1990 |
1991 |
1992 |
1993 |
1994 |
1995 |
1996 |
1997 |
1998 |
1999 |
Australia |
2554,99 |
4108,68 |
Austria |
69,48 |
80,12 |
83,78 |
82,23 |
83,64 |
91,98 |
100,86 |
103,6 |
124,44 |
110,33 |
Belgium |
Bulgaria |
35,49 |
Canada |
10384,68 |
9239,21 |
9426,4 |
9124,74 |
9772,35 |
10527,3 |
11558,3 |
12054 |
12582 |
13168,23 |
Czech Republic |
13,24 |
Denmark |
184,28 |
170,55 |
167,72 |
167,52 |
170,07 |
175,2 |
189,58 |
192,89 |
171,65 |
149,98 |
Estonia |
67,18 |
European |
Community |
Finland |
402,6 |
408,5 |
385,5 |
373,8 |
379,6 |
353 |
380,2 |
412,8 |
447 |
464,7 |
France |
4540,76 |
4618,1 |
4498,45 |
4368,44 |
4571,12 |
5305,05 |
5725,64 |
5777,9 |
6080 |
6067,55 |
Germany |
Greece |
1458,21 |
1461,37 |
1524,49 |
1600,25 |
1341,43 |
1215,18 |
1278,3 |
1227,7 |
1148,9 |
1679,15 |
Hungary |
Iceland |
31,6 |
Ireland |
NE |
Italy |
2239,8 |
2397,01 |
Japan |
6842,88 |
7375,64 |
7825,32 |
8270,1 |
8812,65 |
9296,53 |
9220,77 |
9643,6 |
10401 |
10308,3 |
Latvia |
87,79 |
89 |
Lithuania |
Luxembourg |
Netherlands |
492,2 |
300 |
320,73 |
577,94 |
419,51 |
New Zealand |
756,58 |
Norway |
681,94 |
1121,19 |
Poland |
Portugal |
799,36 |
839,83 |
893,39 |
857 |
837,08 |
965,07 |
1033,26 |
1065,4 |
1216,3 |
1172,96 |
Slovakia |
27,86 |
Spain |
4371,64 |
4391,69 |
4923,21 |
1740,36 |
2883,49 |
3308,24 |
3831,36 |
4064,2 |
4687,8 |
4822,22 |
Sweden |
818 |
793 |
758 |
770 |
780 |
814 |
755 |
745 |
784 |
795,44 |
Switzerland |
254,96 |
United Kingdom |
2158,43 |
2120,85 |
2220,55 |
2281,42 |
2326,38 |
2448,22 |
2550,48 |
2641,1 |
2764,1 |
2822,12 |
United States of America |
127534,4 |
117721 |
119723 |
121582 |
124338 |
129402 |
133225 |
138183 |
141591 |
148345,3 |
Source: UNFCCC 2002c, "Domestic and international aviation emission estimates
and other inventory data for the years 1990-1999", United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change, July 2002.