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Survey and release of chemical substances in "slimy" toys
Summary and conclusions
As a part of the Danish Environmental Protection Agency's survey of chemical substances in a number of consumer products, knowledge of which substances are contained in “slimy” toys is requested. The
aim of the project is to give a survey of the chemical substances that might be contained in rubbery and slimy toys. This knowledge can be used in connection with guidance of manufacturers and importers,
and possible recommendations to the consumers to avoid certain substances in this kind of toys. Furthermore, the project will form the basis of evaluating unique batches of similar toys, when they get on the
Phase 1 concerns examination of the slimy toys market in Denmark. Furthermore, it has been examined which materials they consist of, or which materials are constituents, and to which degree they appeal
to children and which age group.
It has not been possible to get information from the manufacturers regarding substances in their products. However, the detail trade has delivered data sheets. The biggest importer of slimy toys in Denmark is
K. E. Mathisen A/S (K. E. Leg).
In phase 2, the following qualitative analyses have been carried out:
- screening analysis by means of FTIR in order to determine which materials the toys are made of and possible content of phthalates
- qualitative screening analysis of elements by means of ICP and quantitative analysis of boric acid content
- qualitative analysis of the substances released to the air by means of headspace analysis combined with GC-MS
- qualitative analysis of the substances released to artificial saliva and sweat by means of GC-MS
- quantitative determination of content of phthalates
The FTIR analyses show two types of “slime”, partly an aqueous type, hydro gels, and partly a type based on hydrocarbons with a small content of styrene.
The aqueous slime contains glycerol and acrylate and in some cases materials, which we have not been able to identify by FTIR. In a number of cases, parabenes have been added. Generally, in the slime
products made of hydrocarbons we cannot detect other components.
The quantitative determination of phthalates showed that one of the products exceeded the threshold limit value of 0.05 weight%.
At the preliminary headspace analyses, we have identified all the substances, which might degas from the slimy toys (except for light aldehydes). At the headspace analyses of the 14 slimy toys (of which a
few were analysed on exterior part and interior liquid part, totally 20 analyses), we found 61 identified single substances and various groups of substances consisting of various aliphatic and aromatic
hydrocarbons, which are stated in groups characterised by the number of carbon-atoms, and finally 6 compounds, which could not be identified.
At the migration analyses of the 14 slimy toys (of which a few were analysed on exterior part and interior part, totally 17 analyses) we found 22 identified single substances and various groups of substances
consisting of various aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, which are stated in groups characterised by the number of carbon-atoms, and finally 6 compounds, which could not be identified, but they were all
fatty acids.
The qualitative screening analyses by ICP show a considerable content of boron in 3 of the samples (DK-01, TO-01 and TO-02). Boron might have been added as preservative in the form of boric acid or
sodium borate, as - at the same time - a content of sodium has been measured. However, other sodium sources might have been added too, e.g. from sodium benzoate, which is also a preservative. The
content of elements such as aluminium, calcium, potassium and zinc, which has been detected in most of the samples, presumably derives from fillers or auxiliary constituents used in the production of the
products. Furthermore, the detection of traces from a few heavy metals in some of the samples is supposed to derive from contaminations from fillers and possibly from production equipment and production
Phase 3 deals with screening for possible harmful effects from substances, which are being released from slimy toys. A screening has been made of the substances, which have been identified by the
headspace analyses. The screening is based on a literature survey in order to secure that the substances focused on at the quantitative analyses are the most relevant.
Based on the identified chemical compounds a screening for possible harmful substances has been made. The screening is based on the classifications in the List of Dangerous Substances and available
information on effects that potentially may cause concern to the consumer, if the release of the chemical substance is too high.
Some substances were detected, which might be considered to be problematic substances, and some, which may be of concern.
According to agreement with the Danish Environmental Protection Agency, the following substances are suggested for a closer examination:
Organic substances:
Diethylglycol dibenzoate
2-Phenoxy ethanol
2-Phenylmethylene octanal
2-Propenoic acid 2 methyl-methyl ester (methyl-methacrylate)
N-Propyl benzamide + N-acetyl benzamide
Inorganic substances
Phase 4 deals with the quantitative analyses and preparation of exposure scenarios at the released substances. Because most problematic substances were detected by headspace at the screening, and
because this screening is not immediately quantitative, it has been necessary to determine the amount and the release of these substances by means of calculations made on the basis of the screening analysis.
The problematic substances, which are migrated to artificial saliva and sweat, are determined quantitatively by GC-MS.
In addition, a quantitative ICP-MS analysis of nickel has been carried out.
For the health assessments, we have used parameters for small children in the scenarios, as the consumer in this case in particular is assumed to be children. It cannot be precluded that the pungent smell,
which is observed from some products, may cause acute effects like eye-, nose- and throat irritations. At long term exposure there is a possibility that a few substances may cause contact allergy at
particularly sensitive individuals.
The scientific committee for cosmetic products has identified 26 substances as recognized contact allergens (SCCNFP 1999). These substances have later been regulated in Directive 2003/15/EC (EC
2003). 2 out of these 26 substances were detected in the examination: D-Limonene was found in 3 products and hexylcinnam aldehyde in 1 product.
In addition, of other substances, which are potentially allergenic, we have detected 3-carene, alpha-pinene and nickel. All 3 are terpenes. D-Limonene, 3-carene (7 products) and alpha-pinene (8 products)
were only detected in the headspace analyses. It is a little uncertain whether the effect from contact allergens is the same at an exposure via the respiratory tract as at skin contact, but they are or can be
rediscovered in aerosols, which may potentially also settle on skin surfaces.
Boron was detected in 3 products, at a maximum of 0.8% of the products. It is assessed that a health risk cannot be excluded at contact with the liquid in one of the products.
Nickel was detected in 2 products, at a maximum of 0.0003% of the toy. Consequently, it is assessed that the nickel content does not immediately constitute a problem, unless one is particularly sensitive
(nickel allergy).
For the rest of the substances it applies that none neither occur as volatile substances nor migrated to sweat or saliva in such concentrations that absorptions should cause concern when letting children play
with the products.
However, it should be noted that the consumer (child) may handle more than one slimy toy simultaneously or at intervals, thus increasing the exposure to one or more chemical substances correspondingly.
Other sources of the same chemicals may also be present in the surroundings of the play activity. This may also contribute to the total exposure.
Sammenfatning og konklusioner
Som et led i Miljøstyrelsens kortlægning af kemiske stoffer i en række forbrugerprodukter ønskes viden om, hvilke stoffer der indgår i "slimet" legetøj. Projektet skal skabe et overblik over, hvilke kemiske
stoffer gummiagtigt og slimet legetøj kan indeholde. Denne viden kan bruges i forbindelse med vejledning af producenter og importører og evt. anbefalinger til forbrugerne om at undgå visse stoffer i denne
slags legetøj. Desuden vil projektet skabe et grundlag til at vurdere engangspartier af lignende legetøj, når det kommer på markedet
I Fase 1 er der foretaget en undersøgelse af, hvilke typer produkter der er på markedet i Danmark. Endvidere en undersøgelse af, hvilke materialer de er lavet af, eller som indgår i dem, samt i hvor høj grad
disse henvender sig til børn og i hvilken aldersgruppe.
Det har ikke været muligt at få oplysninger fra producenterne angående indholdsstoffer i deres produkter. Detailhandelen har derimod leveret tilgængelige data ark. Den største importør af slimet legetøj i
Danmark er K. E. Mathisen A/S (K. E. Leg).
I Fase 2 er der udført følgende kvalitative analyser:
- screeningsanalyse ved FTIR for fastlæggelse af, hvilke materialer legetøjet er fremstillet af samt evt. indhold af phthalater
- kvalitativ screeningsanalyse for grundstoffer ved ICP samt kvantitativ analyse for indhold af borsyre
- kvalitativ analyse af, hvilke stoffer der kan afgives til luften ved headspace analyse kombineret med GC-MS
- kvalitativ analyse af, hvilke stoffer der afgives til kunstigt spyt og sved ved GC-MS
- kvantitativ bestemmelse af phthalatindhold
Ved FTIR analyserne ses der to typer af ”slim”, dels en vandig type, hydrogeler og dels en type baseret på hydrocarboner med et lille indhold af styren.
Ved de vandige slim er set indhold af glycerol og acrylat samt i nogle tilfælde materiale, vi ikke kunnet identificere med FTIR. Der er i en del tilfælde tilsat parabener. Ved slimprodukterne fremstillet af
hydrocarboner kan vi generelt ikke se andre komponenter.
Den kvantitative bestemmelse af phthalater viste, at et af produkterne overskred grænseværdien på 0,05 vægt%.
Ved de indledende headspace analyser er alle de stoffer, der kunne tænkes at afgasse fra slimlegetøjet (på nær lette aldehyder) identificeret. Ved headspace analyserne på de 14 stykker slimlegetøj (hvoraf
enkelte er analyseret på ydre del og indre væskedel, i alt 20 analyser) blev der fundet 61 identificerede enkeltstoffer og forskellige grupper af stoffer bestående af forskellige alifatiske og aromatiske
kulbrinter, som er anført i grupper karakteriseret ved antal af kulstof-atomer, og endelig 6 forbindelser, der ikke kunne identificeres.
Ved migrationsanalyserne på de 14 stykker slimlegetøj (hvoraf enkelte er analyseret på ydre del og indre del, i alt 17 analyser) blev der fundet 22 identificerede enkeltstoffer og forskellige grupper af stoffer
bestående af forskellige alifatiske og aromatiske kulbrinter, som er anført i grupper karakteriseret ved antal af kulstof-atomer, og endelig 6 forbindelser, der ikke kunne identificeres, ud over at de alle var
De kvalitative screeningsanalyser vha. ICP viser et væsentligt indhold af bor i 3 af prøverne (DK-01, TO-01 og TO-02). Bor kan være tilsat som konserveringsmiddel i form af borsyre eller som
natriumborat, idet der samtidigt er målt indhold af natrium. Der kan dog også være andre natriumkilder, fx fra natriumbenzoat, som også er et konserveringsmiddel. Indhold af grundstoffer som aluminium,
calcium, kalium, magnesium og zink, påvist i de fleste af prøverne må antages at komme fra fyld- eller hjælpestoffer anvendt i produktionen af produkterne. Endvidere må påvisning af spor af enkelte
tungmetaller i flere af prøverne, antages at hidrøre fra forureninger fra fyldstoffer og evt. fra produktionsudstyr og produktionsforhold.
Fase 3 omhandler screening af eventuelle sundhedsskadelige effekter fra stoffer, som afgives fra slimet legetøj. Der er foretaget screening af de stoffer, der er identificeret ved headspace analyserne.
Screeningen er baseret på litteraturoplysninger og har til formål at sikre, at de stoffer, som der fokuseres på ved de kvantitative analyser, er de mest relevante.
Baseret på de identificerede kemiske forbindelser er der foretaget en screening af eventuelle flygtige sundhedsskadelige stoffer. Screeningen har taget udgangspunkt i klassificeringer på Listen over farlige
stoffer og umiddelbart tilgængelige oplysninger om effekter, der kunne være potentielt problematiske for forbrugeren, hvis afgivelsen af stofferne fra slimlegetøjet er for stor.
Der blev fundet en del stoffer, der kan anses for problematiske stoffer, og en del der umiddelbart synes at kunne være problematiske.
Efter aftale med Miljøstyrelsen blev følgende stoffer udvalgt til nærmere vurdering:
Organiske stoffer:
2-Propenoic acid 2 methyl-methylester (methylmethacrylat)
N-Propylbenzamid + N-acetylbenzamid
Uorganiske stoffer
Fase 4 omhandler de kvantitative analyser og udarbejdelse af eksponeringsscenarier ved de afgivne stoffer. Da der ved screeningen blev fundet flest problematiske stoffer ved headspace, og da denne
screening ikke umiddelbart er kvantitativ, har det været nødvendigt at bestemme mængden og afgivelsen af disse stoffer vha. beregninger foretaget på baggrund at screeningsanalysen.
De problematiske stoffer, der er migreret til kunstigt spyt og sved, blev bestemt kvantitativt ved GC-MS.
Derudover er der foretaget en kvantitativ ICP-MS analyse af nikkel.
Til sundhedsvurderingerne er der, da forbrugerne i dette tilfælde især er antaget at være børn, i de anvendte scenarier benyttet parametre for små børn. Den kraftige duft, der er observeret fra enkelte
produkter, kan ikke udelukkes at kunne give akutte effekter som irritation af øjne, næse og hals. For enkelte stoffer kan der ved længere tids eksponering være tale om, at muligheden for kontaktallergi ikke
kan udelukkes for særligt følsomme individer.
Den videnskabelige komite for kosmetiske produkter har identificeret 26 stoffer som erkendte kontaktallergener (SCCNFP 1999). Disse stoffer er senere blevet reguleret ved Direktiv 2003/15/EC (EC
2003). Af dem er der i undersøgelsen fundet 2 af de 26 stoffer: D-Limonen blev fundet i 3 produkter og hexylcinnamaldehyd i 1 produkt.
Af andre stoffer, der er potentielt allergene, er der derudover fundet 3-caren, alfa-pinen og nikkel. Alle 3 terpener, D-limonen, 3-caren (7 produkter) og alfa-pinen (8 produkter), blev kun fundet i
headspace analyserne. Om effekten fra kontaktallergener er den samme ved en eksponering via luftveje som ved hudkontakt, er lidt usikkert, men de er eller kan også genfindes i aerosoler, som potentielt
også kan lægge sig på hudflader.
Bor blev fundet i 3 produkter, højest med 0,8% af produktet. Det er vurderet, at ved kontakt med væsken i et af produkterne, kunne en sundhedsmæssig risiko ikke udelukkes.
Nikkel blev fundet i 2 produkter, højest med 0,0003% af legetøjet. Det er derfor vurderet, at nikkelindholdet ikke umiddelbart udgør et problem, medmindre man er særlig følsom (nikkelallergi).
For de øvrige stoffer er det gældende, at ingen forekommer hverken som flygtige stoffer eller migreret til sved eller spyt i sådanne koncentrationer, at optagelser skulle give betænkeligheder ved at lade børn
lege med produkterne.
Det bør dog bemærkes, at forbrugeren (barnet) kan lege med mere end ét stykke slimet legetøj samtidig eller med mellemrum og derved øge sin eksponering for et eller flere kemiske stoffer tilsvarende. Der
kan desuden være andre kilder til de samme kemiske stoffer i de omgivelser legen foregår. Det vil også bidrage til den totale eksponering.Abbreviations
Acceptable Daily Intake. Estimated intake, which is assumed not to have any adverse effects. Can be acute or chronic. Is usually based on additives in food |
bw |
body weight |
B value |
The contribution value: Defined in Miljøstyrelsen 2002 as a company's total maximum permissible contribution to the air pollution outside the area of the company. If the B value is used, it is used
directly, as it is calculated from NOAEL levels and with safety factor |
Chemical Abstract Service |
DL |
Detection level |
The Danish Institute for Informative Labelling |
EC |
Effect concentration |
EC50 |
Median effect concentration, i.e. the concentration where effects are observed in 50% of the test animals |
h |
Hour(s) |
LC50 |
Median lethal concentration, i.e. the concentration where 50% of the test animals are dead |
LD50 |
Median lethal dose, i.e. the dose where 50% of the test animals are dead |
Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Level |
Maksimaler Arbeitsplatz Konzentration. Limit value for working environment defined by German working environment authorities |
Margin of Safety, which is the distance between the estimated exposure and the concentration which is considered not to constitute a health risk (e.g. NOAEL) |
Ni |
Nickel |
No Observed Adverse Effect Level |
Repr. |
Repro-toxic |
RfC |
Inhalation reference concentration. A concentration in air (e.g. µg/m³) which is an estimate of a daily exposure by inhalation that is assumed to be without adverse effects by inhalation during a
human lifetime. It is presumed that a threshold limit value exists for the toxic effect used to derive the value |
RfD |
Oral reference Dose, which is an estimate of a daily exposure by intake (e.g. µg/kg bw/day) that is assumed to be without adverse effects by intake during a human lifetime. It is presumed that a
threshold limit value exists for the toxic effect used to derive the value |
Tolerable Concentration in Air (inhalation exposure). Dutch value, which in principle is comparable with RfC |
Tolerable daily intake. Estimated as intake that is assumed not to have any adverse effects. Can be acute or chronic. Is usually based on pollutants |
Technical Guidance Document: EU guidance in risk assessment of chemicals |
Threshold Limit Value relevant for the working environment. Typically a time weighted average value over 8 hours is used |
Time Weighted Average |
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Version 1.0 March 2006, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency