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Mapping and development of alternatives to chlorinated lubricants in the metal industry (KLORPARAFRI)
4 Strategy of data search
4.1 Introduction to chapter 4
Chapter 4 describes the strategy of data search for retrieval of relevant and sufficient information from suppliers of non-chlorinated lubricants and subsequently to retrieve further health and environmental
data on components in non-chlorinated lubricants. This in order to be able to make an identification of technically suitable lubricants, to perform a health and environmental screening of proposed
non-chlorinated lubricants and to perform health and environmental assessments of lubricant components.
4.2 The strategy of data search
4.2.1 Retrieval of information on proposed lubricant alternatives
Initially, technical and compositional information on non-chlorinated lubricant alternatives was obtained from the suppliers of the proposed lubricants.
If possible, the following documentation was requested from the lubricant suppliers:
- Physical/chemical data for the lubricant such as flash point, boiling point, kinematic viscosity, vapour pressure, pH value and miscibility.
- Documentation on technical performance of the lubricant
- Technical information on type of lubricant, application, degreasing and disposal, compatibility with metals and surface coatings, stability
- Full composition of the lubricant down to 0.1% (weight), including specification of internationally recognized chemical substance names, CAS-numbers and weight percentage for raw materials in the product
- Classification of raw materials in the product according to the EU regulations on classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous substances (Council Directive 67/548/EEC with later amendments and
- Updated material safety data sheets for raw materials in the lubricant
- Any toxicological or eco-toxicological test data on the lubricant or its raw materials
4.2.2 Retrieval of further health and environmental data
The health and environmental screening of proposed lubricants is based on information from suppliers of the lubricants, a search in Annex 1 of Directive 67/548/EEC on classification and labelling of
dangerous substances in addition to a data search in well-recognized toxicological and ecotoxicological handbooks and databases.
The health and environmental assessment of components typically occurring in non-chlorinated lubricants for heavy-duty metal working is based on information retrieved from suppliers of proposed
alternative lubricants, on data in well-recognized handbooks, reviews and databases of toxicological and eco-toxicological relevance, on internet searches for the specified CAS Nos. and substance names,
on internet searches for home pages of raw material suppliers in addition to personal communication with industry experts.
The strategy of data search is listed below:
- Annex 1 to directive 67/548/EEC on classification and labelling of dangerous substances
- Toxicological and ecotoxicological encyclopaedias and hand books
- Toxicological and ecotoxicological databases (RTECS, HSDB, IRIS, IUCLID, ECOTOX, Toxline, NTP Web Site, Chemfinder etc.)
- Internet searches for CAS-Nos. and substance names
- Internet searches for home pages of lubricant raw material suppliers
- Material safety data sheets and technical data sheets from raw material lubricant suppliers
- Personal contact to industry experts
The health and environmental assessments of proposed lubricants and lubricant components is performed at a screening level. The data quality is not considered in details and rated though data is retrieved
from common acknowledged sources. The methods and results of the health and environmental assessment of typical lubricant components in non-chlorinated lubricants are described and discussed in
chapter 7.
The health and environmental screening of proposed alternative lubricants is based on information from the lubricant suppliers. The methods and results of the health and environmental screening of proposed
lubricants are described and discussed in chapter 8.
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Version 1.0 October 2005, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency