Renere teknologi til undgåelse af biologisk vækst på murværk, tegl- og betontage 7 Litteraturliste
7.1 GenereltJohn, D.M.: Algal growths on buildings: A general review and methods of treatment. C.A.B. International. Biodeterioration Abstracts Vol. 2, No 2. 1988. Garty, J.: Influence of epilithic microorganisms on the surface temperature of building walls. Canadian Journal of Botany. 68: 1349-1353. 1990. Guillitte, O.: Bioreceptivity: a new concept for building ecology studies. The science of The Total Environment. 167,pp. 215-220. 1995. Miljøstyrelsen. 2-Deoxy-D-glucose i bekæmpelsesmidler til byggematerialer. Miljøprojekt nr. 424, 1998. Müller, E. & W. Loeffler: Mycology An Outline for Science and Medical Students. George Thieme Publishers Stuttgart 1976 Raven et al.: Biology of Plants. 5th ed. Worth Publishers. United States of America, 1992. Seaward, M.R.D.: Major Impacts made by Lichens in Biodeterioration Processes. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation. Vol. 40. No. 2-4, pp.269-273, 1997. Syers, J.K. & I.K. Iskandar: Pedogenetic significance of Lichens. The Lichens, ed. By V. Ahmadjian and M.E.Hale. 1st ed., Academic Press, Inc., 1973. Gravesen, S., J. C. Frisvad & R. A. Samson: Microfungi. Munksgaard, København. 1994. 7.2 BestemmelseslitteraturPurvis, O.W., B.J. Coppins, D.L. Hawksworth, P.W. James and D.M. Moore. Den danske mosflora I. Bladmosser. Flora i farver 2 Sporeplanter, Politikens forlag. 1978. Skytte Christiansen, M. Bregner, mosser og laver, Gads natur forum. 1984.