Total GH Gsa |
Total GHGsb |
Total fuel combustion |
Transportc |
Civil aviation
(domestic) |
Navigation (domestic) |
International marine |
Share fuel |
International aviation |
Share fuel |
International bunkers
total |
Share fuel |
(Gg) CO2
equivalent |
(Gg) CO2
equivalent |
(Gg) CO2 |
(Gg) CO2 |
(Gg) CO2 |
(Gg) CO2 |
(Gg) CO2 |
% |
(Gg) CO2 |
% |
(Gg) CO2 |
% |
Australia |
489.092 |
529.859 |
326.378 |
69.503 |
4109 |
1438,4 |
2.450 |
0,8% |
7.268 |
2,2% |
9.718 |
3,0% |
Austria |
79.224 |
71.591 |
50.658 |
17.643 |
110 |
58,4 |
1.615 |
3,2% |
1.615 |
3,2% |
Belarus |
Belgium |
151.193 |
149.348 |
111.175 |
22.611 |
14.586 |
13,1% |
4.364 |
3,9% |
18.950 |
17,0% |
Bulgaria |
77.697 |
71.089 |
44.513 |
6.212 |
35 |
8,2 |
26 |
0,1% |
319 |
0,7% |
345 |
0,8% |
Canada |
698.619 |
678.341 |
491.410 |
179.332 |
13168 |
4831,1 |
3.549 |
0,7% |
3.032 |
0,6% |
6.582 |
1,3% |
Croatia |
Czech Republic |
140.578 |
137.177 |
117.501 |
12.016 |
13 |
32,3 |
539 |
0,5% |
539 |
0,5% |
Denmark |
73.173 |
72.197 |
54.561 |
12.156 |
150 |
426,2 |
4.146 |
7,6% |
2.314 |
4,2% |
6.460 |
11,8% |
Estonia |
19.878 |
11.771 |
16.425 |
1.204 |
67 |
18,2 |
362 |
2,2% |
362 |
2,2% |
Finland |
76.243 |
65.422 |
56.781 |
12.734 |
465 |
501,3 |
1.764 |
3,1% |
1.058 |
1,9% |
2.822 |
5,0% |
France |
552.209 |
483.214 |
379.591 |
138.822 |
6068 |
2039,4 |
9.311 |
2,5% |
13.753 |
3,6% |
23.064 |
6,1% |
Germany |
982.407 |
948.977 |
832.036 |
186.110 |
6.479 |
0,8% |
16.656 |
2,0% |
23.135 |
2,8% |
Greece |
123.253 |
123.448 |
90.471 |
22.908 |
1679 |
2760,8 |
9.838 |
10,9% |
2.266 |
2,5% |
12.104 |
13,4% |
Hungary |
86.547 |
82.047 |
56.490 |
9.568 |
2,1 |
596 |
1,1% |
596 |
1,1% |
Iceland |
3.308 |
1.930 |
819 |
32 |
18,1 |
164 |
8,5% |
363 |
18,8% |
527 |
27,3% |
Ireland |
65.337 |
58.603 |
39.603 |
9.734 |
131,5 |
543 |
1,4% |
1.624 |
4,1% |
2.166 |
5,5% |
Italy |
541.127 |
525.028 |
429.759 |
121.165 |
2397 |
6956 |
3.046 |
0,7% |
7.468 |
1,7% |
10.514 |
2,4% |
Japan |
1.307.430 |
1.147.945 |
253.670 |
10308 |
14347,2 |
17.322 |
1,5% |
18.519 |
1,6% |
35.841 |
3,1% |
Latvia |
13.614 |
2.949 |
7.385 |
2.087 |
89 |
71 |
Liechtenstein |
Lithuania |
Luxembourg |
6.004 |
5.709 |
4.740 |
1.337 |
5,6 |
1.019 |
21,5% |
1.019 |
21,5% |
Monaco |
133 |
129 |
49 |
Netherlands |
230.085 |
228.385 |
170.619 |
34.700 |
420 |
807,3 |
41.143 |
24,1% |
10.066 |
5,9% |
51.210 |
30,0% |
New Zealand |
76.831 |
54.713 |
26.984 |
11.729 |
757 |
218,5 |
953 |
3,5% |
1.959 |
7,3% |
2.912 |
10,8% |
Norway |
56.171 |
38.429 |
31.728 |
13.957 |
1121 |
2829,3 |
2.733 |
8,6% |
975 |
3,1% |
3.709 |
11,7% |
Poland |
400.260 |
356.712 |
318.963 |
31.382 |
1.378 |
0,4% |
346 |
0,1% |
1.723 |
0,5% |
Portugal |
79.304 |
74.612 |
52.449 |
18.650 |
1173 |
511,5 |
1.208 |
2,3% |
874 |
1,7% |
2.082 |
4,0% |
Romania |
Russian Federation |
Slovakia |
51.796 |
49.170 |
40.783 |
4.821 |
28 |
141,9 |
Slovenia |
Spain |
380.192 |
350.940 |
256.801 |
83.922 |
4822 |
3612,9 |
19.074 |
7,4% |
7.746 |
3,0% |
26.820 |
10,4% |
Sweden |
70.692 |
46.387 |
51.722 |
19.886 |
795 |
661,4 |
4.750 |
9,2% |
2.103 |
4,1% |
6.854 |
13,3% |
Switzerland |
53.455 |
49.229 |
41.104 |
15.316 |
255 |
70,8 |
4.520 |
11,0% |
4.520 |
11,0% |
Ukraine |
United Kingdom |
637.865 |
642.597 |
509.917 |
121.576 |
2822 |
2710 |
6.357 |
1,2% |
25.539 |
5,0% |
31.896 |
6,3% |
United States of America |
6.746.072 |
5.755.672 |
5.453.088 |
1.677.714 |
148345 |
65551,7 |
46.376 |
0,9% |
60.970 |
1,1% |
107.345 |
2,0% |
Total |
14.269.794 |
12.974.490 |
11.213.640 |
3.113.332 |
199228 |
110761,1 |
197.556 |
1,8% |
197.873 |
1,8% |
395.430 |
3,5% |
European Community |
4.037.153 |
3.836.170 |
3.089.405 |
824.974 |
125.727 |
4,1% |
97.963 |
3,2% |
223.690 |
7,2% |
a) excluding land-use change and forestry, b) including land-use
change and forestry, c) including domestic civil aviation and navigation.
Sources: FCCC/SBI/2001/13 and FCCC/SBI/2001/13corr.1 and FCCC/WEB/SAI/2001