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Mapping and development of alternatives to chlorinated lubricants in the metal industry (KLORPARAFRI)
This report is a result of the project “Mapping and development of alternatives to chlorinated lubricants in the metal industry (KLORPARAFRI)”. The project is initiated by the Danish Environmental
Protection Agency under the Programme for Cleaner Products. The overall objective of the project is to promote substitution of chlorinated paraffins in lubricants for metal processing.
The report contains a summary of the overall activities and conclusions of the project. Following the summary, Chapter 1 describes the background as well as the objective and course of the project.
Chapter 2 gives an introduction to the metal forming processes in focus in this project and to lubricant formulations and present status of lubricant technology. Chapter 3 describes the technical demands and
specifications for lubricants established in the project in order to identify potentially suitable lubricants for the metal processes in focus and for technical testing in the project. Chapter 3 also describes health
and environmental demands and specifications for proposed alternative lubricants established in the project in order to define the scope for health and environmental assessment of lubricants and to avoid
technical testing of those with known unwanted health and environmental properties. Chapter 4 describes the strategy of the data search, while chapter 5 provides and discusses the results of the mapping of
non-chlorinated lubricants. Chapter 6 describes the methods and results of the technical testing of selected lubricants. Chapter 7 describes the health and environmental assessments of selected substance
groups that are typically found in non-chlorinated lubricants for heavy-duty metal working. Chapter 8 gives the results of a health and environmental screening of proposed non-chlorinated lubricants, while
chapter 9 contains exposure assessments and risk characterisation at a screening level of two critical substance groups commonly occurring in non-chlorinated lubricants for heavy-duty metal working.
The working group of the project comprises the following members:
Christine Skak, CETOX – Danish Toxicology Centre
Morten Nilsson, Chemicals Institute, Technical University of Denmark
Jens Otto Rasmussen, CETOX – DHI, Water and Environment
Michael M. Pedersen, Danfoss A/S
Thomas Mathiesen, Esti Chem A/S
The project has been supervised by a steering committee. The members of the steering committee are as follows:
Kim Petersen, Danish Environmental Protection Agency
Frank Jensen, Danish Environmental Protection Agency
Michael M. Pedersen, Danfoss A/S
Kurt Løvlund Petersen, Esti Chem A/S
Jørgen Moltzen, Danish Metal Workers Union
Jens Otto Rasmussen, CETOX – DHI, Water and Environment
Lisbeth Valentin Hansen, Danish Toxicology Centre
Christine Skak, CETOX – Danish Toxicology Centre
Hørsholm, October 2004
Christine Skak, Danish Toxicology Centre
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Version 1.0 October 2005, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency