
This book has been written to enable foreigners to obtain an overview of the way environmental problems are tackled in Denmark.

As with other industrialized countries, Denmark has great ambitions in the environmental area. This book should provide a complete account of the control measures employed in the public sector combined with information about the results of these endeavours. Through it I hope to contribute to the international exchange of experience in the environmental area, something which I believe has been - and will continue to be - of decisive importance.

The Danish Environmental Protection Agency (Danish EPA) has financed the project and through its publications and members of staff has placed at my disposal much of the data on which this book is based. This is gratefully acknowledged.

The selection of material and evaluation of information is solely my responsibility, however. I have endeavoured to provide an independent and accurate examination of the topic based on the norms that apply within the social sciences.

The book was translated from Danish by David I Barry, who with great care has succeeded in reflecting my line of thought.

The figures were prepared by Lars Møller Nielsen, Danish EPA.

July 1995                             Mogens Moe