Survey and health assessment of chemical substances in jewelleries

Appendix G: The requirements of the Toys Statutory Order on maximum release of heavy metals

According to the Toys Statutory Order applies that the bioavailability per day must not exceed the following limits due to the use of toys:

Maximum permitted release from toys per day
0,2 micro g antimony
0,1 micro g arsenic
25,0 micro g barium
0,6 micro g cadmium
0,3 micro g chromium
0,7 micro g lead
0,5 micro g mercury
5,0 micro g selenium

or other values which can be specified for these or other substances through community decisions, which are prepared on a scientific basis. Bioavailability means release of soluble substances which have significant toxicological importance.


Version 1.0 October 2008, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency