Survey and environmental/health assessment of fluorinated substances in impregnated consumer products and impregnating agents


The growing environmental concern of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) derivatives and related substances is due to the fact that these potential harmful compounds now are global environmental pollutants distributed in air, water, soils and biota, including in polar bears living in remote arctic areas. In addition, in many countries PFOS, PFOA and other related substances have been observed in human blood samples of the general population.

The reasons for this widespread occurrence seem to be that perfluorinated substances are increasingly used and are environmentally persistent and bioaccumulative.

A range of polyfluorinated substances are used in numerous industrial products and consumer products because of their special chemical properties, for instance the ability to repel both water and oils.

The most studied and well-known polyfluorinated substances are the banned PFOS and PFOS related substances, which are not produced anymore, and which during the past years have been substituted with other fluorinated compounds – either perfluorinated compounds with shorter chain length or polyfluorinated compounds, such as fluorotelomer alcohols.

PFOA is used as a processing aid in the manufacture of polyfluoroethene polymers e.g. Teflon®. PFOA is a well-documented impurity in such polymers and in fluorotelomers. Furthermore, PFOA and other perfluorinated carboxylic acids (PFCAs) may be formed by degradation of some fluoropolymers and fluorotelomers.

This project was initiated by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency as a part of the work on identifying chemical substances in consumer products. This project report contains a survey of the use of polyfluorinated compounds in consumer products in Denmark, as well as an updated environmental and health assessment of this large group of substances. The report was drafted in the period April 2007 - November 2007, and it contains references to scientific papers being published until November 2007.

Frank Jensen from the Danish EPA supervised the project.

June 2008

List of used acronyms

AcOH             Acetic acid

DPPC             Dipalmitoylphoshatidyl choline

EtFHpSA       N-Ethyl perfluoroheptane sulfonamide

EtFOSE          N-Ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoethanol

EtFOSEA       N-Ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoethyl acrylate

EtFOSEMA   N-Ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoethyl methacrylate

EtFOSA          N-Ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamide

EtFOSAA       N-Ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetate

8:2 FTMA      1H,1H,2H,2H-Perfluorodecyl methacrylate

8:2 FTA          1H,1H,2H,2H-Perfluorodecyl acrylate

FTCAs           Fluorotelomer carboxylates

FTI                 Fluorotelomer iodide

FTUCAs         Fluorotelomer unsaturated carboxylates

FTOHs           Fluorotelomer alcohols

4:2 FTOH      1H,1H,2H,2H-Perfluorohexanol

6:2 FTOH      1H,1H,2H,2H-Perfluorooctanol

8:2 FTOH      1H,1H,2H,2H-Perfluorodecanol

10:2 FTOH    1H,1H,2H,2H-Perfluorododecanol

12:2 FTOH    1H,1H,2H,2H-Perfluorotetradecanol

14:2 FTOH    1H,1H,2H,2H-Perfluorohexadecanol

GJIC              Gap junction intercellular communication

M570             N-Methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetate

MeFBSE         N-Methyl perfluorobutane sulfonamidoethanol

MeFOSA N-Methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamide

MeFOSAA      N-Methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetate

MeFOSE N-Methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoethanol

MeFOSEA      N-Methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoethyl acrylate

NOAEL          No observed adverse effect level

OECD            Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development

PFAS              Perfluoroalkylated substances or perfluoroalkyl sulfonate

PFBA             Perfluorobutanoic acid/perfluorobutanoate

PFBS              Perfluorobutane sulfonate/sulfonic acid

PFCs              Polyfluorinated compounds/chemicals

PFCAs            Perfluorocarboxylic acids/salts

PFDA             Perfluorodecanoic acid

PFDoA            Perfluorododecanoic acid

PFDS             Perfluorodecane sulfonate

PFHpA           Perfluoroheptanoic acid

PFHpS           Perfluoroheptane sulfonate

PFHxA           Perfluorohexanoic acid

PFHxS           Perfluorohexane sulfonate

PFNA             Perfluorononanoic acid

PFNS             Perfluorononane sulfonate

PFOA             Perfluorooctanoic acid/perfluorooctanoate

PFOS             Perfluorooctane sulfonate/sulfonic acid

(P)FOSA Perfluorooctane sulfonamide

(P)FOSAA      Perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetate

(P)FOSE        Perfluorooctane sulfonamidoethanol

PFOSF           Perfluorooctane sulfonyl fluoride

PFPeA            Perfluoropentanoic acid

PFPeS            Perfluoropentane sulfonate

PFTeA           Perfluorotetradecanoic acid

PFTrA           Perfluorotridecanoic acid

PFUnA           Perfluoroundecanoic acid

PNEC             Predicted no effect concentration

POPs              Persistent organic pollutants

WWTPs         Waste water treatment plants

TDI                Tolerable daily intake

USEPA           U.S. Environmental Protection Agency


Version 1.0 October 2008, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency