No. |
Exterior product |
Content (most frequently liquid) |
Accessories |
DK-01 |
Hydrocarbon with a small aromatic
content |
Hydro gel, primarily water
and glycerol |
DK-02 |
Hydrocarbon with a small aromatic
content |
DK-03 |
Hydrocarbon with a small aromatic
content |
BO-01 |
Hydrocarbon with a small aromatic
content |
K-01 |
Hydrocarbon with a small aromatic
content |
Yellow liquid cannot be
unambiguously identified by
Fish is made of SBS (styrene-butadiene-styrene) elastomer |
K-02 |
Hydrocarbon with a small aromatic
content |
There is no liquid |
Transparent ball is made of PS (polystyrene) |
BR-01 |
Hydrocarbon with a small aromatic
content |
Liquid cannot be unambi-
guously identified by FTIR |
Spiders are made of an SBS (styrene-butadiene-styrene)
elastomer |
F-01 |
Hydrocarbon with a small aromatic
content |
The liquid might be water
with preservative agent (Na
benzoic acid salt) |
Yellow ball is made of hydrocarbon with a small aromatic content
TO-01 |
Hydro gel with a content of
”parabene” |
Animals are made of LDPE, low density polyethylene |
T0-02 |
Hydro gel with a content of
”parabene” |
TO-03 |
Water-glycerol gel |
G-01 |
Hydrocarbon with a small aromatic
content |
Small balls are made of PS (polystyrene) |
K-03 |
Pink rubbery hand |
B-01 |
Hydrocarbon with a small aromatic
content |
The liquid is aqueous and
seems to be thickened with
an acrylic polymer |
B-02 |
Hydro gel with a content of
”parabene” |
Animals are made of phthalate plasticised PVC with chalk
TI-01 |
Hydrocarbon with an aromatic content |
The liquid is aqueous with a
small content of a compo-
nent, which cannot be
identified by
R-01 |
Hydrocarbon with an aromatic content |
The liquid is aqueous with a
small content of a compo-
nent, which cannot be
identified by
A-01 |
Hydrocarbon with an aromatic content |
The liquid contains water,
but also a considerable
amount of a component,
which might be a
glycerol |