Description of selected projects or programmes to advance and/or finance transfer of technologies to developing countries. New examples of projects are labelled ”NEW”, all other examples are updates from the previous national communication.
Programme or project title: Development of building regulations concerning energy consumption in botswana. ”New” |
Objective: The project is to contribute to creating a qualified basis for adjusting the part of the Botswana building regulations that concern the energy consumption of buildings. |
Cooperation country |
Sector |
Total funding |
Year(s) in operation |
Botswana |
Energy |
DKK 13.7 million |
3 |
Description: The project is to assist the parties responsible for the part of the Botswana building regulations concerning the
energy consumption of buildings in creating a qualified basis for adjusting the regulations. The most recent developments in
building design and technology as well as the climatic differences across the country are considered. These are all conditions
that have previously been neglected. The revised building regulation concerning energy consumption will be designed so as
to be incorporated into a future full set of regulations that is to include all technical conditions concerning the building sector.
The results of analyses and studies of energy-efficient building designs will be made available for all relevant parties in the
construction area, thereby increasing the focus on the possibilities for saving energy in buildings. Furthermore, the intention is
to develop material for tenders that include revised building regulations concerning energy consumption. |
Technology transferred: Danish experience with administration and regulation of the construction area as well as the funds to
monitor compliance with the building regulations will be transferred to Botswana. |
Effect on greenhouse gas emissions: CO2 emissions will be reduced by minimising energy consumption in buildings where
fossil fuels are the main energy source. |
Programme or project title: Zafarana wind turbine farm in Egypt |
Objective: Contribute to the economic development by means of environmentally sound energy production based on wind
power. |
Cooperation country |
Sector |
Total funding |
Year(s) in operation |
Egypt |
Energy |
Contribution DKK 53 million Credit scheme DKK 175 million |
6 |
Description: The project is the first commercial wind farm in Egypt. It followed up on preliminary Danish assistance projects
that included a wind atlas, planning of wind turbine centres and the construction of a demonstration wind farm. The wind
farm, which has a total capacity of 60 MW, is divided into two phases. Phase 1, 30 MW, was built in 1999- 001 and was officially
handed over to the Egyptian government after it was launched in March 001. Phase , which was launched at the end of 00
and was handed over in 004.
The objective of the project is to contribute to Egypt’s national development by supplying clean, cost-efficient energy as
well as demonstrating that there are sustainable production potentials for large wind farms. Furthermore, the project aims
at building up the required capacity and knowhow at the New and Renewable Energy Authority, which is responsible for
promoting renewable energy sources in Egypt. The project is co-financed by grants. Under the mixed credit, the design and
implementation of a 30MW wind farm is funded, including delivery and installation of wind turbines, foundations and control
and monitoring systems. The project is in phase of a total Danish windfarm of 60 MW, of which the first phase has already
been financed by grants. |
Technology transferred: Danish windpower technology. |
Effects in greenhouse gas emissions: Substitution of fossil fuels with wind power. |
Programme/project title: Demand Side Management, Malaysia’s Energy Commission. ”New” |
Objective: To strengthen capacity in Malaysia’s Energy Commission to actively manage and coordinate Malaysian objectives
for efficient utilisation of energy as well as to prepare plans for energy efficiency and energy standards, including relevant
guidelines. |
Cooperation Country |
Sector |
Total funding |
Year(s) in operation |
Malaysia |
Energy |
DKK 1.9 million |
3 |
Description: The project will develop and implement energy efficiency programmes in the consumption stage. Efforts have
included development of an energy efficiency policy in Malaysia. The project will include all relevant activities concerning
efficient utilisation of energy in Malaysia.
Working groups including representation from the government, the private sector as well as the energy sector have been set
up under the project with a view to developing strategies to save energy within industry and building construction. The project
has contributed to developing a total plan for energy efficiency in Malaysia. The project has prepared demonstration projects
for selected areas, including use of energy efficient engines in industry and energy labelling of refrigerators.
The project has sparked great interest in industry and with the public authorities, who see the project as an opportunity to see
energy efficiency demonstrated in even more new areas. The project’s activities will be coordinated with other energy initiatives
already in operation under the steering committee for the forthcoming energy component. |
Effects on greenhouse gas emissions: Energy consumption is made more efficient through e.g. energy labelling schemes in
selected sectors. |
Programme/project title: Renewable energy and making energy more efficient in Malaysia. ”New” |
Objective: To strengthen renewable energy and efficient utilisation of energy in the overall plans, policies and programmes
through capacity development in the energy authorities and relevant ministries. Efforts focus on three areas:
1. Integrated energy resource planning
.Completion of the Ministry of Energy, Water and Communications’ low-energy office
3.Implementation of the national CDM action plan |
Cooperation country |
Sector |
Total funding |
Year(s) in operation |
Malaysia |
Energy |
DKK 31.8 million |
1 |
Description In continuation of a previous project on integrated resource planning in the energy area, a number of selected
sector studies will be implemented and energy scenarios to be used in developing Malaysia’s own efforts in the coming
economic five-year plan (9th Malaysia Plan) will be prepared. Studies and scenarios will be developed as an integral part of
capacity building in the national energy institutions.
In connection with the construction of the Energy Ministry’s new administrative offices, a number of measures to save energy
in office buildings have been introduced. Future efforts will focus on the efficiency of the technologies implemented as well as
documentation of the energy savings. Moreover work will be done to develop new energy standards for new buildings.
As part of the capacity building in Malaysia with a view to the country’s participation in implementation of the Kyoto Protocol,
capacity has been built in the Malaysia Energy Center to assess CDM projects for further approval in the national CDM
committee. Future efforts will continue to focus on capacity building and implementation of sector studies to assess the
potential for greenhouse gas reductions as well as information to be used to develop future CDM projects in selected sectors,
e.g. the palm oil industry. Efforts will also support further development and implementation of the national CDM action plan. |
Effect on greenhouse gas emissions: Capacity building to further develop and implement climate-friendly national energy
planning and policies in Malaysia. |
Programme or project title: Sector programme assistance for the energy sector in Mozambique, 2002-2006. ”New” |
Objective: To contribute to economic growth in Mozambique through promoting better utilisation of the energy sector’s
considerable resources. |
Cooperation country |
Sector |
Total funding |
Year(s) in operation |
Mozambique |
Energy |
DKK 465.0 million |
5 |
Description: three key areas for Danish assistance to the energy sector have been identified: i) Assistance for developing the
sector’s central institutions (The Directorate of Energy and The Directorate of Economy under the The Ministry of Energy
and The National Energy Fund), ii) Assistance to the national power supply company (EdM), and iii) Assistance to advance
development and spread of sustainable decentral energy systems. Environmental considerations have been systematically
implemented during the planning of activities, with a view to a more appropriate use of natural resources.
Indicate success factors: efficient and appropriate utilisation of the country’s energy resources |
Technology transferred: Transferral of know-how as support for the development of the energy sector, efficient energy planning
and thereby sustainable energy supply and institutional capacity building. Transferral of know-how when expanding the national
transmission and distribution net as well as making it more efficient. |
Effect on greenhouse gas emissions: With the expansion of the national electricity distribution net, access to hydro-powered
electricity will be improved and old diesel-power stations can be closed down. Furthermore, Danish support to the energy
sector includes a systematic review of all power stations and larger substations with a view to identifying environmental issues
and promoting energy efficiency. |
Programme or project title: Development of building regulations concerning energy consumption in Thailand. |
Objective: The project was to create a qualified basis for adjusting the part of the Thai building regulations that concerns
energy consumption in buildings. |
Cooperation country |
Sector |
Total funding |
Year(s) in operation |
Thailand |
Energy |
DKK 11.8 million |
3 |
Description: The objective of the project was to contribute to creating a qualified foundation for adjusting parts of the Thai
building regulations with a view to optimising energy consumption in buildings. The most recent developments in building
design and technology as well as climatic differences across the country were considered. These conditions had previously
been neglected. The revised sections of the national building regulations were designed in such a way that they could be
incorporated into future comprehensive building regulations, including all the technical aspects of new building projects. The
results of the studies of energy efficient building design were made available to all relevant parties in the building sector so as
to increase awareness of the possibilities for saving energy in buildings. |
Technology transferred: Danish experience with administration and regulation in the building sector and means of checking
compliance with the building regulations have been transferred the Thai authorities. |
Effect on greenhouse gas emissions: By reducing energy consumption in buildings, which to a high degree is based on fossil
fuels, the CO2 emission will be reduced. |
Programme or project title: Provincial Programme for sustainable energy in Thailand. |
Objective: To identify, plan and implement sustainable energy solutions at province and village level, including strengthen
NGOs, educational institutions and authorities in their use of sustainable energy. |
Cooperation country |
Sector |
Total funding |
Year(s) in operation |
Thailand |
Energy |
DKK 8.7 million |
5 |
Description: Geographically, the target area is the Isaan region in northeast Thailand. Project activities have includes collection
of data, preparation of RE plans at village level, implementation of RE projects, training in RE technology, information on
renewable energy, seminars on renewable energy and establishment of three renewable energy and environment centres.
Renewable energy technology was promoted through support for specific projects that were to demonstrate alternatives to
centralised fossil-based energy production.
So at to ensure transition to the project Regional Energy Planning that is being implemented by the Thai Ministry of Energy,
the project has been extended until April 005. |
Effects in greenhouse gas emissions: By promoting alternatives to fossil-fuel-based energy production, greenhouse gas
emissions will be reduced. |
Programme or project title: Promotion of renewable energy technologies. ”New” |
Objective: The objective of the project is to promote renewable energy on the national energy market in Thailand. |
Cooperation country |
Sector |
Total funding |
Year(s) in operation |
Thailand |
Energy |
DKK 9.7 million |
4 |
Description: The project is to develop action plans for the more extended use of renewable energy, which are to be approved
and implemented by the Thai partners with Danish assistance. Furthermore the project is to contribute to establishing effective
public-private sector partnerships that are to bring relevant energy technologies on to the market and further implementation
of these initiatives. Furthermore the project is to improve the data basis and information sources as regards renewable energy
and the potential market for renewable energy technologies.
The project supports another project concerning regional energy planning that is in the start-up phase. The two projects will
focus on increasing the institutional capacity at all levels in the Thai energy administration. |
Effect on greenhouse gas emissions: By promoting alternatives to fossil-based energy production greenhouse gas emissions
will be reduced. |