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Danish-Polish Environmental Co-operation 1991-2000
The following is a list of useful Web-sites from which part of the information
presented are acquired. Also the web-sites can be used for additional information on the
subjects covered in the report. The addresses are in general the Home Page, since most
web-sites are frequently reorganised and more detailed links would become "dead"
within short time.
DANCEE - www.mst.dk/dancee
Information about DANCEE, programmes and projects, publications, procedures for
application etc. Danish/English
DEPA - www.mst.dk/
Homepage of the Danish Environmental Protection Agency. Information about legislation,
action programmes, publications etc. Has a "international issues" site. Danish/English/Spanish
MOEE - www.mem.dk/
The Ministry of Environment and Energy. Profile of Denmark and of Denmark's environmental
policy. Presentations of the ministry's environmental agencies and research institutes.
Overview of central publications in English. Danish/English/German/French/Spanish/Arabic
Miljøbutikken - www.mem.dk/butik/
Miljøbutikken (The Environmental Shop) is the main information centre of the MOEE.
Provides information on environment and energy and on Danish legislation and policies in
these areas. Ordering of free brochures, action plans, legislation and policy papers.
Possible to buy all publications issued by the Ministry. Danish/ English
EKF - www.ekf.dk
Homepage of the Danish State Export Credit Agency (Eksport Kredit Fonden). Information
about export credit and financing assistance etc. Danish/English
National Environmental Research Institute (NERI) - www.dmu.dk
Independent environmental research institute under the MOEE. Scientific
information on environmental issues. Danish/English
Danish Forest and Nature Agency http://www.sns.dk
Agency under the MOEE. Has a division for International Cooperation. Information about
assistance for implementation of International Conventions on Natural Resources
Management. Danish/English/German/French/Spanish
Danish Energy Agency - www.ens.dk
Agency under the MOEE. Internationally the agency promotes exports of know-how and energy
technology by Danish companies and contributes to the transfer of technology to countries
in Central and Eastern Europe. Danish/ English/German
Statistics Denmark - www.dst.dk
The central statistical office in Denmark. "Statistical Yearbook" and "Data
on Denmark" available electronically. Danish/English
StatBank Denmark - www.statistikbanken.dk
Site under Statistics Denmark containing free statistical information about e.g.
environment and energy. Danish/English
Ministry of Environment http://www.mos.gov.pl/
Homepage of the Ministry. Contains legal acts, publications (e.g. Environmental
Project Development Manual) presentation of sectors, news etc. Polish/English
Institute of Environmental Protection - http://ciuw.warman.net.pl/alf/ios/
Independent institute under the MOE. Scientific research and applied work (programmes
etc.), education. Databases on specific subjects, virtual library containing book and
environmental journals etc. Polish/English
National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management http://www.nfosigw.gov.pl/
Largest institution financing environmental projects in Poland. Overview over sources of
funding, environmental investments, contacts for applications ect. Polish/English
Eko-Fundusz - http://www.ekofundusz.org.pl
The EcoFundusz is a foundation established by the Minister of Finance to manage the funds
obtained through the conversion of a part of Polish foreign debt with the aim of
supporting environmental protection. The homepage consists of a list of Polish projects in
environmental protection, the EcoFundusz priorities and a describtion of the project
financing conditions. Polish/English
Central Statistical Office http://www.stat.gov.pl/
The Polish Official Statistics with news and indicators for the Polish society. Part
of the Statistical Yearbook of Poland, data on the number and structure of population and
Poland quarterly and annual indicators available electronically. Polish/English
Inspekcja Ochrony Srodowiska - http://www.pios.gov.pl/
The Polish Environmental Control. Polish
UNEP/GRID-Warsaw - http://www.gridw.pl/
United Nations Environment Programme. The Global Ressource Information Database (GRID)
in Poland collects, processes and provides information on environment in Poland and in
neighbouring regions.
Centre for EU information http://www.cie.gov.pl
The Polish Centre for EU information gives information about EU relevant for Poland. Polish
Office for EU Integration http://www.ukie.gov.pl
The Polish Office for EU intergration and gives information about the Polish EU
integration process. Polish
Board of Polish National parks http://www.mos.gov.pl/kzpn/
The homepage gives a general introduction of the National Parks in Poland and a detailed
description of each of the 23 Polish National Parks. Polish/English
INTERNATIONAL European Environment Agency - http://www.eea.eu.int/
The EEA provides information to improve Europe's environment in a sustainable way. On the
homepage there is different country information from the EU member states, news releases,
speeches and different themes like e.g. air quality, climate changes and biodiversity. English
HELCOM - http://www.helcom.fi/
The governing body of the Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment in the
Baltic Sea Area is the Helsinki Commission, HELCOM. The homepage describes actualities,
projects, conventions etc. English
GEF - www.undp.org/gef/
The Globale Environment Facility (GEF) is a unit of UNDP. The foundation for GEF's efforts
in four focal areas and 10 operational programs. The strategy incorporates guidance from
two conventions for which GEF serves as financial mechanism: the Convention on Biological
Diversity and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. It also establishes
operational guidance for international waters and ozone activities, the latter consistent
with the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer and its amendments. English.
UNEP/GRID-Arendal - http://www.grida.no/
The United Nation Environment Programme. Regional environmental information including maps
and graphics of the Arctic, the Nordic, the Baltic and the Central and Eastern Europe.
City environment reports and state of the environment reports is available electronically.
The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe http://www.rec.org/
REC assist in solving environmental problems in Central- and Eastern Europe. The center
encourage co-operation among NGO's, governments and businesses, supports the free exchange
of information and promotes public participation in environmental decision-making. The
homepage describes projects, calls for tender. Gives national environmental descriptions
and updated environmental news. English
PHARE - http://europa.eu.int/comm/enlargement/pas/phare.htm
PHARE is currently the main channel for the European Union's financial and technical
cooperation with the countries of the Centraland Eastern Europe. The Programme focuses on
preparing the candidate countries for EU membership by concentrating its support on two
priorities in the adoption of the acquis communautaire: Institution building and
investment support. The homepages gives detailed information. English
ISPA - http://www.inforegio.cec.eu.int/wbpro/ispa/ispa_en.htm
ISPA is one of the EU financial instruments to assist the candidate countries in their
preparations for accession. The instrument is especially target towards transport and
environment. The site contains the official texts relevant for ISPA and a more detailed
overview of how the ISPA works. English
SAPARD - http://europa.eu.int/comm/agriculture/
SAPARD is the special pre-accession assistance for agriculture and rural development. The
homepage contains links to official documents concerning SAPARD, general information on
enlargement and questions and answers on EU and the enlargement. English/German/French
Baltic Agenda 21 - http://www.ee/baltic21/
Baltic Agenda 21 promotes sustainable development in the Baltic Sea Region - encompassing
economic, social and environmental aspects. The homepage provides information about the
goals, the commitments, the achievements and the people. English
EBRD - http://www.ebrd.org
The European Bank for reconstruction and development fosters the transition towards open
market-oriented economies and promotes private and entrepreneurial initiative in the
Central and Eastern Europe and the Commenwealth of Independent States, CIS. English/German/French/Russian
World Bank - http://www.worldbank.org
The World Bank is working in more than 100 developing economies, bringing a mix of finance
and ideas to improve living standards and to eliminate the worst forms of poverty. The
homepage describes the general assistance strategies and the regional initiatives. English/French/
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