Survey and health assessment of chemical substances in massage oils

4 Analysis programme

4.1 Analysis programme

The analyses programme has been established with the objective to examine the massage and body oils including the most widely marketed oils for children and essential oil.

4.1.1 Selection of analyses

In order to reach the broadest customer segment, it was endeavoured that selection of the products should be based on an examination of the most widely marketed products and essential oils. The importance of including examination of both products to children and adults was emphasized representing the different product types for body and massage. Therefore, essential oils used in massage oils, products marketed as massage oils, products for baby massage and products marketed as both body- and massage oil or only body oil products were selected.

The selected 16 products were all analysed for the 26 fragrance allergens that were assessed EU (8). Among those, three products were also selected to be analysed for methyleugenole due to its content of rose fragrance, which was indicated on the label.

Besides, other 2 of the 16 products were analysed for content of methylsalicylat, as birch extract was indicated to be one of the fragrance substances. Finally 2 other products were analysed for safrol, due to its content of rosemary, which was indicated to be one of the fragrance substance.

Peru balsam is a mixture of chemical substances, among others vanillin and benzyl cinnamate. In one of the products it was relevant to analyse for content of vanillin in order to further determine the content of Peru balsam.

The following analyses were performed:

26 fragrance substances:

16 products, of these 7 massage oils, 2 baby oils, 3 body oils and 4 essential oils. Hazardous substances in lemon oils are covered by this analyses.


4 products containing rose fragrance, of these 1 massage oil, 1 body oil, 1 oil diluted essential oil and a nature identical fragrance oil.


4 products containing birch fragrance, of these 1 massage oil, 1 body oil.


2 products containing rosemary, of these 1 body oil and 1 essential oil

Peru balsam:

1 massage oil is analysed for content of Peru balsam.

4.2 Analyses methods

4.2.1 Methyleugenole, methylsalicylate and safrol

A partial sample of the product is extracted with dichlormethane for one hour on a shaking table and stands until next morning. A partial sample of the extract is selected and analysed directly using combined gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. The content is calculated quantitatively.

The analysis uncertainty is 10-15% RSD. The analyses are performed as pure double determinations. The detection limit is 10-20 mg/kg.

4.2.2 Fragrance substances

A partial sample of the product is selected and extracted with water and tert-butylmethylether by shaking, heating, cooling and standing during approx. 16 hrs.

A partial sample of the extract is selected and analysed directly using combined gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The analyses are performed as pure double determinations. The detection limit is 10 mg/kg. and the analysis uncertainty is 10-15% RSD.

The detection limit of oak moss extract and tree moss extract cannot be determined, because they are natural extracts with many components and not solely one pure substance. As the content of these natural extracts vary an accurate detection limit cannot be calculated. Instead, the limit is indicated as “not established”.

4.2.3 Peru balsam

Peru balsam is a mixture of chemical substances. The mixture is of natural origin and thus he content varies qualitatively and quantitatively. It is therefore difficult to perform a qualitative and quantitative determination of specific marker substances in the mixture.

In relation to this, a demonstration of vanillin and benzoacid has been searched for in the chromatogramme for sample 8 from the analyses for methyleugenole.


Version 1.0 October 2006, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency