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Fuel use and emissions from non-road machinery in Denmark from 1985-2004 - and projections from 2005-2030
4 Calculation procedure
Prior to adjustments for deterioration effects and transient engine operations, the fuel use and emissions in year X, for a given machinery type, engine size and engine age, are calculated as:
Where EBasis = fuel use/emissions in the basis situation, N = number of engines, HRS = annual working hours, P = average rated engine size in kW, LF = load factor, EF = fuel use/emission factor in g/kWh, i = machinery type, j = engine size, k = engine age, y = engine size class and z = emission level.
The deterioration factor for a given machinery type, engine size and engine age in year X, depends on the engine size class (only for gasoline), y, and the emission level, z. The deterioration factors for diesel and gasoline 2-stroke engines are found from:
Where DF = deterioration factor, K = engine age, LT = lifetime, i = machinery type, j = engine size, k = engine age, y = engine size class and z = emission level.
For gasoline 4-stroke engines the deterioration factors are calculated as:
No deterioration is assumed for fuel use (all fuel types) or for LPG engine emissions, and hence DF = 1 in these situations.
The transient factor for a given machinery type, engine size and engine age in year X, only rely on emission level and the load factor, and is denominated as:
Where i = machinery type, j = engine size, k = engine age and z = emission level.
No transient corrections are made for gasoline and LPG engines, and hence TFz = 1 for these fuel types.
The final calculation of fuel use and emissions in year X, for a given machinery type, engine size and engine age, are the product of the expressions 1-4:
The evaporative hydrocarbon emissions from fuelling are calculated as:
Where EEvap,fueling, = hydrocarbon emissions from fuelling, i = machinery type, FC = fuel consumption in kg, EFEvap,fueling = emission factor in g NMVOC/kg fuel.
For tank evaporation the hydrocarbon emissions are found from:
Where EEvap,tank,i = hydrocarbon emissions from tank evaporation, N = number of engines, i = machinery type, EFEvap,fueling = emission factor in g NMVOC/year.
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Version 1.0 June 2006, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency