Assessment of Criteria Development within the EU Eco-labelling Scheme


The Department of Environmental Impact Assessment at dk-TEKNIK ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT has elaborated this environmental project for the Council for recycling and cleaner technology, the Danish Environmental Protection Agency.

The project has been carried out throughout the period 1993 - 2000.

The steering committee was limited to representatives from the Danish Environmental Protection Agency and dk-TEKNIK ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT.

The authors of the report are:

M.Sc., Diploma of Economics, Heidi K. Stranddorf
M.Sc., Socio-Economic Planning, John A. Bagh

A number of persons have contributed substantially. Special thanks shall be given to M.Sc., Diploma of Economics, Lisbeth E. Hansen, Dr. Allan Astrup Jensen and M.Sc. Kristina Elverbakken, dk-TEKNIK ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT and M.Sc. Anne Nielsen, Danish Environmental Protection Agency. Ms Shila Christiansen, dk-TEKNIK ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT has done a great job on improving the reading of the document. This has been a tremendous help in the finalisation of the report.