 6 hours/day; at least 70 days prior to mating no parental toxicity observed in F0 and F1

no effects on reproductive performance (F0 and F1)

no neonatal toxicity (F1 and F2)

no F2 developmental neurotoxicity
NOAEL (parental tox., reproductive tox., neonata tox., and developmental neurotox.: 160 ppm 86990000032

541-02-6 D5 reproductive toxicity, single generation, range-finding study inhalation, whole body rat (Female,Male), Sprague-Dawley, 2 groups of F0, 22 Female / 22 Male / group 26 and 132 ppm min. 28 days, 6 hours/day total litter loss in 2 dams at 132 ppm (significance uncertain)

no effects on reproductive parameters

no significant toxicological findings
no data 86970000006

541-02-6 D5 chronic toxicity and carcinogenicity (not finalised) inhalation rat (Female,Male), Fisher 344, 60 Female / 60 Male / group 10, 40 and 160 ppm two years, 6 hrs/day, 5 days/week the preliminary results show that female rats exposed to the highest concentration of D5 exhibited a statistically significant increase of uterine tumours.

these preliminary findings may indicate that there is a potential carcinogenic hazard associated with D5
no data EPA, August 2003
107-46-0 HMDS metabolites of 14C-D5 and 14C-HMDS in urine oral and intravenous rat (Female,Male), Fisher 344 no data no data major metabolites: Me(2)Si(OH)(2), MeSi(OH)(3), MeSi(OH)(2)OSi(OH)(3), MeSi(OH)(2)OSi(OH)(2)Me, MeSi(OH)(2)OSi(OH)Me(2), Me(2)Si(OH)OSi(OH)Me(2), Me(2)Si(OH)OSiMe(2)OSi(OH)Me(2), nonamethylcyclopentasiloxanol, and hydroxymethylnonamethylcyclopentasiloxane

no parent HMDS was present in urine

metabolites of the linear siloxane are structurally different from that obtained for cyclic siloxane except for the commonly present Me(2)Si(OH)(2).
not relevant Drug metabolism and disposition, 2003
107-46-0 HMDS acute toxicity inhalation, whole body albino rat (Female,Male), Fisher 344,

3 groups, 5Male and 5Female / group
1,067; 14,050 and 16,659 ppm (mean values) 4 hours, obs. 14 days LC50 = 15,956 ppm 10,067 ppm 86970000724

107-46-0 HMDS subacute toxicity inhalation, nose only albino rat (Female,Male), Fisher 344,

5 groups, 10Male and 10Female / group
Gr.1: 0 mg/l, Gr.2: 0.9 ± 0.2 mg/l; Gr.3: 3.4 ± 0.4 mg/l; Gr 4.: 12.7 ± 0.8 mg/l and Gr.5: 59.2 ± 8.6 mg/l one month, 6 hrs/day, 5 days/week the incidence and severity of focal inflammatory lesions in the lungs was moderately increased in Gr. 5 animals (Female,Male)

increase in incidence and severity of renal tubule regeneration in male rats of Gr. 4 and 5.

hyaline droplet accumulation, protein casts and granular casts were present in kidneys in several gr. 5 males

minimal hepatocellular hypertrophy was evident in males of Gr. 4 and 5 and one female in Gr.5 and a slight increase in pigment accumulation in bile ducts in Gr.5 males
no data 86980000041

107-46-0 HMDS subchronic toxicity inhalation, whole body rat (Female,Male), Fisher 344,

6 groups, 20Male and 20Female / group
Gr.1: 0 mg/l, Gr.2: 0.33 mg/l; Gr.3: 1.3 mg/l; Gr 4.: 4.0 mg/l, Gr.5: 10.0 mg/l and Gr6: 33.3 mg/l 13 weeks, 6 hrs/day, 5 days/week test related effects in kidneys of males at 4.0, 10.0 and 33.3 mg/l (at 4.0 mg/l, increased incidence and severity of tubular regeneration; at 10 and 33.3 mg/l increased incidence and severity of tubular regeneration with tubular hyaline casts NOAEL= 1.3 mg/l (Male) and 33.0 mg/l (Female) 86980000182

107-46-0 HMDS subchronic toxicity inhalation, whole body rat (Female,Male), Fisher 344, 6 groups, 20 Female / 20 Male / group 50, 200, 600, 1500, and 5000 ppm (nominal) 13 weeks, 6 hours/day; 5 days/week no treatment-related signs of clinical toxicity or mortality, statistically significant effects upon body weight gain or food consumption, ophthalmoscopic changes, gross macroscopic necropsy findings, or organ weight changes were noted

histological lesions in the kidney apparently consistent with male rat-specific alpha-2-urinary globulin nephropathy were observed in male rats exposed to 593, 1,509, and 5,012 ppm of HMDS, accompanied by slightly increased plasma urea and creatinine concentrations
not stated Cassidy SL et al

107-46-0 HMDS subchronic toxicity inhalation, nose only albino rat (Female,Male), Fisher 344,

5 groups, 30Male and 30Female / group or 20Male and 20Female / group
Gr.1: 0 mg/l, Gr.2: 0.14 ± 0.02 mg/l; Gr.3: 0.73 ± 0.2 mg/l; Gr 4: 3.42 ± 0.49 mg/l and Gr.5: 13.64 ± 1.47 mg/l three months, 6 hrs/day, 5 days/week no treatment related deaths, clinical signs, effect on body weight, food consumption, or hematology or clinical biochemistry parameters

multifocal, subpleural, subacute to subchronic interstitial inflammation in lungs of all groups. After the recovery period an increase of these finding were still seen in Gr.5

slightly increased incidence and severity of testicular tubular atrophy in Gr.5 males

slightly increased incidence of proteinaceous casts and severity of tubular regeneration in the kidneys in Gr.5 males
no data 86980000048

107-46-0 HMDS reproductive toxicity, one generation inhalation rat (Female,Male), Crl:CD®(SD)IGS BR,

4 groups, 24Male and 24Female / group
Gr.1: 0 ppm, Gr.2: 100 ppm Gr.3: 1030 ppm and Gr 4: 5000 ppm 6 hrs/day, 28 consecutive days prior to mating all F0 animals survived

transient effect on body weight gain and food consumption at 5000 ppm

slight but not statistically significant effect on postnatal pup survival for the 500 ppm group
not stated 86010000010

107-46-0 HMDS uterotrophic assay; estrogenic and antiestrogenic activity oral immature rat (Female), Sprague-Dawley HMDS: 600 and 1200 mg/kg/day;

EE: 3 µg/kg/day; HMDS+EE: 1200 mg/kg/day + 3 µg/kg/day (EE)
4 consecutive days beginning on PND 18 (SP), single dose once per day no measurable effect on uterine weight when tested as an agonist

when co-administered together with EE HMDS produced a slight, but statistically significant reduction in absolute uterine weight
not stated 84000000002

540-05-9, 556-67-2, 541-02-6,

540-97-6, and 107-50-6, or LMWS
D3, D4, D5, D6, and D7 or LMWS kinetics, distribution subcutaneous mice (Female), CD-1 Gr.1: 250 mg LMW cyclosiloxane mixture;

Gr.2: DMPS-V
single exposure low molecular weight silicones persist in the organs of mice for at least one year after a single s.c. injection

every organ examined (10 different) accumulated silicones

individual cyclosiloxanes show different retention in tissues

D5 and D6 appear to persist longer than D4

high levels of cyclosiloxanes in ovaries and moderately high in uterus
not relevant Subbarao VK et al

D4, D5, D6 exposure assessment, interim, establishment of average daily dose (ADD) inhalation, dermal, oral human, workers, consumers, general public three year analysis of potential exposure Various exposures women are typically exposed to a greater diversity of personal care products

individuals who are exposed from several sources seem to get the highest exposure

female siloxane workers who use siloxane products high in D4 content and resides in the vicinity of a plant using these materials could experience a total base case ADD

exposure for most other persons is smaller

ADD: 0.71 (D4), 0.23 (D5), and 0.09 (D6) mg/kg/day

occ. exposure, female workers: 0.5252 mg/kg/day

consumers: 0.4784 mg/kg/day

general public: 0.0217 mg/kg/day (residents in vicinity of a silicone plant)
not relevent 1998

Mucification: A change produced in the vaginal mucosa of spayed experimental animals following stimulation with oestrogen; characterised by the formation of tall columnar cells secreting mucus.

PND = postnatal day
NK cells = natural killer cells
AFC = Antibody Forming Cells
KI = K(i) = Inhibition constant
PROD = pentoxyresorufin O-dealkylase
EE = ethinylestradiol
ER = endoplasmatic reticulum
PB= Phenobarbital
3-MC = 3-methylchlolanthrene
PBPK model = physiologically-based pharmacokinetic model
LMW = Low Molecular Weight
LMWS = Low Molecular Weight Siloxanes
DMPS-V = Low molecular weight linear siloxane mixture


Version 1.0 September 2005, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency