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Survey and release of chemical substances in "slimy" toys
The project Survey and release of chemical substances in ”slimy” toys is a part of the Danish Environmental Protection Agency's (E P A) joint efforts in connection with survey of chemical substances in
consumer products. The project is divided into four phases.
Phase 1: Survey of the market for “slimy” toys, incl. a survey of which types are found on the market. Survey based on literature, data sheets and trade contacts showing which chemical substances are used
in such products. Phase 1 has been carried out by Danish Technological Institute, Centre for Plastics Technology, by M.Sc. Nanna Svendsen in the period March - May 2004.
Phase 2: Qualitative analysis. For selected slimy toys the following has been carried out:
- screening analysis by FTIR showing which materials the toys have been manufactured from and possible content of phthalates
- qualitative screening analysis for elements by ICP and quantitative analysis for content of boric acid
- qualitative analysis showing which substances are being released to the air by headspace analysis combined with GC-MS
- qualitative analysis showing which substances are being released to artificial saliva and sweat by GC-MS
- quantitative determination of content of phthalates
Phase 2 has been carried out by Danish Technological Institute, Centre for Plastics Technology by B.Sc. (Chem.Eng.) Søren F. Pedersen and Centre for Chemical and Water Technology by Process
Technologist Eva Pedersen and Cand. Scient. Nils Bernth in the period May - June 2004.
Phase 3: Screening for harmful effects from the migrated/released substances and - together with the Environmental Protection Agency - selecting which substances are quantitatively to be analysed for, when
the release is measured.
Phase 3 has been carried out by Danish Technological Institute, Centre for Chemical and Water Technology by Ole Chr. Hansen in the period June - July 2004.
Phase 4: Quantitative analysis of selected substances release to artificial saliva and sweat by GC-MS and ICP. Quantitative analysis of selected constituents in certain products. Quantitative determination of
selected constituents through calculation based on qualitative screening by headspace. Preparation of exposure scenarios at the released substances.
Phase 4 has been carried out by Danish Technological Institute, Centre for Chemical and Water Technology by Process Technologist Eva Pedersen and Cand. Scient. Nils Bernth and Cand. Scient Ole Chr.
Hansen in the period September - October 2004.
Written report prepared by:
Nanna Svendsen, survey and final report
Søren F. Pedersen, FT-IR analyses
Nils Bernth, inorganic chemistry
Eva Pedersen, organic chemistry
Ole Christian Hansen, health assessment
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Version 1.0 March 2006, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency