Denmark's Greenhouse Gas Projections until 2012, an update including a preliminary projection until 2017


1 Introduction
2 Summary of emissions
2.1 Emissions of CO2
2.2 Emissions of CH4
2.3 Emissions of N2O
2.4 Emissions of HFCs, PFCs and SF6
3 Energy
3.1 Fuel Combustion Activities
3.2 Emission factors
3.3 Fugitive emissions from fossil fuels
3.3.1 Flaring
3.3.2 Refineries
3.3.3 Gas networks
3.3.4 Emissions from storage of coal in Denmark
4 Industrial Processes
4.1 Mineral Products
4.1.1 Cement, lime and yellow bricks production
4.1.2 HFCs, PFCs and SF6
5 Agriculture
5.1 CH4 from Enteric Fermentation & Manure Management
5.1.1 CH4 emissions from enteric fermentation
5.1.2 CH4 emissions from manure management
5.2 N2O from agriculture
6 Land-use Change & Forestry
6.1 CO2 Sequestration in Existing Forests
6.2 CO2 Sequestration in New Forests
6.3 CO2 Sequestration in forest soils
7 Waste
7.1 Solid Waste Disposal on Land
7.2 Wastewater Handling
8 References
Appendix 1
Appendix 2