Danish-Polish Environmental Co-operation 1991-2000 Enclosure 5
BOD5 | Biological Oxygen Demand (over 5 days) |
BOS | Polish Environmental Protection Bank |
CEEC | Central and Eastern European Countries |
DANCEE | Danish Co-operation for Environment in Eastern
Europe |
DEPA | Danish Environmental Protection Agency |
DESF | Danish Environmental Support Fund |
DKK | Danish Kroner (for exchange rates see next page) |
EEA | European Environmental Agency |
EBRD | European Bank for Reconstruction and Development |
EDRF | Miljø- og Katastrofefonden - Environment and
Disaster Relief Facility |
EIA | Environmental Impact Assessment |
EKF | Eksportkreditfonden - Danish State Export Credit
Agency |
EU | European Union |
EUR | Euro - (for exchange rates see next page) |
FGD | Flue Gas Desulphurisation |
FUNDUSZ | National Fund for Environmental Protection and
Water Management |
GDP | Gross Domestic Product |
GEF | Global Enviroment Facility |
GNP | Gross National Product |
HELCOM | Helsinki Commission - Baltic Marine Environment
Protection Commission |
IPPC | Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control |
IMO | International Maritime Organisation IMWM
Institute of Meteorological and Water Monitoring |
ISPA | Instrument for Structural Policy for PreAccession |
IØ | Investment Fund for Central and Eastern Europe |
LPC | Local Project Coordinator |
MARPOL | International Convention for the Prevention of
Pollution from Ships |
MKØ | Miljøkreditordningen for Østeuropa -
Environmental Soft Loan Programme for Eastern Europe |
MoE | Polish Ministry of Environment |
MoEE | Danish Ministry of Environment and Energy |
NEFCO | Nordic Environment Finance Corporation |
NEP | National Environmental Policy |
NGO | Non-governmental Organisation |
NIS | Newly Independent States |
NOx | Nitrogen Oxides |
NPAA | National Programme for the Adoption of the Acquis
NPPM National Programme for the Preparation of the Membership |
PHARE | Action Plan for co-ordinated aid to Poland a And
Hungary (originally in French) |
PLN | Polish Zloty (for exchange rates see next page) |
PMoE | Polish Ministry of Environment |
POP | Persistent Organic Pollutant |
SAPARD | Special Accession Programme for Agriculture and
Rural Development |
SO2 | Sulphur Dioxide |
TA | Technical Assistance |
UN | United Nations |
USD | US Dollars (for exchange rates see next page) |
WWTP | Wastewater Treatment Plant |