Etablering af badevandsprofiler og varslingssystemer i henhold til EU's nye badevandsdirektiv

Bilag D

4 Forslag til ny statistik
(udkast til Direktiv, 23 Juni 2004)

Forslagets krav til variable (teksten taget direkte fra forslag):

For inland waters

  A B C D E
  Parameter Excellent Quality Good Quality Satisfactory/ac-ceptable Quality Reference methods of analysis
1 Intestinal Enterococci (I.E.) (cfu/100 mL) 200 * 400 * 360 ** ISO 7899-1 or ISO 7899-2
2 Escherischia coli (E.C.) (cfu/100 mL) 500 * 1000 * 900 ** ISO 9308-3 or ISO 9308-1 

* Based upon a 95-percentile evaluation.  See Annex II.
** Based upon a 90-percentile evaluation.  See Annex II.

For coastal waters and transitional waters

  A B C D E
  Parameter Excellent Quality Good Quality Satisfactory/ac-ceptable Quality Reference methods of analysis
1 Intestinal Enterococci (I.E.) (cfu/100 mL) 100 * 200 * 200 ** ISO 7899-1 or ISO 7899-2
2 Escherischia coli (E.C.) (cfu/100 mL) 250 * 500 * 500 ** ISO 9308-3 or ISO 9308-1

* Based upon a 95-percentile evaluation.  See Annex II.
** Based upon a 90-percentile evaluation.  See Annex II.


Percentile values are calculated and defined as follows.

Based upon percentile evaluation of the log10 normal probability density function of microbiological data acquired from the particular bathing water; the percentile value is derived as follows:

  1. Take the log10 value of all bacterial enumerations in the data sequence to be evaluated.  (If a zero value is obtained, take the log10 value of the minimum detection limit of the analytical method used instead.)
  2. Calculate the arithmetic mean of the log10 values (µ).
  3. Calculate the standard deviation of the log10 values (s).

The upper 90-percentile point of the data probability density function is derived from the following equation: upper 90-percentile = antilog (µ + 1.282 s ).

The upper 95-percentile point of the data probability density function is derived from the following equation: upper 95-percentile = antilog (µ + 1.65 s).


Version 1.0 August 2006, © Miljøstyrelsen.