Undersøgelse af forekomst af antibiotika og kobber i forbindelse med marin akvakultur i tre amter

Summary and conclusions

Samples were taken at four marine fish farms, from one landbased saltwater fish farm, and one old marine fish farm site. Samples were taken in four time intervals, down into the sediment. The samples were analysed for three antibiotics: oxolinic acid, trimethoprime and sulphadiazine. Analyses were also made for copper, an active ingredient in antifouling agents. The samples were taken in the regional areas Storstrøms Amt, Ringkjøbing Amt and Sønnderjyllands Amt.

For oxolin acid the samples were between 5 and 37 times above the detection limit. Oxolinic acid had been used in the year 2000 in none of fish farms examined, but still, the concentrations under the farms were significant.

The combination product Tribrissen consists of the substances trimethoprime and sulfadiazine. Although the product has been used in four of the sites investigated in 2000, sulfadiazine was only found at one site, at a level between 3 and 16 times the detection limit of 5.0 µg/kg wet sample.

Trimethoprime was not found in the samples analysed.

The content of copper in the samples taken in Storstrøms Amt was relatively low, while the results of analyses at farms in Sønderjyllands Amt were relatively high.

The results indicate that Tribrissin may be less persistent than oxolinic acid.

As regards the concentrations of copper, they should be seen in relation to the terms stipulated by the regional authorities for individual marine or salt water fish farms. Reference is made to Ministerial Order no. 921 of October 8, 1996, on quality requirements for wetlands and for discharge of certain dangerous substances to watercourses, lakes or the sea.